Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Or just go scan me and see if I have anything that interests you or ask me to custom make something with similar stats to my crafted goods. :)

Or alternatively we just leave you alone and stop whoring attention. :neomon:
Oh gosh... Now how could gun wielded by someone with 20 odd STR possibly deal low damage to a guy with loads of defense... I wonder? :rolleyes:

Besides, weaponry isn't my only area of expertise. ;)
I havent seen him either.

Now for you Evil I am also good with armour and yours is not actuly that bad but you never use the stuff you make when it comes to your armour.

I am much better at it than you though so take a look at my shop and see what I have made so far.
You can't really make decent equipment at this point in the game. Once it starts to pick up, shops should have more of a range.
Well, I know for a fact my Valver Cannons are equal in everything to your knives, I think your armour may be better though, but I haven't been able to do much with mine tbh.
That's because you dont bother to read the components featurs.

Oh and I know that I the stuff I have isn't the best in the game just yet but it is the best for this area.

Also my knifes are stronger than they look and would mop the floor with your guns anyday.
You can't really make decent equipment at this point in the game. Once it starts to pick up, shops should have more of a range.

this is why i havn't opened my weapon shop yet, im waiting till i have enough decent components to make decent weapons
My weapons are decint and I opened because latter Id end up with several times the compition.
Right now Evil is no mach for me at this time and I will make sure of that after I get into the next area by mastering the compents there first.
and desert, Mr Evil may not be able to 'compete' with you, but both myself and gabranth have had like 2 or 3 RPG's worth of experience so we also have the reputation so you are no match for us
Not to mention that although I never use or make shops, my components tended to be more than capable of keeping Gabs and co under pressure at times. And I was a travelling salesman as it were. ;)