Un-Official Dissidia 2 roster

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Dissidia 2 Rosters :)

My Dissidia 2 Rosters. ( Although it has not yet been announced, I would like to make some rosters. :D )

Final Fantasy 1 :

+ Warrior Of Light
+ Warrior Of Light (Red Mage Female.)

- Garland (Maybe, You could speed him up a little.)
- Astos (Garland Sucks at Magic, So here's a antagonist who boosts in magic.)

Final Fantasy 2 :
+ Firion (He's a bit slow, Speed him up, and add some air bravery)
+ Maria

- Emperor (Maybe add some more abilities for him.)
- Leon

Final Fantasy 3 :
+ Onion Knight Luneth (The one who could go Sage and Ninja.)
+ Onion Knight Ingus (Cool Looks! Maybe, a Summoner and a Dragoon perhaps?)

- Cloud Of Darkness
- Xande

Final Fantasy 4 :
+ Cecil
+ Kain (Holy Dragoon!)

- Golbez
- Zemus

Final Fantasy 5 :
+ Bartz Klauser
+ Faris Scherwiz

- Exdeath (Boo! He's too slow!)
- Gilgamesh (Ugh, Please Don't make him too slow like Exdeath.)

Final Fantasy 6 :
+ Terra
+ General Leo (Why? He still has some unfinished business with Gestahl and Kefka.)

- Kefka
- Gestahl

Final Fantasy 7 :
+ Cloud
+ Zack (Hmm, Maybe an ordinary sword for Normal-Mode, and then he gets the buster sword for Ex-Mode.)

- Sephiroth
- Genesis

Final Fantasy 8 :
+ Squall
+ Rinoa

- Ultimecia
- Seifer

(That would make Squall VS Seifer, Rinoa VS Ultimecia)

Final Fantasy 9 :
+ Zidane
+ Vivi

- Kuja
- Amarant

Final Fantasy 10 :
+ Tidus
+ Auron

- Jecht
- Seymour

Extra Characters :
+ Shantotto
- Shadow Lord
+ Vaan
- Gabranth
+ Lightning
- Cid

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Let's see...

well, for starters, I'd love for them to bring it out on the PS3 with ALL of the main playable characters (only from the MAIN series, no spinoffs) and major enemies. However, I doubt that would happen just yet...if ever.

So who I'd like to see (along with all the characters from Dissidia returning):

(Good then Bad)

Good - Monk (fists instead of swords finally)
Bad - Astos

Good - Leon
Bad - Borghen (couldn't think of anyone better)

Good - Freelancer (could be like Onion Knight, but instead of Ninja/Sage, could do Dark Knight and Red Mage)
Bad - Xande (haven't beaten the game yet, be he seemed like a good choice)

Good - Kain (Gotta have Cecil's best friend...Cecil vs Kain anyone?)
Bad - Zemus (EX Mode could look like Zeromus)

Good - Faris (why not?)
Bad - Gilgamesh (EX Burst could be work like FFVIII's Gilgamesh, damage is based upon the weapon he chooses at random)

Good - Setzer (darts, cards, and dice as weapons)
Bad - Siegfried (not sure who else is plausible...Gestahl never fought)

Good - Vincent (potential for an awesome EX Mode and EX Burst)
Bad - Hojo (if you have Vincent you need his nemesis)

Good - Rinoa (she belongs with Ultimecia)
Bad - Seifer (he belongs with Squall)

Good - Vivi
Bad - Zorn and Thorn (something unique, like Ice Climbers from Smash Bros.; EX Mode they combine into Meltigemini)

Good - Yuna (let's get a summoner)
Bad - Seymour

FFXII: (two good characters to bring XII to 4 people)
Good - Basch and Ashe (Basch because of Gabranth, Ashe because of Vayne)
Bad - Vayne (he IS the final boss afterall)

Good - Lightning and Snow
Bad - Orphan and Barthandelus (somehow...would have to shrink them)
well i guess i got an opinion how about they add a hero from ff xiii versus and agito

for agito i vote for the guys with card and i guess there is just 1 guy in versus lol
Dissidia 2 Roster

I think I'd like to join this little game if you all don't mind ^_~.

Anyway My "decisions" will be more of a variety in the weapons and class departments. I also think of the actual storyline so the choices would be fitting Basically the list might be a little different then some of yours.

FF1 Heroes:
Warrior of Light
Red Mage of Light(Male or female)

FF1 Villains:
One of the Four Fiends(Sorry I haven't played FF1 yet)

FF2 Heroes:
Maria (We really need an archer and no one would be more suited then her. I liked her design in the OP of the PS1 version so I hope they use it)

FF2 Villains:
Leon (a fitting villian and rival for Maria)

FF3 Heroes:
Onion Knight(Luneth)
Arc or Ingus

FF3 Villains:
Cloud of Darkness

FF4 Heroes:

FF4 Villains:
At the end of Dissidia Cecil seems to have worked things out with Golbez so I doubt Golbez would return

FF5 Heroes:
Faris (a rapier user)

FF5 Villians:

FF6 Heroes:

FF6 Villains:
Celes (Being mind controlled by Kefka. Besides Celes always was more of an anti-hero. Not only would make for a good story but it would have Terra Celes and Locke all in the game which is something most of us obviously want)

FF7 Heroes:
Tifa OR Vincent (Zack would just be a copy of Cloud anyways...unless you replace Cloud WITH Zack :awesome:)

FF7 Villains:
Reno or Weiss (Reno if Tifa is in. Weiss if Vincent is in)

FF8 Heroes:
Rinoa (she has a unique weapon which makes for fun gameplay)

FF8 Villains:

FF9 Heroes:

FF9 Villains:
Lani or Beatrix (Lani used a GIANT AXE... so, yeah she'd be a pretty kicka** character)

FF10 Heroes:
Yuna(FFX-2 version. We need a gunner and her EX burst would be job change to songstress)

FF10 Villains:
Tidus and Jecht left on a good note in the first game so I don't know if Jecht would return. personally I like Jecht better. Besides we are Using FFX-2 Yuna so obviously the story would be after FFX. Meaning Tidus and Jecht already reconciled. Meaning no Jecht :(
Seymour ( Wait that just makes everything I said in the spoiler tag null and void)

Ugh, okay the FF1O villains are way to confusing to decide so its your choice

Shantotto and some random mithra or elvaan. maybe Prische as the villain. I dunno I don't really consider FF11 part of the main series since it is merely a MMORPG.

FF12 Heroes:
Reks or Ashe(remember what Gabranth did to Reks right? So Reks is much more fitting than Vaan. Plus Reks is a better character than Vaan anyway)

Llyud (just like X-2 is part of FFX , FF12:RW is part of FF12 since its canon. So I naturally would assume they woould have a representative of FF12:RW as well. Besides Llyud is just plain awesome (smexy too). Who wouldn't want to play as him. We need someone of a different race anyway and who better than he)

FF12 Villians:
Judge Gabranth
Judge of Wings (Feolthanos didn't appear till the end of FF12:RW so JoW would be more fitting)

FF13 Heroes:
Fang (though unfortunately Sazh is the most likely representative. Not that I have anything against Sazh. He's cool. I just REALLY wanted to play as Fang)

FF13 Villains:
Yaag Rosche
Cid Raines
But Orphan would be just kickass. So much fun to fight. maybe as a boss only character.
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It's already official that Kain and Lighting from finalfantasies IV and XIII are in the roster, it's also official that the game IS in fact coming out.
just to add here folks, if you look on the backlog info of previous interviews with the SE director, you can get a grasp of whom will definatley make it into the sequel, looks like we will be getting the following as definates:

Sazh (a gun user, could be VERY interesting)
Gilgamesh (Yes!)
Balthier (another gun user)

I can see there possibly being a rework on summons as well as some of the current cast being revamped, such as Cecil and Emperor Matius getting much needed improvement with Bartz and Warrior of Light taking possible tone downs (which i doubt would be needed if all comboing operated similar to Jechts but ce-la-vie)

As odd as this sounds, my money would likely be on the inclusion of Tactics characters and possibly even Mog or Stiltzkin as the secret unlockable characters, count out the Kingdom hearts cast however, the director ruled em out a long time ago as that would mean yet another Disney tie in and that would mean Disney would want the likes of Donald, Goofy and co included which tbh, would reck the dissidia universe entirely.
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