The worst FF game ever?

Nothing could be as bad as Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

FFMQ was made at least 10 years before FFTA and its still better. obviously you didn't play and complete FFMQ, cause its a decent RPG especially considering the time it was made.
No, I do not agree that Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was the worst game ever. It wasn't THAT bad. xD

However, it was very childish and options were very limited, leading to a huge negative opinion on the game. I for one hated the jobs system. All the jobs were spread out to ALL the races. There were no female characters except Vieras available for combat besides Ritz.(She pretty much counts as one.)

I also disliked that Bangaas got all the powerhousing jobs. It was pretty annoying. They also get the Materia Blade, which oddly enough... A human character can't learn the Ultima technique from.

The battle system also seemed like it was poorly thought out. I mean really, you get yourself screwed out of a turn if you decide to get in water and stay there. That was pretty lame.

It was also a bit of a nuisance that for some of the races, one of the abilities for example... Vieras. Without a doubt Reflex was their best counter ability. They did not get the same abilities as most other jobs, which was quite annoying.
I played this game and I think it's the worst FF ever...that's my opinion but what's yours?

You must not have ever played X-2 then....

TA is far from being a bad game, it's actually very good as far as gameplay goes, although it's way too easy. However, the story is just so juvenile and craptastic that it's a damn disgrace. I actually remember one mission where you had to SAVE TREES from being cut down and another where you had to SAVE TIGERS from being poached. I do not want environmentalist shit preached to me in a FF game.

And Marche definitely wins the award for biggest douche in the universe. He and his friends discover a wonderful, mystical world where they are no longer nobodies but can actually be warriors and other cool shit, they can make names for themselves, and Mewt is a prince instead of an invalid. But for some inane reason, Marche wants to make Ivalice disappear and drag himself and his friends back to the real world. His only argument for it?

"thIs wrLd is f4ke We ne3d to LiVe our r34l sHitE liv3s inst3ad mEwt u neeD to B par4lyzed i c4re sOoOo muCh 4 u gUyz lolzorz"

Seriously, what kind of "friend" wants to ruin a wonderful world created where he and his buddies can be somebody? The biggest douche in the universe, that's who.
For the record, I don't think he ever found his mother in Ivalice, Ronin. Being as young as he is, of course he's a douche. He's only like, 12 or 13. And mummy is probably a very important aspect in life at that time. ;D

You can't honestly expect such a young character to be able to so unjust and not care. :lol:
Marche was a realist. he new they were living in a false reality, and I would have to admit it would be quite scary knowing that information.

And IMO I think the story for the game was great, after it started to pick up of course. it did have a slow start, but in the end the plot worked out.
For the record, I don't think he ever found his mother in Ivalice, Ronin. Being as young as he is, of course he's a douche. He's only like, 12 or 13. And mummy is probably a very important aspect in life at that time. ;D

You can't honestly expect such a young character to be able to so unjust and not care. :lol:

Oh i'm sure he was a mamma's boy, he looks like one. But being 12 or 13, puberty would have just hit him and with all those Viera's amazing he didn't want to stay just for the eye candy. And false reality or no, Mewt was a paraplegic in real life, but he was a prince who could walk in Ivalice. If i were Marche i woulda been pretty damn happy for Mewt and then tried to buddy up with him even more.

Marche was a realist. he new they were living in a false reality, and I would have to admit it would be quite scary knowing that information.

Realist schmealist, if i was Marche i'd take the false reality where i could be somebody cool over a crap reality where i'm the outcast at school and so are my friends.
And false reality or no, Mewt was a paraplegic in real life, but he was a prince who could walk in Ivalice. If i were Marche i woulda been pretty damn happy for Mewt and then tried to buddy up with him even more.

um I think you combined a few characters there. Mewt was perfestly normal in the real world. it was Marche's brother that couldn't walk. and don't forget that there was something for them all to go back to, because when they got back everything started to go their way.
um I think you combined a few characters there. Mewt was perfestly normal in the real world. it was Marche's brother that couldn't walk. and don't forget that there was something for them all to go back to, because when they got back everything started to go their way.

Oop, you're right, my bad >_<

I do recall that all of them were kind of the loser/outcast types though...
yeah that was in the begining. the point made at the end is that they were all able to grow out of it and become a part of the mix.
I quite like Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced. Sure, it's not quite the same gameplay style as what's considered te normal for other FF games, but it does play well for it's style. I look at it like Final Fantasy Front Mission because of how it plays. I hope FFTA2 improves on this game and makes it better.
FFt was a ripoff of Ogre Tactics (or OT was a ripoff of fft)...
So for me it didnt felt like a FF game at all...

On-topic: I even quite liked this game... while it doesnt feel like a FF game to me.... I think FF Adventure and those other GB games are the most ****ed up FF games.. lol

Just for the record (sorry if someone else in this thread already posted what I'm about to say but I havent bothered reading through all the replies) but Tactics Ogre was originally released as an SNES game but never saw the light of day in America til Atlus ported it to the PsOne. It was a sequel to another SNES game, Ogre Battle, and was one of the first games of it's kind. (Square had a similarly styled game on the SNES, the now-classic Front Mission.) Tactics Ogre's graphics were actually quite advanced for the time of it's first release on the SNES. FF Tactic's gameplay was inspired by the same grid based system employed in Tactics Ogre although it retained the job system introduced in FF2.
I thought FF10-2 was the worst FF game ever. It was just too girly to be a FF game and was just about as pointless as pissin into the wind. I am ashamed of myself for even logging as many hours as I did in that game. FF2 comes in a close second.
FFMQ was made at least 10 years before FFTA and its still better. obviously you didn't play and complete FFMQ, cause its a decent RPG especially considering the time it was made.

I've played and beaten Mystic Quest and can safely say that it is a lackluster title which bears little to no resemblance to it's predecessors and therefore can barely even be considered a true FF game. However the worst game bearing the FF moniker is indisputably Crystal Chronicles. That game is so bad it's barely playable. Only the graphics are good, every thing else is enough to make this gamer ill.

I find it interesting that there's all this debate going on about FF Tactics and Tactics Advanced but so far nobody has pointed out the fact that although both games are set in the world of Ivalice, they are alternate versions of the same world.

In the original Tactics, Ivalice is a decidedly dark and unfriendly place full of treachery, murder, war, untold suffering, political machinations engineered by both church and government, and an evil conspiracy whose roots literally extend to the bowels of the earth itself. In other words, it's the kind of story one usually finds in a good fantasy novel.

Tactics Advanced has more of an anime kind of vibe with it's young protagonists being magically transported into a nicer, fluffier version of Ivalice. Granted there are still bad things going on but you're not going to be seeing any innocent women being murdered by their husbands as a reward for completing the game (amongst other nasty things.)

Also the Ivalice seen in FF12 seems to be an amalgamation of the two Tactics games, although it's races and settings seem to run more parallel to the Advance version.

Just thought I'd clue yall in.
I find it interesting that there's all this debate going on about FF Tactics and Tactics Advanced but so far nobody has pointed out the fact that although both games are set in the world of Ivalice, they are alternate versions of the same world.

In the original Tactics, Ivalice is a decidedly dark and unfriendly place full of treachery, murder, war, untold suffering, political machinations engineered by both church and government, and an evil conspiracy whose roots literally extend to the bowels of the earth itself. In other words, it's the kind of story one usually finds in a good fantasy novel.

Tactics Advanced has more of an anime kind of vibe with it's young protagonists being magically transported into a nicer, fluffier version of Ivalice. Granted there are still bad things going on but you're not going to be seeing any innocent women being murdered by their husbands as a reward for completing the game (amongst other nasty things.)

Also the Ivalice seen in FF12 seems to be an amalgamation of the two Tactics games, although it's races and settings seem to run more parallel to the Advance version.

Just thought I'd clue yall in.

To further expand on your post:

XII is followed chronologically by Tactics, then Vagrant Story. Tactics Advance and A2 are in the future (possibly an alternate universe), however, Ivalice is recreated through the Grimoire much like how the fayth recreated Zanarkand. The Ivalice that is recreated is the Ivalice from the Golden Era, likely a few years after XII takes place because the Nu Mou are more widespread in TA, but still before the disaster that wiped out technology.
I truly disliked this game. I hated the battle system; I didn't get it at all. I couldn't work out how to play it. :lol: I didn't get far into the story, so I can't comment on that. It looked promising at first, but then I just decided to cast it aside.
The only reason I'd hate FFTA is because its way too god damn easy, that & you main chars image still looks like a normal adventurer when he changes his class.(should get a customized look for each class like all your chars get in FFV).
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I truly disliked this game. I hated the battle system; I didn't get it at all. I couldn't work out how to play it. :lol: I didn't get far into the story, so I can't comment on that. It looked promising at first, but then I just decided to cast it aside.

You serious? o_O That game was soooooooo damn easy, it was practically a joke. If you still have it go back and play it. If you don't, download a ROM of it, you really should play it. The story sucks and you'll utterly despise Marche but the game itself is fun.

The only reason I'd hate FFTA is because its way too god damn easy, that & you main chars image still looks like a normal adventurer when he changes his class.(should get a customized look for each class like all your chars get in FFV).

Well they were trying to make it like the original Tactics in that regard, since Ramza never changes outfits. Still, it would have been nice to see some outfit change.
Heh, I knew I had 3rd for hating it the storyline was childish and retarded, but as far as gameplay and graphics this was pretty nice game.
I thought it was rather gay that Marche looked just like Ramza. :dry:

I didn't really have any hatred towards Marche at all. To me the game wasn't extreme enough for me to hate any of the characters. But the last boss' battle music was nothing less than spectacular.