The worst FF game ever?

I cant really comment on this game as ive never really played it but i did see a friend of mine play it and it liked kinda boring to me
i think ffX-2 is the worst ff ever. lol
i didn't really mind this game too much, tacticsA was a decent game.
although i'm in no rush to re-buy it unless i can find a cheat code to disable the "rules"
this game would be a lot better if you could, i dunno, KILL THE F---ING JUDGE!
give me a break, your telling me, in some world, if i use a stick in the wrong area at the wrong time, some guy on a chocobo is gonna toss me in the brig and i can't even put up a fight? bs.
that's the only thing i hate about the game, and i hate it with a firey pasion! >_<
it wouldn't be so bad if the rules had a point, like no using fire spells or abilities near a fireworks factory, but at some random time for some random reason i'm not alowed to use swords, with no reason, and if i do use a sword i get tossed in jail. ug V_V
No way is FFTA the worst FF game. I think it is a really good game and how can you possibly get bored, just look at the number of job classes in it. I know it certainly does not have the charm of FFT but is a more in depth game, certainly more to get your teeth into.
The problem I had with the game is that the main character wants to go home, to his horrible life and continue to be a nobody.
i thought it was pure crap, it was really boring, the story was utter nonesense and the fighting system was boring too. So yea i hated it... a lot
Considering it carries the name Tactics, that should have been many a first clue. Unless you have a mind set for a game like chess or cube, you won't get very far. Personally, it was a challenge to play but fun,with rules popping up and laws making you think before you play. Some people are like that and others simply arn't. It's just a matter of the person playing it.
Personally, I like FFTA. But I know there are plenty of people who disagree. I just liked it's difference from the others besides FFT of course.
Someone it was simlar to Tactics Ogre. Here's an interestinf fact. The dvelopment crew for this game was in fact the same as those who created Ogre as well. They were handed over to Square form the Quest corporation in an effort to make an alternative/ spinoff to the FF series, while carring it'e theme. Naturally it would have made some sense to input character's faithful fans would know Squall, Cloud etc, however it would be a handdown to Kingdom Hearts. Hence originality was needed, in both game play and story, true, it was in both a story that needed some improvement, and it had enough substance to satisfy story gamers such as myself. But it was an effort to broaden the Square gaming industry, providing an altered experiance for fans, for better or worst on the part of the public reviews, I give them credit for atleast trying.
Erm...wouldn't call this the "Worst" game. The music was very, very limited and most of the time, it was the SAME song...that made me hate it from the start, so I played with no volume for a while lol. The races are cool (Go Bangaa!), as are the classes. The graphics were to childish and drove me nuts. When it comes to story...well...I'd say decent. I'm pretty close to completing the main story (I hope) and so far I'm disappointed; not as epic as other FF's. Characters...well...suck. Marche and Mewt whine to much. I actually like Ritz and Babus, but that's 'bout it.
Whoever said "All the jobs were spread out to ALL the races." ? On the other hand... no they weren't.
I really don't see why people have a problem with this. The storyline is better than most games (I'm looking at you, Mario) and the job/ability system is flexible.
It's called tactics because not all your characters can have every super piece of armour and every nuke spell so you can just blast your way out of anything. People seem to have a problem because you need to think to play this game :/
What i don't get is, on sites like Wikipedia and Gamespot FFTA has good reviews, and on Wiki it says something like "A tremendously popular game" yet on forums everyone hates it o_O

Contradiction much?
Well, Final Fantasy Tactics is a strategy game. Most American/Euro Final Fantasy fans are not really 'gamers'. When a Final Fantasy Fan plays Tactics they believe that is isn't a good game since they're so use regular Final Fantasy games. Final Fantasy Tactics is a strategy game, it requires thinking and problem solving. Most FF fans don't want to deal with strategy games.
:blink: Most FF fans don't want to deal with stragity games?! Er...that's pretty sad lol. Other then the music and some kiddy elements, it's a great game (Played farther in and gotta change a bit about what I said lol).
Final Fantasy X-2 was a pretty abyssmal game. If Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is worse, then I want no part of it.

Besides, aren't there Final Fantasy games for mobile phones? Those are probably worse...if you're taking them into account, that is.
I personally love strategy games. I hope that they will make more FF games that are tactical. Yes i know that they have made a new FFTA but i mean like a whole new FF so like FF15 should be strategy xD and isnt FF pretty much all tactical? like in the FF games you usually gotta strategize againts enemies like for example in FF7 i would think about wat i need to do before the battle and during it.
Kudos, Luxord...

I also love strategy games and prefer a strategy/RPG-oriented direction for FF to the crappy menu-based action/rpg route they're taking. Heck... One of the first games I ever played and got obsessed with was Age of Empires, which was war strategy.

I loved FFTA, it was an awesome GBA title.
Not the worst FF... That was X-2 *shudders*. That was truly awful... Anyway, I liked this game, though not as good as ps or ps2 FFs, obviously, FFTactics Advance was really addictive, and you can play it differently each time you play.
well I definitely say this had to be FF 9. This was the most childish game ever, and its probably why it let me down as a FF game.
I still have to say FFX. I'm sorry but Tidus was the worst character ever created in my book, with the worst voice actor and the worst inconclusive personality. With him being the lead character, it almost made me puke...