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I know of no way to get to Tunnel of War (W4) (didn't even know one existed until just now), I've only ever been able to get to the (W3), once there, there is no where further to travel, and no NPCs, so as far as I'm concerned, a Tunnel of War (W4) is inaccessible, don't think I'd ever survive what monsters may be there anyways... >.>
Thats because thats the unopened area, tunnel 3 is where it stalls for the moment. the next areas are a decent piece, so we need to make sure everything is in working order.
I understand that, I just don't want anyone to think that I was the person trespassing, I've made enough mistakes, I have not, and will not do anything like that, so don't worry about me. :wink:

And no hurry with the areas, I've got plenty to do for now anyway. :P
Dudes, chill out, the problem was solved last night because two members reported the issue to me. So I hope everyone understands the RPG Golden Rule: "If I see an area that I am not supposed to see, got an item that I am not supposed to have, and/or notice that an NPC could be abused to get easy levels. The right thing to do is REPORT it. If not, I am in risk of being sent to the land of the dead courtesy of the Axe of Reset."

The two members I mentioned did follow that rule perfectly :)
Why is Thundara so pathetic? It doesn't reduce any of the enemies stats, and it's weaker than Fira.

Oh and btw, I like your Gabranth Avatar and Signature, Julius. :monster:
Oh, I'll check Thundara then and see how I can make it better. Oh and thanks Gabranth :)

I see you are a Liquid's fan. Well I am kinda a fan of Solidus Snake, and I think I'll make myself a Solidus Avatar/Signature set :neomon:

But back on topic...odd....I thought that Thundara did reduce some kind of stats...let me check again >__>
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As far as I'm concerned, doesn't matter at all what Blizzara, Fira, and Thundara are like, since I'm a Warrior, and can't use them. :P

But yeah, if both Blizzara and Fira reduce stats, Thundara certainly should too, then.
You should do when I bust your balls with UBER spells. :monster:

And I've seen another error btw. Energy Focus can target allies and enemies alike, however, when I target an enemy, it increases my own stats, but the enemy has the infliction icon underneath it's picture. Surely it shouldn't do that?
Yeah, I've actually noticed that too, guess I should've mentioned it sooner.

But if you target something other than yourself, it will be less effective the higher the foe's MAG DEF is, thus being less beneficial to the user. Shouldn't even be possible to do anyways... >_>
It is set to cast on self or teammates, I just explained this to gabby, but here we go. If you choose to cast it on a enemy from the selection box, it will allow you to, but when it's loading the spell, it see's that it is not allowed to be cast on opponents, so it redirects the effects to yourself, while the enemy remains with the status icon. Pretty much ;)
There are some mana stone combos added.

Also bugs or possible exploits need to be posted in the "RPG Bugs and Errors" thread.

link: RPG Bugs and Errors

Remember that if you abuse exploits and are caught, your character will be reset. Also you could possibly get banned from the RPG.
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If I see anything, I'll be sure to report it, I've made a mistake with that before, and I won't do it again, I will do what I can to keep othersfrom making such mistakes too, taking advantage of NPCs and such...

As for right now, I don't believe anyone can abuse that Knight Statue now, so that's good, one less thing for people to cause trouble with, good work on that guys. ^_^
Oh god damn it I was off for a few days since my computers stuffing up and the next area opens without me, damn it.
I know most of you are already aware of the changes we have done to Phazon Orbs and Mana Orbs. The first change was the renaming of the Phazon component to Osminium and the Osminium Orbs as well as the Mana Orbs were temporally removed. These items however, shall be added further on in the game.

Also some of you may have already noticed the recent addition to the Component Combination Library. Well the items necessary to make those components will also be available later on.

Finally, we have readjusted a few settings of the initial mage spells in order to balance the game since we realized they were a bit overpowered. The mages should not feel discouraged though, since they will get better (but balanced) spells later.

That is all.

-RPG Directors-
Could you adjust the stats of the enemies in M3 Tunnel, to suit the new spell adjustments too?
I'm finding it impossible to beat 3 or more enemies at one time in that area. Perhaps lower HP and less MDEF?
I find it quite understandable, since these monsters were created for the original spells.
Also, I would like to hear a suggestion from a full mage (like Gabranth :wacky:). What would be good for mages? Staffs or Light Weight Armour?

All suggestions will be considered.
Phew, that's nice, in a way, this gives Warrior's a break. :P It may not make Warrior's better, but it balances their worst nightmare, and makes it fair.

Hopefully there will be some spell(s) exclusive to Warriors sometime soon (assuming there will be spells only Warrior's can use).
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