The man in the slums

Is the man in the Pipe, Zack, or not?

  • Yes, I think it's Zack

    Votes: 16 20.3%
  • No, I do not think it's Zack

    Votes: 63 79.7%

  • Total voters
Be glad to, thanks Riku:P

He got shot to death, might have been ezposed to much mako and no one is trying to help him get better or anything, and eveybody knows where that goes to. The chances are real great that he is in fact ZACK. What can you say if they actualy didnt say who it was. Im just pecing together the info I have, but I dont know what your trying to prove, Tiedye.
I insist that it is zack. Lets face it, nether of us can prove it, so lets shut up.

Actually, it most certainly can be proven:

- The Guy in the Pipe & Zack both have different eye colours.

- The Guy in the Pipe was catatonic because of the Mako & Jenova cells he had been exposed to as part of the Reunion experiment. As a member of SOLDIER, Zack had already shown his will was strong enough to handle Mako & J-cells in the body.

- Zack was dead before FFVII even began.
It never said he did. It never even sais that he died anywhere in the game, if you can find somewhere in the game that actualy says hes dead, and you not assume that he did, lay it on me fat head.:lol:
It never said he did. It never even sais that he died anywhere in the game, if you can find somewhere in the game that actualy says hes dead, and you not assume that he did, lay it on me fat head.:lol:

The FFVII Ultimania Omega does:

***Zack*** (Page 59)
Places of appearance: Nibelheim (Cloud's flashback)

One who made for a positive-minded cheerful comrade in SOLDIER. Coming from the remote region of Gongaga, he went to Midgar about 10 years ago. He was recognized as having the capabilities of a 1st Class SOLDIER, but when he was dispatched to the Mt. Nibel mako reactor, destiny would take a sudden turn. While trying to stop Sephiroth's reckless activities, he was seriously injured, and afterward became an experimental subject for Hojo; then, after escaping, he was killed. At the beginning of the story, Cloud plays Zack's role in his memories.
It is obviously not Zack, but I can see why people are so hooked on the idea that it might be. It's like the "Aeris' Ressurection" rumour, its all about giving people a idea and leaving them to unravel it. It can do your head in because it normally focus' on what people WANT. Like most people wanted Aeris to come back or Zack to be a playable character. Plus the whole debate about "there's a space in the character PMS so Zack or Aeris must come back" thing.

All I can say is at least FF7AC wrapped that one up, otherwise it could have gone on forever!
Plus the whole debate about "there's a space in the character PMS so Zack or Aeris must come back" thing.
What the hell does that mean?

All I can say is at least FF7AC wrapped that one up, otherwise it could have gone on forever!
Ah! How do you know the Zack and Aerith in AC aren't alive (well Zack anyways)?!
- The Guy in the Pipe was catatonic because of the Mako & Jenova cells he had been exposed to as part of the Reunion experiment. As a member of SOLDIER, Zack had already shown his will was strong enough to handle Mako & J-cells in the body.

Cloud was the same as Zack, but Cloud ended up a gargling mess in Mideel.
Jubei, you smart allec. I want a quote frome the game, not a stupid guide or whatnot. The actual game, not crudd sources.

It is obviously not Zack, but I can see why people are so hooked on the idea that it might be. It's like the "Aeris' Ressurection" rumour, its all about giving people a idea and leaving them to unravel it. It can do your head in because it normally focus' on what people WANT. Like most people wanted Aeris to come back or Zack to be a playable character. Plus the whole debate about "there's a space in the character PMS so Zack or Aeris must come back" thing.

All I can say is at least FF7AC wrapped that one up, otherwise it could have gone on forever!

I hate Zacks guts, he can shove it, so get over it.
Jubei, you smart allec. I want a quote frome the game, not a stupid guide or whatnot. The actual game, not crudd sources.


...yeah, because an official material released by SQUARE ENIX is no proof whatsoever.

I'm tired trying to convince someone who seems to be arguing purely for the sake of it.

We all know that the Guy in the Pipe is NOT Zack.. I have supplied you with enough evidence.
Dukefrukem- What evidence says it isnt?
Jubei-I want some proof from the F'IN game! Not SE! You are so full of crap I bet if I saw you you'd be covered in crap. SE is losing its luster because of the never ending sequals they spin out of their fat **** nose hairs. The more they rehash it, the worse it gets. Even if it is old, its full of crap. Until you have a real explanation of where they directly say it in the game, shut the heck up. Your a
RETARD! You seem to be so stupid, you dont understand what I want. Let me put it simplier "Give a dang quote from the game of F your way out my face, Period". Undersatnd now dufus? Cause if you dont, Ill put it even more simplier for you.

Oh, I might have to say clearer of what I mean about "old'. Here it is "I dont care if its from the game guide, or if its from any original sources when the game came out.

About the arguments, I will not sit down on the job of defending my postion, even if you dont like it, dufus.:P
Hahaha! Oh Buster Sword, you really are a moron aren't you? I'm not going to play your game. You sit there and argue that there's no proof it isn't Zack. Ignore material released by the frickin' makers of the game, why don't you.

The game itself doesn't have to inform you of everything. Sometimes you have to use your own common sense to figure things out. Ooh look, Zack's just been shot to pieces, but nah I'll just assume he is the man in the slums without any evidence whatsoever to back it up, other than 'WELL WHERE'S THE GREAT BIG SIGN THAT SAYS ZACK IS DEADS!?!??'

I also love the way you conveniently ignore the other points I raise. Such as the different eye colours, and the way Zack would never react to Mako infusion like that - since SOLDIERs go through that process anyway.

And what about the fact that Aerith would recognize her own ex-boyfriend? Ooh wait... now you're going to say Zack had plastic surgery now, aren't you? Or the hat the Guy in the Slums was wearing made him indistinguishable? Something laughable like that, no doubt.

Seriously, you sound like a little ten year old, with your pathetic insults and obstinance.

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Buster Sword, you will be warned for your offensive language and flaming. I'm in two minds to give you another one for double posting, too. We'll see.

As for the argument, Jubei has provided a solid case. As he says, not everything will be given to you on a silver tray, you need to interperet things yourself. He can't quote things from the game, as it was not said. You just have to put your knowledge to it and ask "why can it be him?" and "why can it not be him?".

The Ultimania Omega Guide was published by Square Enix, the creaters of the game. It was published in order to clear facts not already clear in any of their productions. Therefore, the evidence given from this source is 100% reliable, unbiased and 100% relevant and useful.
To Jubie

1.Okay ah play it that way
2.I call you names because im sick of people who like to assume things and dont want to investigate.
3.Aerith is a .Dumb and stupid too.

Call me a 10 year old, thats what you are to for saying that. It dont matter to me.

To riku
Im sorry about that, but you know, I hate it when people call me stupid. I get enough of it at school.
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To Jubie

1.Okay ah play it that way
2.I call you names because im sick of people who like to assume things and dont want to investigate.
3.Aerith is a .Dumb and stupid too.
I'm tiring of this already. He CAN'T investigate further, he already has and has presented legitamate reasons against the argument of the man in the pipe. The problems seems to lie with your response and perception of his actions.

Also, flaming a character such as Aerith is what sparks arguments. There's also the point that has NOTHING to do with the argument at hand and is therefore Spam.

To riku
Im sorry about that, but you know, I hate it when people call me stupid. I get enough of it at school.
We all have our problems, the forums are not the place to vent this. I'd also like to defend Jubei: he did not call, nor imply, that you were stupid or incomprehensive in any way.
Cloud wasn't exactly himself when he was comotose. Let's say there WAS a slim chance that Zacky-boy survived the Shinra's attack and there was a slim chance that he made it to the tunnel and there was a slim chance he survived the Mako poisoning until the time they met, it is slightly possible that it WAS him, but I don't really believe it logically. But the Shinra reports said that "Specimen A was shot down for resisting", not whether he was killed or not, but as people say..."Shinra's source is not exactly the most reliable."

I believe he was the GENERAL that was originally intended to be involved in reviving Aeris, but Square didn't have enough time, so they kept him as a bum.

This is my opinion and if people don't like it, then whever.
I don't believe that the man is Zack. It shows him being stop like a million times, now don't get me wrong i've read the other posts and their is some good evidence that it is Zack but I just don't even a SOLDIER could survive an onslaught like that. I