The worst FF game ever?

I still have to say FFX. I'm sorry but Tidus was the worst character ever created in my book, with the worst voice actor and the worst inconclusive personality. With him being the lead character, it almost made me puke...

Going to have to disagree with you here. How can you even have this in your top 5 least favourite games. This game was a masterpiece and had such a compelling storyline that it nearly brought me to tears. Now for the actual character Tidus, I thought they did a great job. He is my favourite character in all the games (as a protagonist) and i thought his crybaby personatlity was perfect for this game. It made the ending that much better.
I know the mods don't like one liners, but I'm going to risk this one: Tactics Ogre? What's that? (I love tactics games, only know of FFT,FFTA, LOTR Tactics, Suikoden Tactics, Yu Yu Hakusho Tactics)
I know the mods don't like one liners, but I'm going to risk this one: Tactics Ogre? What's that? (I love tactics games, only know of FFT,FFTA, LOTR Tactics, Suikoden Tactics, Yu Yu Hakusho Tactics)

It's a strategy game that only came out in Japan for the SNES and later translated for the PlayStation.
And its a FF game? cause ive never heard of it and its not listed on Wiki as one of the games so im guessing that its just called "tactics orge"? if not what is its full name?
Going to have to disagree with you here. How can you even have this in your top 5 least favourite games. This game was a masterpiece and had such a compelling storyline that it nearly brought me to tears. Now for the actual character Tidus, I thought they did a great job. He is my favourite character in all the games (as a protagonist) and i thought his crybaby personatlity was perfect for this game. It made the ending that much better.

I found the storyline rather uninspired, unless that inspiration was Michael Crichton (Timeline) and George Lucas (Star Wars). As for Tidus being a crybaby... I didn't quite get that... I got the feeling that he was having an identity crisis... One moment, pessimistic crybaby... Next minute, enthusiastic optimist... One second, he acts like a sports superstar, the next second, he acts like his own cheerleader. I cared very little for his character and felt he should be shot on sight every battle, or just switched out of the party permanently.

Of course, that makes no impact on cutscenes... Where of course, he had to say every other line with that annoying voice and bi-polarness.

I'm surprised I played the whole game... However, while most people cried at the end, I laughed. ^^
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And its a FF game? cause ive never heard of it and its not listed on Wiki as one of the games so im guessing that its just called "tactics orge"? if not what is its full name?

No, the full name is Tactics Ogre (it's not a FF game) and I didn't mean to bring it up for a discussion if that's what tone I feel I'm getting from your post.
I found the storyline rather uninspired, unless that inspiration was Michael Crichton (Timeline) and George Lucas (Star Wars). As for Tidus being a crybaby... I didn't quite get that... I got the feeling that he was having an identity crisis... One moment, pessimistic crybaby... Next minute, enthusiastic optimist... One second, he acts like a sports superstar, the next second, he acts like his own cheerleader. I cared very little for his character and felt he should be shot on sight every battle, or just switched out of the party permanently.

Of course, that makes no impact on cutscenes... Where of course, he had to say every other line with that annoying voice and bi-poloarness.

I'm surprised I played the whole game... However, while most people cried at the end, I laughed. ^^

About him being a crybaby its because of his father, Jecht. Jecht was hard on him telling Tidus he couldnt do anything and he could never be as good as him. If your father treated you like that wouldnt you feel bad?

For the storyline i thought it was excellent and it had so much to it. You would never know what was going to happen next. Could you have guessed that you would have to fight you know how at the end (dont want to spoil it).

But anyways this conversation should really be made somewhere else considering its about FFTA

So for the FFTA being the worst game ever, I would definitly have to disagree with that. Have you ever played FFX-2? Im guessing you havent considering you think that this is the worst.
Actually FFX-2 had gameplay (battle system in particular) that was really fun. XI is my least favorite, do to that I dislike that kind of RPG and that a FF had to be wasted online.
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Just wondering, am I the only person who hates the music in this game (FFTA)? I played the game again a few minutes ago and turned the volume off...the same lame battle music over and over again.
im pretty sure that all the FF games had the same battle music playing throughout the game :monster:

And the battle music on the game sounded fine to me i enjoyed it very much :D
I meant same crappy music. I am sure it would have sounded better if it wasn't on the GBA, but it just sounded bad. Meh, doesn't matter. The game is still good.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.......This is going WAYYYYY off-topic. This topic is about: "IS FF Tactics Advanced the worst FF game ever?". Not about what do you think is the worst Final Fantasy game ever, or you think this game this better than that. Stay on topic. If you want to keep discussing about the Worst Final Fantasy game, the topic is here:

Next time, read the topic more carefully. ;P

If this continues to go off topic I'll close the thread.
The game isn't bad at all.

It isn't the hardest strat game I have ever played, or even the best. But its still pretty good. All in all most strat games run about even in their difficulty.

As for the worst FF game... it was better than FFX-2 :p
Exactly what I'm saying... This game was in NO way bad. And the only reasons for anyone to say so are, 'it's not as hard as FFT', or, 'I hate colorful games'.

Neither of those really mean the game sucks in any way... I'd have to say that I especially loved the multiple races and their specialized classes.
I loved this game. It wasn't even close to the worst FF game ever. I loved the story and the different races and classes. For the people that complain about how not everyone can have the same abilities...get over it. And plus, some of the different races can learn the same moves...the class is just a different name. Like the Fighter (human) and White Monk (Bangaa). They learn the same moves they are just different races. The only thing that i disliked (and I didn't dislike it very much) was the judges. But then again I didn't mind them because they made the game a little more challenging.
Whoever said"All the jobs were spread out to ALL the races." ? On the other hand... no they weren't.

I think if you would have took the time to read my entire post you'd be able to make sense of it. There are some jobs that are available to only one race, so maybe saying scattered would be a better word.

It's annoying as hell because there is usually only one counter ability that is the best for a race. In this case which I was talking about, the only ability that can suit a Viera is Reflex, and that is irritating Whereas the main character and human characters get plenty of counter abilities that suit them well.

I really don't see why people have a problem with this. The storyline is better than most games (I'm looking at you, Mario) and the job/ability system is flexible.

It's called tactics because not all your characters can have every super piece of armour and every nuke spell so you can just blast your way out of anything. People seem to have a problem because you need to think to play this game :/

Once you beat the game a few times, I think just about anyone is going to bitch about the inconveniences of the game, buddy. :monster:

Which makes it clear that the game is enjoyable, but there are just some annoying things about it that make it not so much fun. However, when you get a Gameshark, you are no longer restricted by such shit boundaries. :wacky:

I personally love strategy games. I hope that they will make more FF games that are tactical. Yes i know that they have made a new FFTA but i mean like a whole new FF so like FF15 should be strategy xD and isnt FF pretty much all tactical? like in the FF games you usually gotta strategize againts enemies like for example in FF7 i would think about wat i need to do before the battle and during it.

No, they're not all strategy RPGs. :wacky:

Other than the graphics, how exactly is it "childish"?

Because... the main character and his friends are 14? Or is it 12? :monster:

Just wondering, am I the only person who hates the music in this game (FFTA)? I played the game again a few minutes ago and turned the volume off...the same lame battle music over and over again.

All final fantasies do that.
In my opinion, i don't exactly think this is thoroughly the worst FF game around.
I won't say anything about the music though (I grew sick of it fast).
What saves it from my version of worst is just the gameplay itself. The battle system isn't so bad. (Other than the fact it's somewhat slow... Or is it just me? Perhaps it is..)
This game is awesome, though it has its limitations. I wouldn't say it's the worst FF, and I'd actually rank it high up there on the list because of the enjoyability and playability factors.
FFt was a ripoff of Ogre Tactics (or OT was a ripoff of fft)...
So for me it didnt felt like a FF game at all...

On-topic: I even quite liked this game... while it doesnt feel like a FF game to me.... I think FF Adventure and those other GB games are the most ****ed up FF games.. lol

Get it right, it's "Tactics Ogre", originally released on the snes or super famicon and then ported over to PSX....then a new title hit GBA.

This game is unique and strategic as it follows the same concept of FFT, with a twist of ethnicity/race and laws. Every class/race has their pro's and con's, people should learn to use the classes to their advantages instead of complaining (or just play a different game, move on and pretend not to be a troll).

The law system is very unique and hard to adjust to, however there are certain things to help you out to avoid the pesky laws (such as anti cards or "All Mighty" or Cid).

However you should all keep in mind it's a GBA title.