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Hence the uber-abuse of zombifying monsters and instant-killing them with Life or Auto-life. Or torture them with Regen. Meh, either way works.

That would cause lotsa headaches.. ><

Well, i'll be sure to save my best booze for the opening day so I can go through the first area in one drunken joyride :wacky:

(hmm... since shields don't do much.. maybe have them have a small chance to cast a weak healing spell? or have weak weapons, like a healing staff or dagger of Health do the same.. more random ideas)
Shields can help with defence. In the early part it can help. Later on Shields casting a weak healing spell could be a good idea but at first it would be fine in my opinion. But that is a good idea.
Cool the RPG is finally open, I should get a few more posts so I can play lol.
Nice job guys! I'm having fun playing it so far xD it just Me, and Bambi, and Mitsuki, or is the RPG lagging? Or do the 3 of us just have crappy PCs? xD
Hahah it's gradually getting worse for me, I'd be inclined to blame my pc because it runs like shite at the best of times.....

aLTHOUGH GOOD JOB SO FAR, i THINK I was the first person to die so far hahah
Well if Bam was the first person to die then I was the second :monster:

But it seems to lag in bursts for me, at times it lags and at times it doesn't lag as badly. But it is epic, great work ;)
=] Julius is the mastermind behind most of it. I do like it more then the last game also. Suprise will be coming shortly =]
It better not be seagul shaped suprises, I still have nightmares about them, I laughed when I saw them with paperclips in their beaks and their daft little mohicans......oh how they had the last laugh :stare:
Id actually quite like the image if you have it floating around anywhere, it amused me no end :wacky:

Aww, can you change your name? I wanna be called Seagul now :gasp:

Seagul: The Paperclip Assasin
I realize everybody has been waiting a long time for the next area to open. Julius, Marshy and I have been having some real life issues. It might be a while longer. But hopefully you will enjoy the new area when it comes.
Real life always comes first, Anyone bitches, they can take it up with me :mad2:

Knock ur block off, so to speak.

ANYWAYS...... Nice job so far on the first part, looks good, game lags a tad when there are lotsa people on, crappeh server limitations, pfft. (FiOs, hint hint)

Keep up the good work ;)
I won't rush anybody, if I waited this long I think I can wait more :monster:
Yeah, be sure to take care of things in real life, the RPG has already gone for some time without addition of new areas, it can go longer, we can wait.
Real life always comes first, Anyone bitches, they can take it up with me :mad2:

Knock ur block off, so to speak.

ANYWAYS...... Nice job so far on the first part, looks good, game lags a tad when there are lotsa people on, crappeh server limitations, pfft. (FiOs, hint hint)

Keep up the good work ;)

Thank you, for the kind words, Tiel. I miss our MSN chats. I also miss ya on RS.

By the way, did Monkey Madness. I still use my d longsword though. Longsword has better stats.
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