Username Change Thread

FFGuy, the name Gogeta is already in use. Wolfblack, your request has been fulfilled.
Thanks for that Mystique
P.s i like your name.

Sorry bout this but im gonna jump on the DBZ band wagon to.So please if its no trouble can you change it to Kid Buu
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I'd like my name to be changed to Trunks please.

EDIT: Nevermind. I'll hold off on changing my name for now.

EDIT2: Changed my mind again. Could you change it to Trunks please?
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Hm. I'm going to keep comments to myself.

Name Change: <<Doaj>> | <<E>>
Death Stalker, I'm sorry but you have to wait awhile before you can have another username change.

The other requests have been fulfilled. Doaj, you just want the letter E? Do you want those arrows around your name? If not, then whenever you request a change, plus don't put those arrows as it can be confusing.
I'm pretty sure he only wants it to be E, he appears to be copying the format of the name change form from the first post. May want to update it. ;)
Oh what the hell, everybody is doing it, I'm not falling behind on the trend.

Make me Kid Buu please.

And Protect Zaiku, anybody who takes it will suffer death by buster sword. Again and again... And Again.
Requests have been filled. Look, I want you guys to understand that I can't protect your usernames from being taken when a new member registers. There is absolutely nothing at all I can do about that. I'll change your names, but you need to be 100% aware that if somebody joins and uses that name, I can't take it from them, so if it happens, don't be angry at me and don't let it fall back on me either because it's not my fault.
Darn, I've had a name change.

I don't remember what the time limit is (I've seen several different time limits posted)... If I'm within the time in which I can have a name change, may I be Chichi, please?

Edit: Never mind. It seems the DBZ craze has died.
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I wanna be a part of the name changing fad!

I want my name changed to:

Kai Miyaguzku

I don't know if my 60 days have come up yet...but once it does, I'd like the change.
I'm sorry, I know I have only just joined, but I had trouble registering as no names worked at the time (I sent an e-mail out to the administrator about it). I really wanted my name to be Nicola if that name is available?