Fan Fiction The SeeDs

THAT'S IT!!! Lounch the cluster missle attack drons!!

Sorry but I have bigger fish to fry than all three of you combind.

So in other words I am out of here to go see the plants.
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Let's go Bunnies! *charges with army of evil zombie vampire bunnies (frick me thats a mouthful, from now on i'll just call you EZVB!)


He he maybe we can get Julius to kick your arse when it starts up :P That might sort you out a bit
True true... Okay then, that's that! Me and Majin will kick your butt! Watch out for Rene Skylar on the RPG and are you gonna use your username for the RPG Majin?

I just destroyed both your armys with my attack drons fired from my cluster missles and they where all armed with beam weapons.

I bet you didn't see that one comming did you!?

Now I'll see you tomorrow.
Oh and Julius will have absalutly nothing to do with what your planning and I shall hand you both your back sides on a Silver Platter.
I'll use Rene Skylar, just because people will know me then lol

And you know, you really shouldn't speak on the holy ones behalf :P
Im going to cream you both on the RPG and I shall not just kick your back sides I shall humilliat you both with my shear skill.

Now take whats left of your armys and go before I feed there remains to my prisoners.
@Majin: Apart from my advice of course, seeing as I am one of his advisors *points to first post*

@Deserttiger: Y'know, you say that now, but what happens if I on my own without anyones help manage to kick your arse?
Hah you just hit the Ikatsuki and it just cauth your energy wave and has send it flying back it your face.

Dont dish it out if you cant take it back Vegeta.

And you will never beat me Skyler.

Oh and Julius if you want then you can join in on my side either that or Faith might want a peice of Rene Skyler after she reads what he said about his filthy habits once she gets the PM I sent her.

Oh and Skyler Hell Hath not furry like a wonam scorned.

You should remember that.
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If he thinks he can beat us both then I guess it is your holiness. It shall be a fun battle, would be too much to ask for you to watch our battle when it begins?

(I cannae wait for the RPG to start!!)

@ Hex: You can face off the winners if you want?

(Anyone notice what I said there?)
i know, if he thinks he can take us both he is smoking something that is making him hallucinate lol and f its 2 on 1 we will kill him with great ease
yea it was mentioned in the last bit of information posted by the RPG team, it's gunna be great unless they say "sorry its a bank holiday, your not getting it yet we don't wanna work"