Username Change Thread

Ahem I swore I wouldn't do this but things change.

Can I have my name changed to Tethar please.

Not bothering with the Atrum not right now anyway.
Altair, back to Thorn if possible.

I guess people just no me to well as Thorn for Altair to stick lol.
Just for my own confirmation, how long is it, exactly, until we can request another change? I wasn't sure if we'd kept the old limit when Josh was here or not.

I gave in and changed my name to Vegeta and I am now on that bandwagon where I want to change my name all of the time. :wacky:
ok can we reserve names if so reserve Kiba or Akamaru for me in tel the 60 day period is over.
We're only willing to reserve names if a theme is under way. Otherwise, your username is open for the taking.
You still have 50 days to go before you can have another name change, Vayne.
Geez... How many times have I changed my name..? Eh, screw it, I'll keep ya'll modz busie.

Can I get a name change to Chillen, please and thank you :) ?