Fan Fiction The SeeDs

The person who's name I cant even pronunce inside my own head and am ignoring. And she posted just before you just did.

Now do you still want to fight me or not?
Jeezus you wanna fight so badly man. Are you sure YOU'RE not the player killer :P
I don't know why she is even bothering to post inresponce to me Rene since I will never read her post's nore will I anwser them so she is just wasting her time by posting in responce.

Could you make that clear since she is isn't getting it I have already said all I am going to say to her and that is final.
Oh and if I get a PM from her I'll delete it the second I get it.
HE asked to join in. HE is a good friend and ally I love to fight with. HE is well goood! I'm on HIS side.
Actually, t'would appear that the only one it confuses would be you. Now then, shal we duel? FFG Will be my partner, seeing as you believe yourself to be filled with fire and pashion (even though it's friggin spelt passion)
Lulz, where shall we fight? :D

And for the record, if it is that confusing, read my username.. See the MR in there. ;)
Hey I admit I spelt that wrong and am sorry for that and will be spelling it right from now on.

Oh and Im just waitting for you to show up but he has no place in this battle my battle is with you since the battle between me and Vegeta have finished our battle so he has no right to be in this battle.