Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Well I'm trying to average it out, but I am trying to build up my more offense-based attributes this time round. Till more magic is available anyway.
are you a red mage type person or do you focus more on both magic and physical?
I prefer raising Evasion and speed, i run on the theory that you can only kill what you hit
I have a simerlar theory. If I can hit it and do extream damage and it can't even avoid its head spinning from trying to even see me never mind hit me then I'll always have an edge on my enemys.

They do say the best block is to not be there. And it also happens to be the best way to attack an enemy as well.

In other words I prefer to be so fast, accuret and powerful that not only can I pumle my enemys but they cant even land a blow on me. That is my height speed battle style and its hightly affective.

So I guess you could say I'm more of an assasin.
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i shall make you a fair deal...i shall stop calling you kitten when you beat me on the battle field lol
Only jokin cya round Desert tiger
For a second there I was thinking I was going to half to arrang another battle with you.

But we both did fight well.
It was like Edword Elrik vs Roy Mustange.

And that was a battle that made a really big mess. Luckely for us the RPG cleans it self up automaticly after every battle that way we dont half to repair any damages to Rabanaster.

Next time we need to broadcast the battle on the site so people can see it.
It only took me a few days to reach the point where I am now. In other words once I really started to lay into the monsters and locations I was absalutly kicking but and getting to get my level up heighter than it was and I cought up prity fast.