The Zack/Cloud Fan Club ♥

Yeek! How dare you steal from me. ;))

I can't believe I was late viewing it, but now I'm glad that it's being spread around. It may be a bit immature of me, and silly, but I did squeal. I also watched it more than once. xD
lol, I know. I've already watched it 5 times xD

And did you see how Zack lifts Cloud into his arms all bridal style :3

To bad it fades out before we could see it in full view >_>
Can I join in on this (if I have't already...?) I'm a hopeless CloudxZack fangirl. ;_;
I've been meaning to do some Clack fanart for awhile too, but I keep getting sidetracked dammit! *shakes fist*
Could I join? :D I love this couple, a lot. Btw, have any of you seen the new ACC trailer? ^^; So much clack.
*squeals* OMG! I'm playing Crisis Core, and oh GHOD! The Zack/Cloud stuff is so paramount xD

I totally love the whole buddy-buddy thing *tapping fore arms together, relating in that they're both country boiz :3*. They weren't just guys who worked on that one mission together, they were FRIENDS. True, close friends ♥

And of course the yaoi fanservice is there too. I know Cloud's out of it, but Zack is so sweet taking care of poor chocobo-head. Carrying him around, changing him into another outfit and what not.

And the ending was so close to making me tear up T.T

Damn it! I will write fanfiction where Zack doesn't die, Cloud recovers totally fine and they have lots of cuddling and bedroom scenes and it'll be so rediculously sweet it'll make my teeth hurt :gasp:

*runs off to read some Zack/Cloud doujinshis*
I demand you let me join this club. :monsmash:

I'm playing Crisis Core, and oh GHOD! The Zack/Cloud stuff is so paramount xD
I totally love the whole buddy-buddy thing *tapping fore arms together, relating in that they're both country boiz :3*
Definitely! Clack all the way.
I love the scene where Zack's standing there doing squats in the Inn (in Nibelheim wasn't it?) and Clouds just sitting there on the bed watching him, I bet he was hoping Zack would jump in bed with him. ;))
I looove the Clack moments in Crisis Core. I swear they did that just for fanservice purposes! I just KNOW they did. :P How about the ACC trailer, eh? Zack carrying Cloud all bridal style? I hope we can get a good screenshot of that once it's released! Speaking of which, when WILL ACC be released? o_O
I bet he did xD

Cloud *Come on, come on...I'm right here, you studly man muffin, you :3*

And Zack can be so cutely oblivious. Probably doesn't realize all his groping-er, um, handling of Cloud *pre-4 years in captivity I mean* is turnin' on poor chocobo head :P

And we all know that as soon as Zack hits the bed and it fades to black Cloud crawls over to him and demands some attention xD

EDIT: I don't know, maybe in April; I think it was in a news thread here on this site about the release date o_O
Oh you know this. He was all up on that! Even though he err...might've been a vegetable of sorts, he could probably still drag himself over there, lay down and ask Zack in gurgles and mumbles to take advantage of him. xD ^_~

I love the scene where Zack's standing there doing squats in the Inn (in Nibelheim wasn't it?) and Clouds just sitting there on the bed watching him, I bet he was hoping Zack would jump in bed with him. ;))

Haha, I love that too, because Zack seems like such a dork. And it was so random! xD I love how Cloud's head follows him up and down then he does it, too. I think Cloud crawled into Zack's bed during the night because he got scared. <3 :))

And Zack can be so cutely oblivious.

Or a very good actor. ;))
WoOoOoOoOoW i love zack and cloud sooo much ...

i want to join too ...



*runs off to read some Zack/Cloud doujinshis*

from where can you download it cuz i want to download too

soo plz can you give me the website that you download it from ..
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You like ZackxCloud AshLy? I'm surprised...I would've never guessed :P Not like your sig gave it away or anything. :lol: Only kidding.

I wanna read some doujin, Fusion! If you got a link, pm it to me :P I MUST see it!
I found the most GORGEOUS fanart of Zack and Cloud awhile back on DeviantArt and I remember I faved it, so I just HAD to share it with you guys! I can't get over this picture ;_; It's so beautiful.

WoOoOoOow you right it`s soooo beautifull ...

I love it i really do it`s soo romantic if you have more like this

picture plz put here ...
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I just found this one and thought it was cute/hilarious.


Also, Tango! <3


That's lovely, Aerith! *O*
Gyaaaah! Celes!! Those are SUPER cute fanarts! I absolutely love the first one! All done up in Super Mario Bros style. How adorable! xD I can't help but squeal over these two. :P