Un-Official Dissidia 2 roster

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I would like to see:


Well, that's my list.XD
Who I'd like to see is In Dissidia's sequel:

Ingus(?) - FFIII
Edge - FFIV
Buntz again - FFV
Edgar (I know he isn't the main hero, but it would be cool!) - FFVI
Irvine - FFVIII
(I've never played IX)
Rikku - FFX
Balthier/Larsa - FFXII
Here's my thoughts about Dissidia 2 Roster, (note that in my prediction maybe if in next game they put two heroes/villains instead one =P ) :

-Cosmos: Cecil and Kain
-Chaos: Golbez and Zemus

-Cosmos: Bartz and Faris XD
-Chaos: Ex-death and GILGAMESH (if there is his theme song in the game, why the character not?)

-Cosmos: Cloud and Zack/Tifa/Vincent (bah)
-Chaos: Sephiroth and Genesis/Weiss (i know its not from original game, but i don't know who else...)

-Cosmos: Leon and Rinoa
-Chaos: Ultimecia and Seifer

-Cosmos: Tidus and Yuna/Auron
-Chaos: Jecht and Seymour

-Cosmos: Basch and Balthier (don't have to do with Vaan >_>)
-Chaos: Vayne/Dr. Cid and Gabranth
I know that he's a bit of a small-time villain, but Black Waltz #3 was quite the badass. He should at least appear as a cameo in Dissidia 2.
Personally, I'd like every character from the original... and then just throw in more games. Also some new things maybe to add to it...

Every equipment item changes the visuals of a character slightly either by color or 3D graphic.
Infrastructure multiplayer.
Tournament mode.

And an adventure mode with much much much larger areas than The original dissidia, where you fight not manakins, but classic enemies like Pirates, Goblins, Wolves, Lizards, ghosts, etc. Think of it like a revamped DBZ Sagas. It can be done, it would also make the game much more playable and fun with a different fighting mode. Giving us this mode can get rid of the "original battle" pause-based fighting style of the first game.

Plus you add a ton more Key characters from other games:

Shadow Lord
Lose Shantotto and put in a Zilart


Jihl Nabaat

Kingdom Hearts:

Star Ocean TtEoT:
Fayt Leingod

Infinite Undiscovery:

The Last Remnant:
Rush Sykes
The Conqueror

Final Fantasy Tactics:
Ramza Beoulve
Delita Hyral

Why not throw in those extra game characters, since the games were made by Square? That adds a total of 16 character and makes a total of 36 playable characters. That's a really really good amount for a game of this calibur.
what about having Cosmos as a quick mode boss? i think it would be fair for all the chaos having to fight their own god
i'll be honest; as long as DFF2 adds more female characters, I will be one happy psp owner.
For putting in Genesis at least someone else thinks that. I always get that Genesis would be a copy of someone. Would he be?
Sooo... I made a list.

Couple of notes: The "/"s of course mean "or". You'll notice these are constants for most villains. Why? Because 56+ playable characters is a ridiculous number for a 2nd installment (and unrealistic for most fighting games). So at least 3 would cut it down that much more. Some games may or should even stick with 2 for this sake.

Also, what I tried to do in general is look for characters who Make for a good storyline, or, almost more importantly: Make for good versatility in gameplay!

I for one, don't agree with a combination like Cloud/Zack. Ignoring the fact that Zack wasn't even important in the initial VII (I don't see any of you mentioning Paine of X-2), it's just not that versatile for the game. I mean they even have the same weapon! Yeah, you could make their moves different based on their Limit Break-DMW differences etc... But we can do better than that. Same thing with Squall/Seifer, which is why I made the little note I did. And same reason I didn't go for Auron in X. He's a good story, but another sluggish swordsman? Or 2 swordsman coming from the same game. Why? I just think it's kind of wasted potential, or it'd feel really repetitive.

That being said, here's what I got:

II: Barts, Maria, The Emperor:

Can you imagine Maria as an addition? To be able to use a "full-time" archer? I think it'd be sick. She'd also make for a good story.

IV: Cecil, Kain, Golbez/Dark Kain/Combo of the fiends:

I think it's a bit unfair to subject Kain as a strict baddy. He was manipulated. Also, there could be a good story there about him fighting off that manipulation from Golbez or his very own DK.

V: Bartz, Lenna, Exdeath/Gilgamesh

VI: Terra, Locke, Kefka/Gestahl:

Locke could make for a groundy Zidane. Could work for a great story, but I feel bad that there's no Celes. <<

VII: Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth/Rufus/Hojo (if you want a full time baddy)

Tifa obviously makes for a great story with Cloud, and her "h2h combat" would be so different. Rufus and Hojo would make for unique kinds of styles as well, and for good plots.

VIII: Squall, Rinoa/Irvine, Ultimecia/Seifer (It pains me to suggest this one):

Rinoa would be great for the story, Irvine great for the gameplay. Seifer for story only...

IX: Zidane, Vivi, Kuja/Zorn and Thorn (Ice Climbers! Lulz!)/Necron variant:

Vivi - Black mage = wins. Great story if w/ Kuja. Z and T mentioned only for unique gameplay. Necron could be an easy story and interesting gameplay.

X: Tidus, Yuna, Jecht/Seymour

Yuna - unique gameplay, though not sure how it'd work. Seymour, same thing. Both good stories.

XII: Balthier, Fran, Vayne/Gabranth

Balthier and Fran, why? Because they were two of the most interesting characters (imo) to come out of that game, and they differ from one another. Vayne, an antagonistic monk, great storyline.


In reality though, I don't expect anything like this. What I think they're going to do for the next Dissidia is just add on XII (properly) and XIII, and maybe add another character from a selective game. They definitely aren't going to stack up people.
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I DEMAND Kain to be in for the sequel if they ever make it.
I'd also love to see Celes in it, she does have significance to FF6's story and she's a former colleague of Kefka. (And maybe she could sing in Dissidia?:gonk:)
Okay, let's say we were limited to a roster of up to 32 for the next one, who would you have in it? And try to be practical (as in, don't exclude a game so you could fit more characters for others simply because you don't like it)
Though there are some more people I want to add, there are still some protagonists and villains I don't think that you could replace (I'd happily replace Squall with Zell and Cloud with Yuffie 8F) But I drew this up of character I think they could get away with replacing in exchange for certain other characters as well as put in characters that, well, I just wanna see in it :awesome:

FFI Heroes - Fighter, Red Mage (Female)
FFI Villains - Garland, Chaos (Meh, can't think of any good villains in it apart from Fiends 8F)

FFII Heroes - Firion, Maria
FFII Villains - Emperor, Leon (As a more inbetweenie one mind, like Golbez)

FFIII Heroes - Luneth, Refia
FFIII Villains - CoD, Xande

FFIV Heroes - Cecil, Edge
FFIV Villains - Golbez, Zemus

FFV Heroes - Lenna, Faris
FFV Villains - ExDeath, Gilgamesh

FFVI Heroes - Terra, Mog
FFVI Villains - Kefka, Gestahl

FFVII Heroes - Cloud, Tifa
FFVII Villains - Sephiroth, Rufus

FFVIII Heroes - Squall, Selphie
FFVIII Villains - Ultimecia, Seifer

FFIX Heroes - Zidane, Vivi
FFIX Villains - Kuja, Beatrix (Another inbetweenie :gasp:)

FFX Heroes- Tidus, Rikku
FFX Villains- Jecht, Seymour

FFXI Heroes - Shantatto
FFXI Villains - Shadow Lord (I played FFXI, I didn't get far 8F)

FFXII Heroes - Balthier, Fran
FFXII Villains - Vayne, Gabranth
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As far as characters go, I'd love to see Edge from ff4, even though it'd probably be Kain. I wana see Zack Fair really bad, but he'd be almost an exact replica of cloud. Maybe he could be added as like a third secret costume or somethin? Genesis for sure.

Also, I think they should add Yuna, and Garnet and make a system where they can summon and use the summon to fight instead of themselves. Maybe lose a % of their health when summon dies or somethin.

Edit- I realize alot of people aren't big fans of it, but how dyou guys feel about Kingdom Hearts characters in Dissidia? Like Sora as the hero and Riku as the villain.
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As far as characters go, I'd love to see Edge from ff4, even though it'd probably be Kain. I wana see Zack Fair really bad, but he'd be almost an exact replica of cloud. Maybe he could be added as like a third secret costume or somethin? Genesis for sure.

Also, I think they should add Yuna, and Garnet and make a system where they can summon and use the summon to fight instead of themselves. Maybe lose a % of their health when summon dies or somethin.

Edit- I realize alot of people aren't big fans of it, but how dyou guys feel about Kingdom Hearts characters in Dissidia? Like Sora as the hero and Riku as the villain.
Dissidia Final Fantasy is a fighting game containing only characters from Final Fantasy. That's why is called Dissidia Final Fantasy. If there would be Kingdom Hearts characters added to the game it will kill the game big time. I prefer the game to stay as it is.
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I have to be honest i hate the idea of kingdom hearts characters... not that i have an aversion to kingdom hearts its just that this is realy a final fantasy only affair i mean realy Sora has no place fighting along side Cloud or Squall he has no place fighting Sephiroth or Jecht I didnt like it in the KH games i wouldnt like it in dissidia2
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final fantasy 10 Auron and the villian be Yunalesca.

If they put in Auron... Even Kelly would want to buy it :wacky: I'm half and half on the whole KH possibility, I'd love to be able to play as Riku but the whole fact that it's Dissidia: FINAL FANTASY it would ruin the original concept to have KH characters put into it
i bleieve sora and ansem might be in it (maybe as secret characters ?)
ff 13 will prob be in it
and hopefully agito and versus
ramza from tactics should be in it since it was a popular game.
um ...shit thats all i can think of unless they use 11 and 12 characters again.
maybe crystal chronicles but thatll jus piss me off
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