Nintendo The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

I just started playing this game tonight and I really like it. I haven't played a new Zelda game for awhile so this was a lot of fun. I've been playing Zelda 1 lately and it's interesting to see how far the series has evolved through the years.
wow... 45 minutes to ride from one end of hyrule to the other.... thats awesome!

Im a huge fan of the zelda series... its a shame that i have to make the tough choice between geting a PS3 or the Wii... if i had the money that is
This game is disappointing. Why? It's so easy. I have yet to even get close to dying. The puzzles are decent, but most are pretty obvious.

I won't knock it down completely, however. The combat is exciting and the the game feels very much like Zelda should. Again, I wish it was more difficult. The boss battles are creative, but they aren't challenging in any regard.

The motion-sensing controls work great, by the way.
I have alot of the Zelda games, and i love them all. TP is great, it relly meninds me of OoT! Shur its esier than teh other games, but that dosnt bother me to mutch. :p
but if its actually that it takes 45 minutes to ride from one end of hyrule to the other, then i would enjoy just exploring the place. OoT was nowhere near as big as that and i loved exploring and doing the little side quests...
Hey, i've beaten the game. It's amazing. For those who haven't beaten it yet, i won't spoil anything........much. Let's just say, you'll be surprised with the final battle and ending.
I'm in the temple, just after you sav one of the light source thingys... I haven't played on it for about a week.
I have just got this game, it is brilliant 10/10. Im sure if I get stuck I will be asking for help here.
I could beat the game in 5 minutes.... w/ Action Replay
No, I could seriosuly w/o Action Replay beat the game in almost 4 Hours!
I doubt you could in four hours, I've been playing for around 20 hours and not at the half way point yet (I think), I doubt you could do even the bit I'm onto in four hours.
i wish i had a wii or gamecube so i could play this game, i love zeldas. was it better than ocarina of time?
No, it was not better than Ocarina of Time--not in my opinion, anyway. Twilight Princess is a solid game, but it pales in comparison to past Zelda titles.

I despise the time you spend as a wolf in the game. It's neat at first, but it quickly becomes boring and repetitive. In addition, the game as a whole is WAY too easy. I could beat the final boss with my eyes closed...and the rest of the game is more or less the same.

It's a good game...but it didn't quite live up to my expectations.