Username Change Thread

after the waiting period of however long could my name be changed to
Sgt Pepper
please and thank you
As I understand it, that offer is still open regarding the members who converted to Dragonball Z usernames. I'd like to change back to Riku, please. I miss the poor cunt. :wacky:

I've already checked the member list and no one's jumped in my grave, so there shouldn't be any problems.
Both have been done. Placebo, if you would please put your previous username in your signature or your usertitle so people aren't confused on who you are, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
because I'm in a huuuuuge Doctor Who mood, especially series three, may I change my name to...

The Master

okay, tired of the one letter.

Once my 60 days are up, I'd like my name to be changed to Regal Bryant please.