Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Well beieve me, I was probably the best component hunter back in the day (not sounding old at all :wacky:). On occasion Gabs would ask me for materials to fuel his weapon empire and such. :D
Maybe in a few levels time once I finish writing up this rp idea I have.

And I noticed that you never struck me in that battle. :wacky:
Because I was dealling with the most powerful of my enemies first.

And by the most powerful I mean Skylar and he was the most powerful of you two and I wouldn't have deared to attack you untile he was dead.

Oh and for the recoard DC I am just not interested in fighting you I am wanting to show him he is not as powerful as he thinks.
Why you want to jump in again?

Well I am not planning to when you are on and that is if I ever do deside to do thay again but its extreamly unlikly I will do that so dont bet on it.
Well your friend Skylar is since he told me nothing about you joining the battle and I was not informed he was planning to have someone join the battle so its stupid to be distrusting of you but be more careful who you party with in future or you might find yourself in more over your head next time.

You got luky last time that something happened and the battle ended up a tie.
Next time I will win.
Hopeful to be the newest SeeD member.

I would like to be the newest member of SeeD, and hope I'm accepted into the clan, for I would put everything I have into bringing in some victories.

I have PMed Julius Aurelius on the matter, but would also like to give a bit of information directly to the thread itself, about my experience in RPG Inferno, and that I feel I could be a good clan member.

I have been playing in the RPG for around a week, but things have gone quite well overall, although early on I lost a few times to unexpectedly tough enemies... >_>

But after each one, I always am that much more well prepared for the battles to come, and while I can take a loss well, I will do anything in my power to avoid that outcome.

Anyways, I suppose I ought to post a few details about my RPG character.

Name: Bahamut Fury

Weapon: Flamable Sword [Shortsword] x2 (will change as better weapons are acquired)

Small Bio: A proud and powerful being, strong-willed and fast, yet never underestimates his opponents.

I know, the Bio could have been better, but that's just what came to my mind, I know it isn't very descriptive...

But should I be accepted as a member of SeeD, I will fight with everything I have to fell the foes, and try my absolute best to be a good member of the clan, and not disappoint.

I had a pretty close battle against Gabranth yesterday, but lost, though I put up a good fight, it must have lasted about half an hour, though it was annoying how often he evaded, with my most recent level up, I put 4 of my attribute points to DEX. :P The other went to STR.

I really do hope to be accepted as the new SeeD member, so I can go all out and bring in some victories for the clan and add to it's strength it already has from other, more experienced members.

I may not have been playing the RPG for very long, but I believe I can do a pretty good job and put up a good fight, I like a good challenge, and enjoy competition, as I am a competitive person, but again, am pretty good at taking a loss well, and at the same time don't brag all over when I win (not saying anyone here does, just saying that I don't either).

One last thing, I find it kind of funny that the one person I've fought in the RPG Inferno, is the Garden Master of this clan, when at the time, I didn't even know it, just looked into joining a clan more recently, and this is really the only one I have interest in joining, and I do have much interest in being a SeeD here at FFF.
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Just to let ya guys know I have something comming up for my army reserve duty, so I'll be gone for two weeks.
Hey Gabs, wanna have a fight later? I'm getting bored of Cockatrices and we haven't had a good round in a while. :monster: