Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

  • Tifa

    Votes: 69 61.1%
  • Yuffie

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Aerith

    Votes: 23 20.4%

  • Total voters
Tifa has to be my pick she is powerful dominant yet sweet and tender specialy towards her love cloud. She is well rounded in every possible way so she is the best female character in the game.
Aerith has always been my favorite. When I first played the game, I just feel in love with her. I found her incredibly cute and sweet. But, I also like Tifa and Yuffie a lot too. I relate to Tifa a lot more personality wise and Yuffie is just downright hilarious. I really don't see why people don't really like Yuffie...
Tifa for certain. She's powerful, yet kind and loving to the younger ones like Marlene. Like Joeyfinalfantasygod, I found her to be pretty well rounded and the best female character ingame.
Aerith has always been my favourite FFVII character. I like everything about her, from her personality to her limit breaks. Definitely one of the better designed and developed FF Characters methinks.

Yuffie's okay, but I don't rate her too highly.

And I just don't like Tifa :wacky:

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Well, as my first entry- I guess it's appropriate to state my stance on this long-debated...er...debate. Haha.

Personally, I'm a Tifa fan. I like her personality a lot more, and how she can be serious when needed and also when she needs to take it easy. Unlike Aerith, she's a great healer as well as an incredible fighter. (Everytime I play VII, she serves me as both.)

Apart from that, I've just never clicked with Aerith. I don't know what it is. ...Just never felt the connection. Never really liked her enough to care by the time she was...yeah...kaput.

And Yuffie- fun, sorta good in battle, slightly annoying, always young. Yadda Yadda Yadda.

Tifa wins it for me. Every time.
Aerith is my preference of the three! I was rolling my eyes when I saw her in the intro, but she really surprised me by not being the ditzy, weak willed character I envisioned. I'm not over zealous about her design (well, the colour at least) but her braid is cute and I always loved how her boots were a reminder she was still a slum girl. Plus she saved my ass so many times playing the game, because I never level up enough. Tifa is more realistic, with more realistic issues to deal with, so I related to her a little more than the others. Her personality didn't do much for me, but she was great in Advent Children (better design too) Yuffie kinda gets sidelined. She is the perfect antidote to the more wholesome heroines with her arrogance and don't give a damn attitude. It seems SE couldn't resist the temptation to turn her into a Rikku clone though.
Tifa for me because she was the least annoying one out of the 3 of them and she was a much better fighter in battle as well. I got nothing else to say so yeah.
Tifa is my fav, she has a nice body and a great personality. Aerith second, she has a pretty nice body, plus her peaceful, soft personality makes her so cute. Yuffie third, she's too skinny, but I like her hyperactivity.
I'd definitely have to go with Tifa. She will kick your ass dead. Literally. Yuffie, Aerith... they've got weapons. But Tifa will just come in and beat your ass with her bare hands! That's awesome.

Also, I just liked her independent, confident way about her. She wasn't obnoxious (Yuffie) and she definitely didn't give up (Aerith). She also has a very sweet yet modest personality, that I found appropriate and likeable.

Yuffie was very funny, but I'll never quite forgive her for stealing my materia. >( (But it was worth going through all the trouble to get her date with Cloud at the Golden Saucer. That made me laugh like hell.)

And Aerith... well, I couldn't help but notice that she's wearing boots. With a dress. *twitch* That always got on my nerves. And I hated how she never tried to save herself. She just, resigned herself to her death, didn't go out without even an attempt to save herself and do what had to be done. She just bent over and took it!!!! That pissed me off. And she was always in a state of constant good cheer, while not at all a bad thing, it's like eating a cake made out of sugar--sweet with the first bite, but you get tired of it REAL quick. And her obnoxious flirting got irritating after a while. At least for me, because she was so obviously stepping on Tifa's toes and didn't seem to care about it. >(

*cough* Uh.... yeah, that's my vote.
Personally I'm a Tifa fan. Probably mainly because I relate to her most. She has dark features which look very beautiful in shots in AC (though I was annoyed they'd made her eyes more greeny to show light reflection) and she can stand up for herself. Also being a martial arts master is pretty impressive, you have to admire her drive and independence, I mean she tried to murder Sephiroth herself for God's sake. On top of that she's shy but caring and maternal. And I loved her outfit, see my avatar for her original outfit in CGI, wish I could pull that off, in the CGI rendering it looks less slutty anyway. Also I found her to be a really valuable member of my party, her Limit Breaks were some of the best in the game next to Cloud's. Tifa was never a slut or a liar, I've never got where that came from.

I found Yuffie slightly annoying and I hated her when she nicked my materia because I got lost and ran out of MP and HP and items and I died looking for her at first. Grrrr. Having said that she made me laugh the most out of all three.

Aerith I adore because she was so bubbly and 'out-there' and she made me laugh a lot too. Though I do see the point about her stepping on Tifa's toes, she could tell Tifa liked Cloud but she still flirted with him. But to be honest it led to highly comical scenes in the game so no hating from me there!
Totally adore all three girls! ^_^

Aerith; Must confess, I didnt like her in the original game. She seemed to have that pushy and flirty personality I really dislike.
I started to like her in Advent Children, mostly because of her voice. I absolutely ADORE her voice (or Maaya Sakamoto`s, you can say:wink1:).
And after playing Crisis Core I finally began to appreciate her personality. That game made me completely fall in love with her.

Tifa; I loved this girl ever since I played the original game.
She`s such a great character! Her personality is extremely appealing, not to mention her looks... she`s gorgeous :blush:

Yuffie; this girl is made of pure fun! She`s witty and can do silly things at the same time. She also cares for her friends a lot and not afraid to risk her life to save them. Besides, she`s a real princess and a very pretty one ^_^

All in all: Aerith wins 'best voice', Tifa wins 'best looks' and Yuffie - 'best personality' for me xd;
I can't believe that Yuffie got the least votes!

Though I do have to agree with
spirit chaser with this one.

BUT over all, Yuffie wins my vote for being the most Interesting.

Tifa, yeah, big breasts, guys obviously vote for her. Ha.

But yeah, Yuffie! ;))
Tifa, yeah, big breasts, guys obviously vote for her. Ha.

As a man, I find it offensive that you think men would only like Tifa because of her breasts.

And for the record, I have not voted on this popularity contest.
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Sorry Ryushikaze, I didn't mean it like that, I just meant generally as a joke haha. But ya know.
Plus I didn't say JUST men :S

Well sorry that I offended you heh

I chose Tifa (not because of her big breasts, you can hardly see them in-game anyway) but because she's there for the entire game, and she's a good character to have in your active party.
If I had to choose between the three of them, the vote would go to Tifa. The reason for this goes into the fact that Aerith just goes and dies in the game, leaving you hanging and practically forcing the vote onto the other two. Yuffie has so much spunk that anyone would like her, to play with, but just isn't my type. Then we have Tifa, there from beginning to end, body beats the other two, has the caring side as well as the kick the others in the ass side, and well, yay for jumping.
I'd definitely choose Aerith! I liked her personality, and she was the character who saved me in most battles *Healing magic~~*
And the thing that touched me the most is that, even after she died, she was still there, and stopped meteor. Yep, Aerith ftw~ xDD
I vote Tifa....She is the most accountable character.She always looks happy and cheers up all the party even if she is sad inside her.She is very emotional but at the same time very strong and she doesn't need anybody's help...
Yuffie is the kid of the party and that makes her cute..She is independent and very funny too..
Aerith is just so good and that makes me don't like her.......
All are equally useless women if you ask me. However, I'll go with Tifa because she had the best personality. Yuffie I just can't stand. Her annoying voice, her ditsy attitude, and her weak fighting ability. Aeirth is overrated. Cloud should have been a real man, and hooked up with Tifa, the one who really loved him. Aerith just wanted his money.
All are equally useless women if you ask me. However, I'll go with Tifa because she had the best personality. Yuffie I just can't stand. Her annoying voice, her ditsy attitude, and her weak fighting ability. Aeirth is overrated. Cloud should have been a real man, and hooked up with Tifa, the one who really loved him. Aerith just wanted his money.

Wanted his money?How could that be?