Fan Fiction The SeeDs

I refuse to be suidal Vegeta I want you to fight by my side againced them or I will not battle with them since there is no point to it since it is ment to be me and Rene not me Rene and that jurk.
A level 16 and 18 vs a 13 and 16, oh thats fair And aren't you the on who said that if you went against both me AND Vegeta you could beat us?
I have made myself clear and this battle is either going to between me and Rene alone or all four of us two on two or there will be no battle and that is my final word on the matter since I was not consented on this extra player so until my demands are met there will be no battle and that is FFFIIINNNAAALLL!!!

Oh and my battle was one on equil turth with you two at that time but now you have the advantege with a second person who could have the possibitly to give you an edge so until this is a fair fight there will be no battle you dishonerable peice of slyme.
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Wow you sound like my mum... Fine then escape the battle and we'll start again,
Okayyyyyy.... COUGHdramawhoreCOUGH

Well then, if me and Rene can get to 17 I think that would be fairer...
i don't do battles that are two on two or two on one, anyone wants a one on one, I'll be in my trailor *goes outside and climbes into his Trailer*
hey lads how bout you break off this battle as a draw and i will aid Desert, to even out the playing field
WHOOPSIE. I failed at escaping he he

EDIT: Nah, this is personal now, just me and him
Don't go bringing Julius into this, this has turned into a battle of pride and ego... And I have plenty of both. ;)
That's It If You Want To Die I Will Kill You Both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You try to kill him I'll defend him

EDIT: That was for threatening my buddy!