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Sorry about that before, Julius, it was just frustrating to be losing so quickly, even though my stats weren't that bad... >.>

I'm having no problem with them now, I should probably try proceed to M2 soon, and get frustrated by getting walloped there. :P I hadn't ought to complain about the monsters I suppose, Massacre was just so powerful then though, but I've got some MAG DEF and HP now, so I can endure it. ^_^

Glad to hear the fourth areas have been added, and that there is a boss in them, that should be somewhat challenging...
i was just curious as to when we are going to be able top get pets, not sure if this is the right place to be asking about it but when are we going to be gaining access to pets?
Pets will be able to be acquired in latter parts of the game, as you can see, right now, you don't need them. They will be needed later on when your levels start getting pretty high.

They will be added eventually, just players don't need them at the moment :P
We can, however, exceed level 40 already, that's pretty close to level 50, I would have to think it may be that pets may be available sooner rather than later, but I could be wrong in assuming this. :P
Yeah, it's annoying to get the last 4 level ups possible right now (Level 38, 39, 40 and 41), but you can, with patience, level up to level 41, takes a while though.
Just wondering, could you give us a guesstimate on what level we should be around when the opportunity to gain pets arises?
Not sure really, You don't need pets yes now do ya :P

They'll be introduced when the monsters get very difficult to beat. Also, it will be alot of work to get them, not just " here is 100,000 gil, gimme a pet" -__-
I'm curious about the pet situation for classes. For example - I'm a Warrior, and as such have no access to other class' spells. We all know that pets can't hold weapons, so their physical prowess [or lack thereof] drove most players to turn them into strong mages.

How are the Warriors and Assassins going to reap the benefits of pets, if there will be any benefits at all? It'd be odd to give a Warrior's pet a series of spells, but they're rubbish without spells...
Well, I'm a mage who's mastered all spells available to a Mage (7 spells, Flare included, which the max level of is 10, if you're wondering), so it'd be good for me to have a pet, so I look forward to getting one, and the challenge of obtaining one, it should be good. ^_^
Perhaps the pets will be class coordinated? In this instance maybe you could choose the class you want your pet to become; rather like the path decision we chose before the tunnels. Then once you choose your path, and complete it, you acquire your class specific pet. That's just an idea to balance the pets; which can potentially produce even more complaints about unbalanced battlers. :dry:
Right...but I'd risk it, I think that sounds like a good idea, and it could work out well, and that'd be neat to have specific pets for each class. ^_^

I wonder what kind of pets would be Mage specific...
But what about for warriors? Unless there is a way to get a pet with a ready-made weapon when you buy them or something?
Idk, make it's STR higher, or give it a spell that could raise it's STR to an appropriate level so it can deal significant damage without using a weapon?

And it could be that you don't get them by buying them, since Tiel said it will be alot of work to get them, not just " here is 100,000 gil, gimme a pet"
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But with the warrior class you have to be naturally strong though, unless strength is boosted as well as a high-power stance to go with it to further augment it?
Perhaps they could obtain attack types suited for warriors only?
Or maybe their stats are pre-based, suited especially for your class?
Ok then I am really hating my computer now(Stuffed out for the fiftith time) but enough of that I need to be on topic.

The pets would be troublsome if you are a warrior or an assassin and they make the pets only able to learn the attacks you can but I think it is far more likely that they will make the pets not have calsses. Think about it giving the pets classes would mean more programing and more delays were they could make pets learn certain things like a paladin. They can't learn the big things each class can but they can get a large variety of the smaller spells and abilities so it would even out.

Just a thought.
But they wouldn't need to do much; if you're a Warrior, then your pet can learn the Warrior specific attacks/spells that you've obtained throughout the game. It pretty much automated. For instance, once a Mage acquires a pet, only a Mage's pet will be able to learn Flare for example. Also, if there are attacks and spells that can be bought from any class, surely only Warriors or Assassins would be able to use the attack types? Their Combat skill ought to be higher than Mage's. whereas a Mage's Arcane skill should be higher than a Warriors. The only thing that needs to to be done is the initial stats, and whether or not its Pet only.
Of course, they probably already have their thing in mind, but this is just idea that could potentially work.
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