Fan Fiction The SeeDs

When did I ask anyone else to fight Gabs? I enjoy fighting him. It's always a laugh seeing who's attacks will breach the defense first. Will it be his firaga or my attack of the warrior? For instance. :wacky:
You didn't say it directly you mearly surgested that he needs a beatting from someone and it was you who said that and that would indecate that you where attempting to tempt someone to be a pupet or pawn and attack him because of your words.

And you know that as well as I do its bassic sycological warfare and you are using it for some resin to get at Gabranth and I wont allowe you to get someone to attack him.

As his friend I sware to you now if anyone attack him for this fools words I will kick your back side up and down the RPG.
Jesus, talk about an overreaction. :wacky:

Don't you think if I wanted to tempt anyone to do my 'dirty work' I'd work a lot harder to do so? Besides, Gabs knows it as well as I we have friendly matches. We aren't having grudge matches or w/e.

Gosh, Gabs is unwillingly becoming the dramaz. :monster:
So you think I dont know what your doing?

I know if you tryed any harder it would stick out like an explosion in a dark room.
I only noticed you did that because I am able to spot when someone is upto something so dont be playing this stupid I dont know what your talking about card.
Usually when someone tries harder it becomes less obvious, ya know. :wacky:

And if you think I was trying to control anyone into doing my bidding, I clearly am not and by thinking so doesn't that show some small degree of paranoia? And why throw a moan because I want to have a friendly match with Gabs? It's only a game, not WWIII.
I never said it was and as for the part about it becoming less obviuse.

If you know when someone is weak in a sertan area you know that if they know this sort of thing they will be watching for it so you try to make it more suttle rather than heavy handed or they would see right through it so dont play around like this with peoples minds.

Oh and if you want to fight him then challenge him. And if you want to fight right now them comeon and face me and see how long a player killer lasts againced with fire and passion burning deap inside there heart.
Well for starters, don't you think if I wanted my apparent ploy to work, I'd try and shift the argument away from it? Secondly, when did fire and passion defeat any enemy? Not to forget that you are three levels higher than me and I cba to fight right now anyway.

And besiiiiiiiides, since when was I a player killer?
Well for starters, don't you think if I wanted my apparent ploy to work, I'd try and shift the argument away from it? Secondly, when did fire and passion defeat any enemy? Not to forget that you are three levels higher than me and I cba to fight right now anyway.

And besiiiiiiiides, since when was I a player killer?

There are two resins you where not changing the topic because you knew that if you did you would be proving me right so just stop the argument by just stoping talking since you have tryed to change the topic before this is finished so lets just talk about something else.

Oh and fire and pashion are things that can and will motivate people like me to give more effort and use our full skill in these games because you are in it for the fighting we are in it to see who is really the best so remember it and learn that people like me are trying to find out what we are capable of in turms of our skill and we have wanted to do so for some time so you dont know how it feels and it drives us to become as powerful as we can and you are just someone who wants to fight either monsters or other players whichever you find more fun or challenging so we are compleatly differant people so learn to live with this and get the point you player killer because that is what makes you a player killer.

Oh and if you want to be a player killer than why not go and change your name to Sora as in the Sora from Hack//Sign since he went around jumping up behind people and got his but kicked by someone with pashion.
One problem with your 'fire and passion' though...

If you have the above attributes, how could they help you in an artificial combat game? Sure, in rl maybe but not here. And I'm not a player killer anyway, if I was I wouldn't be wasting my time arguing with you, I'd be mindlessly attacking players in the RPG.
*Bursts out laughing like a chimpanzee* You do realise that we're only joking around matey! I really have to have one of those messin about battle with Gabs.


Let's not fall into another argument and get our butts whipped by Julius... though FFG might enjoy that...
I am going to say only one thing and that is that fire and pashion can give you a chance to fight on a highter level mentaly and it forces you to not give in without putting up a really hard battle rather than give in without a proper battle.

Oh and Rene dont be so senseless about your opening lines they make you sound compleatly waco in the the reall world as well as here.

Now I am going to go and contineu working at my shop so stop tieing up my time.
I am this crazy in the real world and for god's sake. IT'S SPELT PASSION NOT PASHION! :P There's no point acting any different on here that you do in the real world because tha's just stupid and means that you're showing people a facade instead of the real you.

The real me is a: Adolescent teenager, who likes grammer, can have a laugh and not take things too seriously but when I have to I will take things seriously and work hard towards my goals
You know I will anwser any post that is in responce to one of mine so just back off or I'll start to ignore you so I never half to put up with you.

Oh and there is one problem with what you said Rene I am playing the reall character of my true self not one that I show in reall life or Id be in too much trouble and I am working on something big and to make it work without what I am making being stollen from me by those who would abouse its power I half to look like I am not someone who would do that sort of thing so I keep a low profile and show my reall self here so remember we all have our resins for playing the roles we play.
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Well I never asked you to take so much interest in my activities here. And I'd have to ask you, despite it not being in my authority to do so to calm down a bit. I doubt anyone here wants to turn up in the SeeDs and see numerous pages of us bitching at one another. ;)
Well I never asked you to take so much interest in my activities here. And I'd have to ask you, despite it not being in my authority to do so to calm down a bit. I doubt anyone here wants to turn up in the SeeDs and see numerous pages of us bitching at one another. ;)

I seriously agree, we've already been bollocked once or twice by Julius for arguing so let's just leave it before we get chucked out of SeeD please.
Yeah, this has just been an innocent comment taken the wrong way, let's just drop the discussion and move on.
Hey as far as I am conserned I am no longer arguing his her and I am ignoring her and all her post's so I am no longer arguing with her I didn't even read her post after yours so I am no longer talking to her.

So Rene we never did get around to that battle so if you still want to fight then meet me in Rabanaster in a few minuets.