The RPG Status

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I suppose it should be okay to say this... Yes, there will be Warrior Tunnels, Mage Tunnels, and Assassin Tunnels, they are the Warrior, Mage, and Assassin areas.
Have you checked the 1st page of this thread? Here's something quoted from it:

The following jobs are available: assassin, warrior, and mages. We still need to set the differences between these classes in order to balance them. They consist on:
-Assassins: Greater SPD and EVA, low STR, and HP, and moderate MAG DEF. Can dual wield, but weapons will not have STR Boost, although they can possibly have other boosts such as SPD and EVA. The spells of this class focus on SPD and EVA, turn based spells such as poison and absorb. Can use Curaga.

-Knights/Warriors: Greater STR, DEF, and HP. Can't dual wield. Weapons will have STR and DEX Boost. The spells for this class focus on STR, DEF and DEX. Can use Curaga.

-Mages: Greater Mag DEF, and MAG, balanced DEF, and will have average HP. Can use all spells. Only class that will have Curaja.

Hope that helps.
I did not see that... Well thanks for the help. With the stats I fight more like an Assassin. I even prefer to dual wield.
But what would you do with the Warrior's Guild, then? It'd be odd if the leader was an Assassin... >_>

Anyways, you will be able to officially choose whether you are an Assassin, Warrior, or Mage when the next areas are available.

Until then, just wait patiently, it might not be much longer, one can only hope, though I could wait longer anyways, so no big hurry.
Everyone know why you can wait longer ssbmaster. You have overtrained to the point of stupidity and have stats that put the rest of ours to shame.
Last warning guys, stay on topic. It will be done when it's done. If your too impatient to wait, close your browser and cry in a corner for a week and try again.
So you will be able to choose your path - Mage, Assassin, or Warrior?
Aren't we a little far in already to be able to choose your path? Unless you're allowed to allocate your stats again once more.....
Yes, this should of been done in the very beginning of the game. Oh well

But from now on there will be things only offered to a particular group.
Doesn't this mean that those who have been raising their strength and magic fairly evenly are screwed then? >_>
Well, at least you get additional goodies according to what class you are. Incidentally, can RPG Inferno add stat points to your character through means of an Event?

EG: Some statue gives you the choice of either Warrior or Mage. You choose Mage and your MAG increases by 40.
So there will be two paths? Warriors and Mages like the old one?
There will be 3 paths. Warriors, Mages, Assassins.

And as adding stat point through trigger.. i dunno... DECADO :gasp:
Man, so the warriors can't have weapons that they can dual wield from what they encounter? o_O
I guess I'll take Assassins path if that's true
I've asked Decado. He said it isn't very realistic (As you know he loves realism) so it won't be implemented anytime either.
I think the question still stands if the warrior will be able to duel weild, or is that going to stay with the assassins.
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