The man in the slums

Is the man in the Pipe, Zack, or not?

  • Yes, I think it's Zack

    Votes: 16 20.3%
  • No, I do not think it's Zack

    Votes: 63 79.7%

  • Total voters
okay.....the man in the pipe is a failed Sephiroth CLone created by that was so bad that he was rejected by Hojo.... This is proven by the number tattoo.....The aeris ressurection thing doesn't work...the only way to keep aeris is to use a game shark....>.<
Obviously the man in the slums is not Zack. Watch Advent Children. He's shown dead in that movie. Also Cloud buried his body where the Buster Sword now resides. Now if a man that has been brutally shot and killed and buried 6 feet under can dig himself up from his own grave, I'll be amazed. Point blank, the man is slums is not Zack.
I'll clear this up real quick first does anyone remember what number was given to Zack. Hojo gave everyone of test subjects a number that was tatooed(sp?) on there arm. If the numbers match then that guy in the pipe is Zack. If they don't then the guy in the pipe is just some poor soul who'll eventually die. And that'll also mean that Zach died exacutioner style.
I don't think the man in the slums is Zack. First of all, he is dead. Second, I would expect that Cloud would either recognize him or have one of his visions if he were Zack.
I think that the man is one of the people (are they people? I never figured that out) who are involved in the reunion.
No, I don't think it's Zack. A) It looks nothing like him. B) Zack was shot TO DEATH. The amount of times he was shot in the chest I doubt he would have survived. C) Isn't Zack the one 'talking' to Cloud near the start of the game.

That guy was just Sephiroth Clone Number 2. Random guy. Some people just want to believe that Zack is alive. And although there is nothing wrong with that, I think it's best just to accept that he's dead. X3
I don't think it Zack, because one time when I talked to the guy in the pipe I saw a number on his hand. Not me personally but you know what I mean.
I personally agree with Aerith. But we did not ever see Zack's hand. ever. So we don't know. Plus with Hojo you never know, hell Hojo could've taken his body and fixed it up with all kinds of things.
emerald fire said:
A) It looks nothing like him.
He had spikey hair. You couldn't really tell if it was him or not. Plus you don't ever get to see his eyes.
emerald fire said:
B) Zack was shot TO DEATH. The amount of times he was shot in the chest I doubt he would have survived.
Previously stated in my post above.
That guy was just Sephiroth Clone Number 2.
That just proves that it could be him even more. Hojo is a creep, a lowlife, and an extremely caught up in his research kind of guy. He could care less about mutilating an injured corpse, or even someone that is dead. I mean hell, he did it to Cloud, why not do it to Zack? He could've made another clone. But it does seem that it would be ridiculous that Zack would be the 2nd clone of Seph.
Lady Aerith said:
Also Cloud buried his body where the Buster Sword now resides.
Where did you hear that?
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Where do you people hear this stuff? If that's true, then I'll make my vote.
I never heard that Zack was buried there. I just thought Cloud put the sword there cause that was where Zack died.

When you think about it like that... who would bury Zack? Cloud was in no state of mind... and congratulations if he managed it in the condition he was then.
Wheeeeeereee? *starts crying in his kilt-skirt thingy* I neeeeed to knoooowwww. *continues crying in the kilt-skirt thingy*
I just started replaying FF7 on PC, last night and when I had Aerith with me, I went to the tunnel and the guy has a number 2 on his hand. Aerith pointed it out... Plus I got a look at his face. It's Not Zack... Surely he would of recognized Aerith and vice verser.
Cloud WATCHED Zack get shot to death by ShinRa soldiers.
Do you really think that Cloud would have left Zack there if he were still alive??
Cloud may have been totally out of it when Zack was shot to death but i would think that when became more aware of things that he would bury Zack for many reason, least of all respect. I mean they were pretty close.
Cloud WATCHED Zack get shot to death by ShinRa soldiers.
Do you really think that Cloud would have left Zack there if he were still alive??
Actually, I'm pretty sure he was still out of it, and couldn't tell sheep crap from apple butter. Also, stated below v
Cloud said:
Hojo is a creep, a lowlife, and an extremely caught up in his research kind of guy. He could care less about mutilating an injured corpse, or even someone that is dead.
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Truth be told.
So you're saying that while Cloud was in la la land, Hojo snuck up and took Zack? lol.

Omg hojo you creep. >_<