Fan Fiction The SeeDs

We uhh... didn't actually say anything about your spelling or grammer... this time

Oh and by the way

The Deserttiger said:
think of my spelling it as long as

Not menna have an "it" in it :neomon:
You do realise that we're only joking around matey!
Exactly!!!! No wait... not anymore, With that battle things got serious...

You know I will anwser any post that is in responce to one of mine so just back off or I'll start to ignore you so I never half to put up with you.
You should have done that from the very beginning...

Well I never asked you to take so much interest in my activities here. And I'd have to ask you, despite it not being in my authority to do so to calm down a bit. I doubt anyone here wants to turn up in the SeeDs and see numerous pages of us bitching at one another. ;)
Um... It already happened twice if you didn't notice, XD And both times involving the same person and reason (the one Danny pointed out).

But yeah, I'm tired of this boring armuments and bitching... who's with me?


EDIT: Hey Zer, nice to see you're back... so when is the show starting? Dincht's assasina... erm... punishment and then funer... (re)initiation, :P

*goes get popcorn*

Anyone else want's some?
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riiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhttttttttt any way on something important when i click that rpg but all it says is "Your usergroup has been denied access to RPG Inferno.
Well atleast that battle is over and if it hadn't been for the fact it froze I might have had a chance to finish it off but I have no intention of having another fight like that any time soon.

Oh and Minerva was right the situation was seriuse from the second the battle started.

But that is over now so I am not going to say another word on the matter.

Take it from here everyone.