The Most Annoying Thing About This Game For Me Is:


Fortune Favours The Bold? Yeah Right, Lucky Me
Jul 26, 2008
The Hideout - Lindblum Theatre District
The save files.

i have two accounts one level 86 on disc 3 and one level 34 on disc 2. i saved my game for teh disc 2 and went onto my disc 3 to make some alterations to the the junctions as they were terrible, went to save my game and thinking it would automatically save over slot 1, but it didnt for some reason this game MEMORISES the slot you last saved on in this case slot 2, so yes i overwrote my disc 2 save which was a pretty impressive save tobegin woth.

i wasnt best pleased.

can anyone beat that?
I thought all the FF games did that, you should check before you save over a file.....although I have done it once before myself, accidentally save4d over my FFX save file - I was right near the end aswel...never done it with VIII though.
the most annoying thing for me was the battles. This was the worst part about it, every step you took, you would fall into a battle. I got really, really pissed when this kept on happening. God! it gets on my nerves even talking about it!
the most annoying thing for me was the battles. This was the worst part about it, every step you took, you would fall into a battle. I got really, really pissed when this kept on happening. God! it gets on my nerves even talking about it!

It's like that on the way to get Bahamut, ever step it's a bloody battle with an anaconda! Took forever to get there!

Re: the saved file. i've done something similar for VIII and shouted in rage at my own stupidity, but it turned out it was ok since that save was one i made before doing something in case i missed anything and had to return, but i hadn't :busta:

(think i've told this before but anyway) My Friend was playing VIII back in the day and his mum was wanting to hoover his room (he was like 12 so give him a break!) and he was trying to find a save point, his mum was sick of waiting so pulled the plug on his playstation mid save.

Error: File Corrupt.

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It's like that on the way to get Bahamut, ever step it's a bloody battle with an anaconda! Took forever to get there!

Re: the saved file. i've done something similar for VIII and shouted in rage at my own stupidity, but it turned out it was ok since that save was one i made before doing something in case i missed anything and had to return, but i hadn't :busta:

(think i've told this before but anyway) My Friend was playing VIII back in the day and his mum was wanting to hoover his room (he was like 12 so give him a break!) and he was trying to find a save point, his mum was sick of waiting so pulled the plug on his playstation mid save.

Error: File Corrupt.


I'm pretty sure that the Bahamut path is rigged. You have to walk when the light isn't flashing...or is flashing...can't remember. But the point is that it is set to always trigger an encounter if you do it wrong. Correctly if I am has been years since I last played
yeah you're right, the only time you dont cause a battle scene is when the blue light isnt flashing, if you step when the blue light flashes you instantly start a battle, and a lot of those battles are ed dragons >.<

i found the most annoying thing in FFVIII was the bosses and monsters lvling up with you. pissed me off!
I found that to be a good idea with same level monsters, it added to the challenge. The only thing that bugged me and I got over it eventually lol, was the fact I levelled up my GFs and found the square button feature by accident. It mega peeved me off lol.
I've made the "accidental save-over" mistake on plenty of games. On my most recent playthrough of Eight, I actually made this mistake...but it wasn't my best file so it was okay. :wacky:

I'd say the most annoying thing was the lack of development with some characters. My only real problem with Eight has always been their focus on Squall/Rinoa and their complete IGNORANCE of the other characters. I wish Irvine or Zell were developed more...but that's just me. -_-
The most annoying part for me was the end of disk one and the start of disk 2. Being in that fucking prison is the most boring fucking bit ever. You go up the stairs then down the stairs then up the stairs then down again -__- Then you swap parties and do it all over again....I was thinking bout replaying VIII again but now ive been put off.
I think the most annoying part of this was trying to get magic, you would have to sit and stock up FOREVER, and getting Ultima, i really didn't enjoy that you had to buy it.
I think the most annoying part of this was trying to get magic, you would have to sit and stock up FOREVER, and getting Ultima, i really didn't enjoy that you had to buy it.


I was going to put this it takes forever to stock magic from monsters. I really hated getting Sacred and minotaur as well it took forever to get them from the cave I didnt buy the Map the first time i did it
yeah, the start of CD2 till the part where u get freedom with ur Garden is the most annoying thing for me
Oh and i think the VERY most annoying thing about it is trying to find the white SeeD ship, i went the direction they told me to go, and i finally found it after like 2 hours.
I think the most annoying thing for me was being stuck in Fisherman's Horizon. It was incredibly long and incredibly boring. Actually, the entire disk 2 was kind of slow moving and it took me forever to finally get through it.
Lol or, on disc 4, when you get to Ultimecia's castle, and you accidentally pick the wrong option when you beat a boss.
This may sound silly, but the most annoying thing in my opinion is the menu colour. GREY!!! Who the hell thought up of that? Even Final Fantasy VII had a nice shade of blue. Grr...

Another annoying thing is the whole episode in space. First: I try to win the Alexander and Laguna cards from the Dr and Ellone, but all card rules apply in this stupid area and so I end up giving up after two billion attempts. Next, as if the game were purposely trying to piss me off, an hour long cut scene shows up concerning Rinoa floating around in space like a dazed retard THEN I have to save her with Squall. This part pisses me off so much. What the hell am I meant to do? After another hour or two of trying another lengthy cut scene plays. I must resist the urge to eat my eyes out after this...
The space episode probably is the weakest point of the game, but the cut-scene in the Ragnarok flight deck makes it all worthwhile.
I agree that drawing magic is the worst part of the game. I've spent hours drawing magic before, since it really is necessary until you have the refine abilities.

I also agree that the space part is the weakest part of the game. It was when the story went downhill for me, personally.
Oh noes, lol the first time i had to rescue rinoa w/ squall, i went right instead of left and i was like WTF when i said GAME OVER!