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I think for balancing sake the warrior will remain with single wield weapons (that actually offer stat benefits)

Since normally the warrior will boast tremendous strength but lack speed while assassins have high speed but lack power and mages have high magic but lack defense.

Or something similar to that, so unless you are willing to sacrifice stat benefits I expect dual wield weapons are out of the question if you're a warrior.. :monster:
Ahem, to clear things up, EVERYONE can dual wield. Depending on the weapon class that you choose to craft. Only weapons in the small category can be dual wielded ( shortsword, claws, small knife to be exact) Thing is, the weapons and components that will be available will benefit specific classes.

Like, for warriors, components could give a massive boost to a single handed weapon, but if used on a dual-wieldable weapon, it's attack will be meager because most of it's strength will come from the class bonus instead of it's initial stats. That way we can make class specific components that will benefit those in that class. Other will still be able to use it, but it just won't make any sense when they will have a class specific component of their own that will give them a edge as well.

blegh :gasp:

Hope that cleared that up, and yes, it does raise new questions, but just wait ya impatient monkeys -__-
Hey there I was just wanting to raise a issue about the classes. There are people like me for example which are more of a mixture of two rather than one and don't fit into there own class. I have 40 evasion but I also have 40 strength so and the rest of my stats are pretty even so where do I fit in.
Well, if your stats are pretty much the same, and there's no class ideal for your stats, just choose which one you think has the best abilities, I'd recommend Warrior.

Their attacks are powerful, the biggest drawback is that there are some spells they can't use, but they can use some really good ones, though, they can use Energy Focus, which is currently my best spell.
Everyone will end up choosing a path, BUT, it's not like it will damn you to spend your stat points on certain stats. You can still use them wherever you want, it's just that spending them in the places stated by the class type will benefit you more. You can still brute force your way through the assassins area as a example, but it won't be a easy as having a accurate, lower damaging character.
Right, only I'm not going to be an assassin, that'd be my last choice, I'll be using brute force with the strength of a Warrior, and I will keep DEX, EVA, and SPD high at the same time, but top priority being pure strength with a really high STR stat.

I don't know what it is, but I've just always been better with weapons than spells, they just really get the point across for me. :lol:
OK.. dont worry about you're present stats. This is pretty much the beginning of the game. If you have problems with the class you chose, you can always teamup with somebody to build up. The areas will have lots of room to train.
Everyone seems to be asking questions here in this thread, so I figure it's okay to do it too; if not, I apologize.

If you choose the Assassin job class, will you have an exclusive option during battle to "throw" items, mostly likely just weapons, at your opponent to compensate for the theoretical lack of strength?

As well, will the Warrior and Mage job class have some type of in-battle exclusive ability too (Focus Magic, Defend, etc)? I'm not talking about spells or abilities you can buy somewhere to clarify, I mean options during battle, like how you can attack or use an item.

And also, will players ever be allowed to change up their stats or will they remain "locked in place" for good after making the initial decision?

I don't think RPG Inferno can allow different battle commands.
As for the stat locks, if it's on, you can't but if it's off, you can.
We can't make custom attack commands, if we could, it would have been done already.

As for the stats, they will remain locked until further notice, Why? Because it's too unfair. Why they were locked in the first place was because when someone came upon a boss or a hard location, they would scan the area's monsters and adjust their stats at their leisure to give them the advantage. So, to stop that from being abused, they were locked.

And no, this ain't no damn 50 questions. :gasp:
OK, guys, the new area is opened. Talk to Festivus to choose your alignment. Then you should go through a very challenging quest. Good luck to all. Part 2, of this long quest, will be added later. We still need to test a few things to open that part.
I really should pay more attention to this thread. xD Just now found out that it's opened by seeing the SB convo between a few peeps. Anyway, RPG here I come!
I already reached Tunnel 3 and I'm level 32 I think >.> and Tiel your questions are %@#&*$%^&@#%$&%@#$(
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It was supposed to be Tunnel 3.

OK, anybody who found the connection between Tunnel of Famine (A2) and Tunnel of War (W4) better step forward or face the reset axe with no compensation. :P
I went to assassins path again, and talked to Mysterious Figure but nothing happened I didn't take the quiz to go to the next area, help?

EDIT: Tiel solved it
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