Fan Fiction The SeeDs

And I don't think I'll go and buy from Deserttiger since his prices are 3 times higher than they worth -_-
Oh MI just will you shut up you waco I have heard enough of your mouthing off.
And if you say burn my prices again I will burn you.

As for you DC I dont know if your a key member yet I'll half to check that.
Also if you dont like the prices then you just need to say so and I'll see what I can do but these prices are bassed on there normal cost of components.

There I've changed the prices a bit so if you want you can talk a look since I am working on a special sword that will come in handy when the really big monsters start to show.

Oh and your a key member of the SeeD's and I know that because I just checked.
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Oh you think you had me angry?

If I where angry you wouldn't be sitting there right now reading this.

Oh and I was mostly answering to DC's questions.
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Because Id say things that would have you cowering under your bed.

Now I dont have time to wast on you so I am going.

Oh and if you spam my shop I'll make sure you regreat it.
Why would I bother spamming? I have other things to do... And believe me, getting ME scared is nigh impossible. :wacky:
well i have been confused with doctor who since Christopher eccleston (SP) stopped being the doctor so i just stopped watching it