The RPG Status

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The rest of the RPG staff being you and...two others. Well, you know what they say, three is a crowd. :lol:

I hope the other RPG staff members take into serious consideration, it would work out great and definitely be a big draw to the RPG.
That would make the game epic having to fight those boses.

And of chorse evil but awsome at the same time.:cool:
Right, that's something to look forward to. ^_^ Can't wait for those outrageous challenges, what level will they be? I guess they could only be fought once?
Man I'm getting sick of waiting for the next section of the rpg.

The next section better be large for it to be taking this long to get finished.
the only reason the next section is taking so long to be finished is to make sure that the fights are even for all three classes getting all of the stats right so that it isn't to easy for one class
I can hardly wait to see what those monsters are like, what the new areas will be like, and just to be able to level up better again, and get even better components, all stuff to make the players better. ^_^

I'll just keep waiting until it is done, whining about it isn't going to make them available any sooner, so just be patient, the computer isn't the only thing to pass the time away too, you know.

Though I don't discourage spending a good amount of time at FFF, there are lots of things in life to keep one entertained for a while, the best thing coming to my mind being video games. XD
Yes, and the more someone complains, the more likely we "RPG Mods" might tend to delay the production. Seriously, we are trying to make the next section as balanced as possible. I believe we could create some standard monsters and care less for the luck of either class, but since we want to make sure that a player of any class can get through these areas, we are conducting several tests.

Have patience :wink:
Huh guess I didn't think about making the monsters even with each of the different classes, I guess that can take a while.

Might I suggest that the monster you can encouter in the new areas depends on what class you are or there stats depend on yours. EG, the speed of the enemies in the assassins tunnel.

Just a thought from a guy who has made a couple of small text based games.
Considering there is no real class feature in this version of RPG inferno and we are making thing into classes ourselves with the limited resources we have, ermm, no, that won't work. The next area will be a pain for all classes just to be fair. If we set some stats based on yours, then another class could take advantage of that =\
I guess that would be fair to make it challanging to all classes.

It would also make it more enjoyable in my oponion and will mean we will have to actually try to kill foes rather than fire off the same attack pattern over and over.
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