URPG Ideas

Filendie, check the thread Jquestionmark made. And yeah, you could control the NPC's etc. We will just make the initial NPC's and give their descriptions and after that, in the thread, everyone are free to use them. Plus you could bring in a band of people with you as there is no set characters or requested profile's for the thing. Although, there will be laws and rules :D
I was wondering if double posting would be an option tho ... it would really depend on the GM's. I would be fine with a double post if the second post is 24hours after the first post and if it's long enough, but dunno about the GM's.
I have this one idea but well is it possible to make a original Final Fantasy rpg that is based more off the series then the being based off one of the games?
Very possible, It's been done before, actually. I'm never too into URP, I like to have creative freedom; more than URP can offer, but I can assure you that you very well could put all the final fantasy games in the same world and make a RP from it.
Because my Final Fantasy rp story is set in a world call Lagoona with made up characters that are the warriors of light chosen by the goddess of light Athane one of them being her daughter.