The Purpose of Rikku?


Jan 6, 2008
I'm playing FFX the second time through, and, unlike the last time, I'm balancing my characters up nicely. I have learned to appreciate the usefulness of Tidus and especially Kimahri. However, like before, I am still having difficulty with one character. So my question is, what purpose does Rikku serve during battle except for steal and mug?

For example, Auron is the battle tank who can pierce armored enemies and has a nice collection of Armor/Mental/Power/Magic Breaks. Yuna is the healer, protector, resurrector and a summoner who has saved my party in a number of tight spots. Tidus is a nimble sword fighter who deals heavy damage against lightly armored opponents and can hit nimble opponents, and let's not forget the use of hastega, slowga and cheer. Wakka uses a surprisingly powerful blitzball attack that works against most opponents, close and far range, and he can take down aerial targets with ease and unleash useful dark/silence/blind attacks. Lulu is the black mage (nuff said). Kimahri has Lancet and can be moved into Lulus, Aurons or Tidus's place of the sphere grid early on, making him a versatile character. But what is Rikku's purpose? She hits harder physically than Yuna and Lulu, but compared to Kimahri, Auron, Wakka and Tidus, she is a weakling. She possesses no useful Black Magic. The last game I made her useful by using Black Magic Spheres/White Magic Spheres, equipping her with Flare and Holy, but she dealt far less damage than Yuna or Lulu in the final battles. And the only reason I used her was because of a 1 MP Cost upgrade to her weapon.

Am I missing some great upgrade or potential she serves? I would like to have all my characters fully utilized in my second game, and maximize their strengths against the upcoming bosses.

The only reason the game added her is because she is a thief. Yes, a pretty lame one at that too, so they decided to give her an even lamer overdrive, the mixing abililty, but you are right, she serves no purpose what so ever
yea lord kaos pretty much said it. her only other purpose imo waz 2 be an annoying pain in the butt
Ha ha ha, nobody likes Rikku ay?

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I think she was also fast. Her overdrive was nice if you knew what to mix together.

I thought she needed a different though. She's too small and skinny to be using claws. Since she was Al Bhed she should have had a gun. And it would have been to see Wakka's reaction to that since guns were forbidden.
Her overdrive could be very useful if you knew what to mix, and I actually liked using her as a thief. I love the ability to steal/mug.

Yes she did get annoying for me, but any character can be useful as long as you know how to use them
I dunno..If you used her the way you used Kimahri, she'll become pretty useful..U can't say about something that ain't useful without tryin it and the same goes here.
Yeah, Rikku's useful only if you know good mixes. She can put up good defenses, heal, and damage. Though during my first playthrough, I rarely used her. I used to think she was pretty useless.
Thanks for the feedback on both sides of the aisle. Lulucent, I'll go over the mixes and see how they fair against Seymour take 3 (Mt. Gagazet area).

My observations aside, it sounds like her section of the grid isn't overtly useful, at least as compared to the other characters. As I'm dong with Kimahri, I'll move her off to another character's grid and play with her more in combat. My second time through I would like every character to be useful in most battles. Instead of entering a battle, and exasperating, "OH NO! I left her in formation! I gotta move her out fast!"
I'm playing FFX the second time through, and, unlike the last time, I'm balancing my characters up nicely. I have learned to appreciate the usefulness of Tidus and especially Kimahri. However, like before, I am still having difficulty with one character. So my question is, what purpose does Rikku serve during battle except for steal and mug?

Am I missing some great upgrade or potential she serves? I would like to have all my characters fully utilized in my second game, and maximize their strengths against the upcoming bosses.


You can say that about ANY of the characters in the game as they all start off with very little set abilities, and a lot of opportunity. It all depends where you want them to go, and what purpose to fulfill.

Her overdrive was actually handy IF you know what to mix. It's just finding the better combinations and remembering. Pen & Paper admiitedly come in handy. Personally, I liked Rikku. True, she doesn't have much use in the game but if you give her one she's handy. She also gets a lot of speed spheres in her area so she's handy that way. Also, giving her Hastega adds to her usefulness.
Her Mixes are quite useful if you use them right and attain the right items as stated previously.

But, she can also kill Machina very easily with her Steal/Mug ability. She was actually pretty fast as well and her "Use" ability came in handy if you had a good item or two.
Her Mix overdrive really helped me when I was fighting Jecht in 2nd round. Just mix two dark Matters and she dealt a heavy damage (more than 9999 damage).
I only used her for one thing and that was this really nice 20,000 mix attack called "Sunburst" or "Supernova" or something to that effect. This was especilly useful earlier on before the other characters had got to 9999+ attacks.
When you used haste on Rikku she could attack like 4 times straight so it kind of balanced out with the slower but harder hitters and you could heal if neccessary as well. I liked Rikku for her speed and used her in my main party (Tidus, Auron and I swapped Yuna and Rikku regularly.
Rikku in battle for me is great. She can mix everything and make a 3x9999 damage and also she can destroy robots just by touching them.
Sponge said:
So my question is, what purpose does Rikku serve during battle except for steal and mug?
That is a pretty big part in battle to get rare items that you may need (such as a lvl 4 key sphere) Without her you wouldnt be able to get those rare items. I used her as a healer too because she could mix potions together and heal my characters, or deal huge damage to the enemy with her limit break Mix. So in the end, Rikku is actually a big part of your party.