I know what you mean Rydia. Shana was almost stalker material. I think Dart pitys her or something cause no way would someone put up with that crap in real life. I agree with that characters whose soul life purpose is to follow their loved one around is frustrating. Hes not interested! GET OVER IT! Girl needs to be left behind somewhere.
haha yeah. Was it just me or did it feel like Shana was forced on to Dart by herself and the other characters? Everyone was like "You have to be sensitive to Shana's feelings!" Well what about Dart's feelings? What if he doesn't feel the same way towards Shana? Should Shana automatically get him because she's speschul? When Dart finally said that he loved Shana too it felt like he was only doing so because he had to or everyone else would have murdered him for rejecting her :/ I'd prefer that they had just had a sibling like relationship. In fact, I prefer Dart and Rose because it would have been different than what we are typically used to in video game relationships.
It's kind of a shame because she actually started out pretty cool. (Being able to handle that prison) but she quickly went down hill.
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