Fan Fiction The SeeDs

lol yeah I will admit it. Those bloody potions make you're health go well high. Is there any chance you could make some for me til I get my alchemy level up?
Everyone, prepare for doomsday to come

Zeria on MSN said:
<DIR>"Dincht, when I get back on Monday, you are one dead little bastard! I'm coming for your damn soul this time!" Zeria</DIR>

Our day is coming... NAAAH Just kidding!

on MSN said:
Danny says:

<DIR>Promise you won't hurt anyone else though


Saya Je t'aime, mon chevalier. Tu es tres beau et sympatique. Tu es le chevalier de mes reves. says:

<DIR>i won't. ^_^


Saya Je t'aime, mon chevalier. Tu es tres beau et sympatique. Tu es le chevalier de mes reves. says:

<DIR>promise! ^.^


Saya Je t'aime, mon chevalier. Tu es tres beau et sympatique. Tu es le chevalier de mes reves. says:

<DIR>Dincht is the only one to get his ass kicked

So basically apart from Dincht we are all safe... thanks to some heavy negotiating on my part. lol
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To all other members of the SeeD's I have opened a shop in the RPG market and all SeeD's members get half price and all key members of the SeeD's have 1/4 the price to pay.
And by key members I mean people who have highter rolls to play amoungst the SeeD's.

Please take advantage of the grain deals to be had in my shop and feel free to paroose the shop's inventory.
So by higher role... What would you mean by that?

Holy order knights, garden master, headmaster? Seed rank S?