Fan Fiction The SeeDs

What Gabs said. :neomon:

I can't believe I have nearly beaten ff3 already... Shows what complete boredome does for you. :monster:
Not particularly, but I do give out a quiz to increase members rank. However, this is only needed when the RPG is starting to pick up. I also used to give out free weapons but the previous RPG was never completed.
This RPG is much 'cleaner' than the original 2. (Not counting the one before that).
I've asked if I could join, and, though I haven't gotten the official approval, it's been said that I can consider myself in, the odds are I'll be in.

So 1: Yes, they are still allowing people to join the clan. And 2: You shouldn't worry much about not being accepted, since the odds of that are pretty low. ;)

But if I'm not mistaken, you may need to PM Julius Aurelius about if you may join SeeD, since he is the Grand Magister (head honcho, if you will. :lol:).
XD i can't believe i missed yet another new member's asking to join! Stupid weekends :argh:.

Anyways, I'm Zeria Iiyasei, SeeD Class S. I've been around for over a year, and I was one of the original BGMA members. It's nice to see that you want to join. ^_^ you'll find that we can be a rather hilarious clan at times, especially if you catch both Mr. Evil (whom we call FFGuy or FFGay{just for kicks}) and me on at the same time XD. I'm positive you'll both be accepted, ssbmaster and shadowramza. You're welcome among our ranks. I'm Julius' backup whenever he goes away for long periods of time. :P Just ask me or Gabs if you need anything ^_^

@Everyone Else----MY WEEKEND SUCKED! I got sunburn T^T
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XD Well, you'll find that I do the punishing around here (unless Julius wants to do it XD). I don't take lightly to insults, and just because I'm one of the only active female members of this clan, doesn't mean I'm a pushover. My temper sparks easily. I'll warn you of that now. :P
no worries i have an older sister planning to head for the army. hopefully i won't have to ask you guys for anything besides leveling with me when your near my level. by the way, just call me shadow
good to know Zeria. i'll make sure not to make you mad because i'd rather live. your about the same level i am it says me and V are working together you want to join us?
Well, Seeing I've not presented meself to the new guyz, I'll do it now...

Welcome to the SeeDs, probably the greatest clan in the whole FFF, :P In both senses, XD... just kiddin' Anyways, I'm Minerva, though I'm prolly changing my username back to Hydracula... So you call Call me Hydra, Minny (thought this last one sound strange, XD) etc...

So yeah, welcome aboard ssbmaster and shadowramza, I'm 99.9% sure you'll get in, XD

Well, anyways, after all the blah blah blah...
everybody, I'll prolly not be on too much as of the following weeks, I'm in special training for... well, most should already know bout it... but anyways... If I'm lucky I prolly won't be here for over a month, if I'm NOT lucky I'll be back in as much as 3 weeks.