Un-Official Dissidia 2 roster

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Kefka Valentine

Chocobo Breeder
Apr 5, 2009
This may be too early to discuss, but ever since i heard that square might make a dissidia 2, i've been wondering who should be in it... IMO there should be 2 heroes and villains for each main FF (including 11 & 12)

This is what I Think:

FF1 Heroes:
- Warrior of Light, the same one
- Another Warrior of Light, maybe a female red mage

FF1 Villains:
- Garland
- Astos (there isn't really another choice for FF1, IMO Astos was kinda a threat in FF1 too, at least for the elves it was)

FF2 Heroes:
- Firion
- Maria

FF2 Villains:
- The Emperor
- Leon

FF3 Heroes (NDS characters):
- Luneth
- Arc

FF3 Villains:
- Cloud Of Darkness
- Xande

FF4 Heroes:
- Cecil
- Kain

FF4 Villains:
- Golbez
- Zemus

FF5 Heroes:
- Bartz
- Faris

FF5 Villains:
- Exdeath
- Gilgamesh

FF6 Heroes:
- Terra
- Shadow (it would be more probable being Locke, but i find him too similar to Zidane, and i prefer Shadow)

FF6 Villains:
- Kefka
- Gestahl

FF7 Heroes:
- Cloud
- Vincent or Zack

FF7 Villains:
- Sephiroth
- Genesis

FF8 Heroes:
- Squall
- Rinoa

FF8 Villains:
- Ultimecia
- Seifer

FF9 Heroes:
- Zidane
- Vivi

FF9 Villains:
- Kuja
- Beatrix (although she was only a villain for a short time, there doesn't seem to be anyone else, Garland would probably be the one, but there already is a garland) or maybe a modified Necron

FF10 Heroes:
- Tidus
- Yuna (but i also like lulu)

FF10 Villains:
- Jecht
- Shuyin

i can't say anything about FF11 and 12 because i never played them...
From Final Fantasy 12:
-Basch or Balthier
-Fran or Ashe

-Vayne Solidor and his Undying Form >=D
-Judge Gabranth and Judge Bergan

I can't wait to fight as Vayne Solidor XD
Hmm... I wouldn't choose Shadow as the second hero for FFVI. To me the most qualified character besides Terra in my opinion would be Celes. Second place would be Locke, but I still think Celes would be the best choice. She has a history with Kefka too, a deep one in fact, that's one of the main reasons to choose her.

For FFVII, if the second hero should be Vincent, the second villain should be Hojo, then his Ex-mode (or whatever) could be Hojo's monster form >D But if the second hero should be Zack, then Genesis should be the counterpart.

FFX second villain should be Seymour, if the second hero should be FFX Yuna. I haven't played X-2 yet, so I can't say anything beyond X.

I haven't played FFIX but shouldn't the other choice be Garnet? I don't know this game, so I can't really say anything ;P
Hmm... I wouldn't choose Shadow as the second hero for FFVI. To me the most qualified character besides Terra in my opinion would be Celes. Second place would be Locke, but I still think Celes would be the best choice. She has a history with Kefka too, a deep one in fact, that's one of the main reasons to choose her.

For FFVII, if the second hero should be Vincent, the second villain should be Hojo, then his Ex-mode (or whatever) could be Hojo's monster form >D But if the second hero should be Zack, then Genesis should be the counterpart.

FFX second villain should be Seymour, if the second hero should be FFX Yuna. I haven't played X-2 yet, so I can't say anything beyond X.

I haven't played FFIX but shouldn't the other choice be Garnet? I don't know this game, so I can't really say anything ;P

you are right about celes, i just chose shadow because i think he is the coolest in FF6...

and although Garnet is the female protagonist, i think people prefer vivi and he would be more fun to add in the game IMO... besides, garnet's main power is to summon, IDK if that would be possible, but i bet square could do it

EDIT: i also had the idea that for bonus/secret characters, the ones from tactics could be used

the protagonist of tactics (can't remember the name) as the hero, and Queen Remedi from tactics advance as the villain (her ex-burst would be Li-Grim)
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Tactics? You mean Ramza Belouve. In which case his adversary could be Altima the High Seraph or Delita.
Final Fantasy 1
Warrior of Light
- Princess Sarah
Villian- Garland ( Returns )

Final Fantasy 2
- Firion
- Minwu
Villian- Leon

Final Fantasy 3
- Arc ( FF3 DS )
- Refia ( FF3 DS )
Villian- Xande

Final Fantasy 4
Cecil Harvey
- Rosa Farrell
Villian- Kain Highwind

Final Fantasy 5
- Bartz Klauser
- Galuf
Villian- Gilgamesh

Final Fantasy 6
- Terra Bradford
- Locke Cole
Villian- Gesthal

Final Fantasy 7
- Cloud Strife
- Zack Fair
Villain- Genesis

Final Fantasy 8
- Squall Leonhart
- Rinoa Heartilly
Villain- Seifer Almasy

Final Fantasy 9
- Zidane Tribal
- Garnet Til Alexandros
Villian- Queen Brahne

Final Fantasy 10
- Tidus
- Yuna
Villain- Seymour Guado

Final Fantasy 12
- Basche
- Ashe
Villain- Vayne

Final Fantasy 13
- Lighting
- Pig-tailed girl
Villian- Whoever he'll be..

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Final Fantasy XII: I'd love to see Ashe vs Vayne Solidor.

Final Fantasy VIII: Squall vs Seifer would be interesting. Along with Rinoa & Ultimecia.

Final Fantasy IV: Kain. We need Kain dammit.

Final Boss for the whole game: Shinryu. Because giving the same final boss over again would be redundant.
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Final Fantasy XII: I'd love to see Ashe vs Vayne Solidor.

Final Fantasy VIII: Squall vs Seifer would be interesting. Along with Rinoa & Ultimecia.

Final Fantasy IV: Kain. We need Kain dammit.

Final Boss for the whole game: Shinryu. Because giving the same final boss over again would be redundant.

i agree with you...

hmm... Shinryu??? that would be cool... how about both him and Omega???
I agree with parts of yours, and have different takes on others. Here is how I would go with it --

FF1 Heroes:
- Warrior of Light
- Matoya (as a magic user...maybe throw her crystal eye at people as well...)

FF1 Villains:
- Garland
- Warmech -- I think that he would be awesome. Otherwise you are just left with minor villains...the four fiends and maybe Astos, as was said, or the Vampire of Melmond.

FF2 Heroes:
- Firion
- Maybe Paul the Thief, or one of the temporary party members, like Richard or Leila.

FF2 Villains:
- The Emperor
- I personally think it would be fun to kick Borghen's ass again. Leon is probably the better choice though.

FF3 Heroes (NDS characters):
- Luneth
- Dorga or Unne

FF3 Villains:
- Cloud Of Darkness
- Xande

FF4 Heroes:
- Cecil
- Kain

FF4 Villains:
- Golbez
- Zemus

FF5 Heroes:
- Bartz
- Dorgan (Nice father, son combo) or Kelgar would be cool.

FF5 Villains:
- Exdeath
- Gilgamesh

FF6 Heroes:
- Terra
- General Leo

FF6 Villains:
- Kefka
- Gestahl

FF7 Heroes:
- Cloud
- Zack

FF7 Villains:
- Sephiroth
- Jenova or one of the Turks

FF8 Heroes:
- Squall
- Laguna (again, like the father son thing)

FF8 Villains:
- Ultimecia
- Seifer

FF9 Heroes:
- Zidane
- Vivi

FF9 Villains:
- Kuja
-Queen Brahme, lol

FF10 Heroes:
- Tidus
- Yuna (but i also like lulu)

FF10 Villains:
- Seymor Guado
- Yu Yevon

As you can see some of mine are a bit on the comical side, but I don't see whats wrong with that
Unless the Buster Sword was Zack's EX Mode (which would make the soldier sword standard.) besides, it wouldn't matter really.
O.K. generally what most people said with a few changes here and there. I won't mention things I don't change.

FF Heros: WoL & original fighter

FF Villans: Garland & Lich (human sized please)

FF7 Heros: Cloud & Cid

FF7 Villains: Sephiroth & Dyne (technically bad)

FF8 Heros: Squall & Zell

FF8 Villains: Ultimeccia & Rai Jin (I just wanta beat him up, ya know.)

Maybe that's just what I think though. . .
FFVII Heroes:
FFVII Villains:
FFX Heroes:
FFX Villains
FFX-2 Heroes:
FFX-2 Villains:
FFXII Heroes:
-Basch or Balthier
FFXII Villains:
-Vayne Solidor
For FFXI Heroes (2 of the following) : Shantotto (returning, maybe have her own story this time?) Tenzen, Prishe, and Ajido. Villains: Shadow Lord or Promathia. Other then that, everyone else has said everything for the other games.
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Personally, I think they need more secondary characters if they make a sequel. They also should probably include more females, as it is there's only one female on Cosmos' side. o_O

FF1 heroes
Warrior of light (same)
Warrior of light (Red mage)

FF1 villains
One of the four fiends

FF2 heroes

FF2 villains
Emperor Mateus

FF3 heroes
Onion Knight (Luneth)
Onion Knight (Refia)

FF3 villains
Cloud of Darkness

FF4 heroes

FF4 villains
Dr. Lugae (you know it would be awesome! xD)

FF5 heroes

FF5 villains

FFVI heroes
Mog (Just because I want to see a moogle beat people up. :P)

FFVI villains
Ultros.... Well that probably wouldn't work, so I guess Gestahl... >_>

FFVII heroes

FFVII villains
Jenova (since it could take the form of others it would definitely be a mimic character)

FFVIII heroes

FFVIII villains

FFIX heroes
Freya (I'd say Vivi but he's not the type that could run on walls. xD)

FFIX villains
Beatrix (She may have ended up a hero in the end, but in the begining she made an awesome villain)

FFX heroes

FFX villains
Zack would use the CC buster sword and Cloud would use the original... unless they make it so that you can interchange weapons amongst characters without changing their whole look. they should also have Angeal in there too, and Genesis would wear the Gackt shreded jacket. then again... itd be weird seeing these guys in their revised designs.
Final Fantasy 1
- Warrior of Light
- Princess Sarah
Villian- Garland ( Returns )

Final Fantasy 2
- Firion
- Minwu
Villian- Leon

Final Fantasy 3
- Arc ( FF3 DS )
- Refia ( FF3 DS )
Villian- Xande

Final Fantasy 4
- Cecil Harvey
- Rosa Farrell
Villian- Kain Highwind

Final Fantasy 5
- Bartz Klauser
- Galuf
Villian- Gilgamesh

Final Fantasy 6
- Terra Bradford
- Locke Cole
Villian- Gesthal

Final Fantasy 7
- Cloud Strife
- Zack Fair
Villain- Genesis

Final Fantasy 8
- Squall Leonhart
- Rinoa Heartilly
Villain- Seifer Almasy

Final Fantasy 9
- Zidane Tribal
- Garnet Til Alexandros
Villian- Queen Brahne

Final Fantasy 10
- Tidus
- Yuna
Villain- Seymour Guado

Final Fantasy 12
- Basche
- Ashe
Villain- Vayne

Final Fantasy 13
- Lighting
- Pig-tailed girl
Villian- Whoever he'll be..

These is a good list for Dissidia 2 but what about Final Fantasy Tactics. Ramza and Delita are perfect for this game. As for the villain I would say Altima.
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Since everybody seems to be putting up their dream roster, I suppose I should put mine up. (My version has anywhere from 2-4 characters per FF, including seperate ones for spinoffs)

Final Fantasy:
+Warrior of Light
+Monk of Light

Final Fantasy II:
-Emperor Mateus Palamecia

Final Fantasy III:
+Onion Knight Luneth
+Onion Knight Refia
-Cloud of Darkness

Final Fantasy IV:
+Cecil Harvey
+Kain highwind
-Golbez/Ceodore Harvey Sr.

FFIV: The After Years:
+Ceodore Harvey

Final Fantasy V:
+Bartz Klauser
+Faris Scherwiz/Sarisa Scherwill Tycoon

Final Fantasy VI:
+Terra Branford
+Celes Chere
-Kefka Palazzo
-Emperor Gestahl

Final Fantasy VII:
+Cloud Strife
+Tifa Lockhart
-Rufus Shinra

Crisis Core: FFVII:
+Zack Fair
-Angeal Hewley
-Genesis Rhapsodos

FFVII: Advent Children:

FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus:
+Vincent Valentine
-Shelke the Transparent
-Weiss the Immaculate

Final Fantasy VIII:
+Squall Leonheart
+Laguna Loire

Final Fantasy IX:
+Zidane Tribal
+Freya Crescent
+Vivi Orutnia

Final Fantasy X:
-Seymour Guado

Final Fantasy X-2:

Final Fantasy XI (and Rise of the Zilart):
-Shadow Lord

Final Fantasy XII:
+Princess Ashe
+Basch von Ronsenberg
-Vayne Solidor
-Judge Gabranth

FFXII: Reverant Wings:
-Mydia/Judge of Wings

Final Fantasy XIII:
-Unknown Protagonist

Final Fantasy Versus XIII:
+Noctis Lucis Caelum
-Stella Nox Fleuret

Final Fantasy Tactics:
+Ramza Belouve
+Agria Oaks

FFT Advance:
+Marche Radiujiu
-Mewt Randall

FFTA2: Grimimore of the Rift:
+Luso Clemens

Secret Characters (From Kingdom Hearts Series)
+Sora (KH)
+Riku (KH: CoM)
+Roxas (KH2 & 358/2 Days)
-Xeanhort's Heartless (KH & CoM)
-Xemnas (KH2)
-Marluxia (KH: COM)
-Xion (KH: 358/2 Days)
Everything but VIII is okay^But your VIII pics were kinda bad.ultmecia is not a good match for squall.i think seifer would be better fighting squall.and maybe putting rinoa in to fight someone would be okay.
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