The Zack/Cloud Fan Club ♥

Holy shizpurfle! -fangirl squeal;- That picture is so freaking adorable.

Are we agreed that Zack is deffo the Seme here? XD
I can't help it... this one too...



Zack is definitely seme! Cloud is too cute and shy. x]
Yes, Zack/Cloud is my preference too! I'm sure there are people into it the other way around, but not me :3
well guys is there anyone know the doujinshis ZC remix 3

cuz i don`t know from where i can download

if anyone have a link for it pluz gave me
Zack is definitely seme xD I agree with that whole-heartedly! I don't think Cloud would be able to wear the pants in the relationship. :wacky: Zack's more headstrong where Cloud is quiet, shy and a big sweetheart. xD
Errr you do realize this is a pairing fanclub for the Yaoi CloudxZack pairing right? If so, then you can join my Cloud Strife fanclub since you like Cloud so much. ^^
I wouldn't mind Cloud being the seme actually :wacky: *is the minority*
Things would get interesting...

btw I love all the fanart you guys, it makes me wish I could draw.
I wouldn't mind Cloud being the seme actually *is the minority*
Things would get interesting...

Haha, I'd think that could work if Zack had lived on into AC time.

Otherwise, letting Cloud *try it* sometimes is a fun thought. xD
I just finished Crisis Core last night T.T

Damn it, why'd Zack have to die?! He was so awesome :3

And especially I was getting torn up over the fact that Cloud regained consciousness enough to try to reach out to Zack when he left him to take care of the Shinra Troops.

...And then there's the whole death sequence too :sad2:
Oh god...oh god oh god oh GOD that game made me just absolutely bawl at the end...

WHY ZACK, WHY!? ;_; Cloud NEEDS you.
When he reached his hand out for Zack like that...and when Cloud crawled to his side, so confused and not understanding what was happening at first, it was just heartbreaking...and this his scream ;_;
he needs Zack...
The hardest part for me was all of Cloud's flashbacks of Zack. T^T

And then Tseng saying "I have letters to deliver... 88 of them."

i dont remember if i joined this but cloud and zack make a great team, so i will join, oh and i do realise its a yaoi pairing, i am a guy, but i must ad mit i cried at the end of crisis core, now i make people do that bit for me
Finished Crisis Core a few days back, and I'm still miserable, and I was crying.
This is the first time I've cried at something that didn't happen in real life, not that ever do anyway.
The love was there.

Sign me up! ^_^
Hiii guyyys and giiirls ^____^ ...

well i have some coool images ...

Here some for Zack and Cloud ...


i realy love these images it`s from the artist yubinbasya ...

i love her art it`s sooo cooolll ...

. 1 .


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this image it`s reallly saaad -____- it`s remind me when zack died i realy cry sooo much ...


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when i see this image i think it`s like that

cloud wait for a call from zack or message ...


i hope you like it ,,,

and tell where is the best image for you ,,,

and i will put more sooon if you want everyone ,,, ^___________^
*throws Phoenix Down*

So anyone else see ACC yet? I was pleasantly surprised to see a a lot of Zack scenes in this movie. There was the trailer where we see some extra closeness between Zack and Cloud just before he died, but there was a new scene in ACC as well

During the fight with Sephiroth, after Sephy slices up Cloud a whole lot (seriously X_x), he get's that white-glowing scene with Zack like he did with Aerith earlier in the movie. It was also back-to-back, although you could see Zack and everything. Not sure about the dailog since I only saw the Japanese version, but it was still nice, Zack supporting Cloud like that :3
I was just browsing screenshots on and omg ;_;
Cloud was losing soooo much blood...he really looked like he was going to die there for a minute o_o And then I saw the screenies of Cloud and Zack back to back
and Clack fangirl squeed once more inside me. :awesome: