The Three to BE

Cloud, Yuffie, and Cid.

Cloud - Apocalypse (Triple Materia Growth)
Cid - Scimitar (Triple Materia Growth)
Yuffie - Conofmer (linked several Sneak Attack - Morph with the Conformer = easy sources)

With that Combination, all equiped with Rune Armlets (Doube Materia Growth), my team would gain the max available AP, therefore MASTERING Materia a lot faster. I replaced the Conformer on Yuffie with the Oritsuru (sp?) as it provides 8 Materia slots and high weapon power (albeit only Normal Materia Growth, it still owns as it has max slots).
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Well, I tended to change my party around a lot in this game. The first time I fought Sephiroth I used Cloud, Vincent, and Barret. The second time I simply changed my party and used Cloud, Cid, and Yuffie.
The majority of the time, Id just end up beating the game with Cloud Barret & Tifa, for like most of my playthroughs aswel. I did try to evenly level my characters but I always ended up mainly with those. In later games I did mix it up abit more, can't remember who else I beat it with mind....haha
I've played that game through more times than I can count, I've had every member of my team at max levels with max abilities doing max damage, even cait sith lol, but I'd have to say my favorite combo is Cloud, Red, Vince
My party changes every few play-throughs (testifying to how many times I play through an FF game, lul), but I have Yuffie in my team for a long period of time in any file. Vincent seems to be recurring party member, though I change him around with either Cid or Barret (the latter merely because I imagine him talking like Mr. T... which amuses me).

So, typically: Cloud, Vincent and Yuffie.
hmm in the beginning i used cloud vincent and tifa.... but later replaced vincent for cid :D
Cloud of course was always in for me, but I rotated out Red XIII, Barret, and then Cid as my 4 man team. I think Barret was on there more, but Red XIII and Cid shared time evenly.
i have used Cloud and Tifa and Vincent

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your post. Say why you chose those three characters. Thank you.
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My main party is: Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie. But i occasionally switched between the others members to get their Limit Breaks, now that everything is Maxed i only use this Team...In my opinion this is the Strongest team, due to their powerful Limit Breaks.
My main team was Cloud, Tifa and Barret. Through the first disc it was Cloud Aeris and Barret (but that team obviously had to change after the first disc). I tried out Cloud, Tifa and Vincent, but yeah I switched Vincent for Barret after a little while.
Cloud, Vincent and Cid-- The ultimate power-house combo.

Not only are these by far my favorite characters, they work the most efficiently in tandem. Vincent stands as the primary offensive spellcaster and deals with long range combat, Cloud as the defensive spellcaster with impressive melee attacks in between and Cid acting as the "tank" and heavy-hitter.
Cloud, Yuffie, and Tifa. Simply because I love these characters. I usually have Cloud attack close range, Yuffie with long range, and Tifa using spells along with close range attack. Although sometimes I do swap someone for Vincent.
my party is normally cloud and cid with either vincent or yuffie as the third member. cloud is actually pretty strong and his limit breaks can do a shitload of damage, the same with cid. yuffie and vincent is where i have the problem deciding, as they are both quite decent long range characters, both their ultimate weapons can deal quite a lot of damage. i normally go for yuffie, as i do seem to fight a lot of enemies of a higher level than me, which makes her rather useful
I used Cloud, Cid and Cait Sith/Barret, because they were a more physical approach to battles and each member done alot of damage, I used Cait Sith cause you could be lucky with his Dice or Slot limit and do alot of damage.
I always have Cloud, Red XIII and Vincent in my main party after Aerith dies..
Cloud, Yuffie, and Cait Sith

I beefed up Cait Sith to the point where he became the most powerful member of the team. Just because... :P
My two members that I permanently have in my party at all times are Cloud and Cid. My third party member changes from Barret, to Tifa, to Red XIII. I very rarely use Vincent, and never use Yuffie or Cait Sith. Cait Sith is about as useful as a fart in a spacecraft and Yuffie looks like she’s suffering from an eating disorder. She has a pretty naff limit break too.
Always Cloud, Vincent & Tifa.

Vincent's physical attacks are pretty good, and I gave him all the main magic (fire/fira, cura etc.) so he could hit with both. I primarily used Tifa as my main magic user, although her physical attacks are good too, so it was well balanced out. ^^
Cloud, obviously, and Tifa are most always in party. I'm pretty much in love with Tifa's limit breaks, lol. The third character switches between Yuffie/Red XIII/Barret, whomever I'm in the mood for, really.