Fan Fiction The SeeDs

i only drink in the house, where it is legal for me to drink, and it's only like once every 2 or 3 months
What's wrong with it? The only reason is because younger people abuse alcohol.
i don't abuse alcohol, and i never...well i got a bit over hammered at my brothers wedding but thats understandable, i was the best man lol.
I have never dronken a signle drop of alchahol and I never will.

I have had a bad experience once at a party and its not one I am willing to discuse but I agree with Zeria when she say's your too yung to be drinking.

I wouldn't ever drink even if it where a requirerment of the SeeD's.

But at least things didn't go badly with your dinner.

Im just glade my girlfriends mother never decided to drop in and let us all know her secreat and invite us up for dinner with my girlfriends two sychotic aunts.
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If you're vulnerable to alcohol, then it's understandable. But there's no harm in drinking it sparingly.
Well I have already made my decision when it come to my policy on drinking and that is what my policy is I never drink.

Oh and Vegeta I am not going to be on for long so I dont have time for fighting right now.
Aye... the only TRUE reason for alcohol, drinking and other such things( p0rn :wacky:) to be prohibited is cause younger people are supposed to be a lil' less mature and can easily get thing out of control... i.e. GETTING DRUNK... That's couse it's possible to see that they essentially don't do "anything bad" when treated occasionally, but abusing that is bad... so well, that's the truth, whether you like it or not... :wacky:
Well you should tell that to a causin of mine who drinks so much she compleatly losses it and she goes compleatly acts crazy sometimes.

I have seen people like that become a bad influence on friends of mine.

And besides you havent heard of the stuff where my girlfriend lives the stuff is more powerful than even Bujerban Madu.
This stuff isn't bassed on the same stuff as normal alchahol its hromon and cemical bassed and is quite powerful also edictive.

And when I say edictive I mean more adictive that Herowin.
i have never used herowin so i wouldn't know how addictive it is, the only narcotic i partace of are alcohol and nicotine, yes i smoke zeria, wanna complain at me for doing that underage as well ????????
I dont approve of it either but I dont do drugs either but I have heard how powerful the stuff is especialy in government adverts so I know that this muxh is not good that this stuff is so strong that it is able to turn someone who could dring 5 pints of Bujerban Madu without even getting drunk imagin what this stuff would do to someone like you.
Oh, you're talking about solvents now; the stuff you find in deodorants. You can't really class it as a drinking Alcohol.

Although I have tried Diesel aftershave. Not bad, but it burns your insides....
I never said anything about that I am talking about a kind of alchol that is based on these things to make it more powerful but its a kind of skill abused to make it like that.

Not many people have ever had the stomak for such things and I know one of the only few who could ever drink that stuff and not be messed around by the temporery mind altering affects it has since it affects the brain and makes you think in a differant way from the way you normaly would.

It triples your streangth and makes you go looking for fights it's basicly a drink that could turn someone into a berserker.