The man in the slums

Is the man in the Pipe, Zack, or not?

  • Yes, I think it's Zack

    Votes: 16 20.3%
  • No, I do not think it's Zack

    Votes: 63 79.7%

  • Total voters
But the game never ealy says where his body went after he got shot.:P

Someone could have found his body and dragged it there. For aerith not reconizing him, Mako could have made him look different:mellow:
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the mako making him recognizable ill believe. but it nevers says a lot of things about a bunch of people dying. for dine could have survived the fall, hojo couldve survived the beating he was delivered. but we all assume they are dead and imo thats what happened to zack. bseides i believe that if that man in slums was zack the creators of the game would have dont mroe then just make him appear just once like that with no clue to his identity, cause we really are not given the slightest clue that that could be in fact zack. a character as impactful as him owuld have garnished more a feedback fomr the creaters in regards to the matter. but then again this is all my honest opinion on the matter.
Its not Zack. Not only do you see Zack die on the cliff, and his role in AC and 'Maiden Who Travels The Planet' clearly show he is dead he clearly can't be. Not to mention he just doesnt look the same.

But here is something that most have overlooked. Both Cloud and Zack were experiments of Hojo after the Nibelheim incident. Experiments tend to have a numberd tattoo. Cloud has no numbered tattoo and so Zack wouldnt have one. Guy in pipe does.

Quite silly really isn't it yes.
It's been a while since I've looked at that man, so it's for me it's hard to judge. However, I don't remember thinking it was Zak at the time. I'd rather it wasn't him. I've voted 'no'.
i think it would be one easter egg that would drive people nuts, i mean something that impactful and yet apparently since we are debating it we have no real facts to prove that it is him. fun mayhaps, mindwretching definately.
no,i don't believe that he's Zack.
Zack died a long time ago by the Shinra soldiers,he was shoot in fact,many times.
so i don't think that he could have survived by that.

that means that are only rumors.
nothing is going to persuade me. They never explain what cloud did with him, or whatever happened to him. Until you have solid facts, you might as well forget persuadeing me. Not your stuck-up nosed assumtions ether:cool:
there are no cold hard facts that there isnt there are no cold hard facts that it is. why you choose one place of standing over the other, why choosn the more unbelievable over the more believable. and why not debate everything that does not have a cold hard fact. you can choose to debate a many a thing about everything why this in particular over the many other things?
But he is gone when you go back later, apparently "muttering something about a reunion" when he left. So to the person saying he was just a normal drunk NPC is incorrect, as he is obviously one of the clone things. But he's not wearing a black cloak, so he's obviously not just another one of them. I've never considered that he might be Zack, but if you read up on your Aeris Resurrection rumours, then you'll find he features prominently in them, usually as someone you have to give something to in return for him bringing her back to life... needless to say, it's untrue, but it does make you wonder who he really is...
i would seriously think by now that se would have announced wether or not an easter egg of that calibur would be true. since no word fomr the official people is stated after how many years now, i will reiterate that it is untrue that the simple npc chaarcter was zack.
I insist that it is zack. Lets face it, nether of us can prove it, so lets shut up.

Let's not. Otherwise, forums would be pretty dull.

"I can't prove that Kuja is better than Sephiroth, so let's both shut up"
"I can't prove that VII is worse than IX, so there's no need to discuss".

Infact, do the opposite and argue to your heart's content.