Username Change Thread

Can I have a less lulzworthy name than I LOVE CELINE DION please?

Id settle with Arse, Twat, Breasts... HIPS even?!
Kuja, give the lady her goddamn old name back -_-

SaggyBoobs, that's what her old name was :wacky:
crap, I meant to discard that request. >=[

Change it back to Zack. xD
I was wondering...

I'm new here, but I tried to register as Captain Basch. It was obviously taken, so I chose something else. But I was just looking through the member list, and I notice that the person who has the name I wanted joined almost 8 months ago and never posted. Because of this I was wondering if it would be possible to get said name. So... uh... yeah...

Could I get the name Captain Basch?
I would like my name to be changed to


please. :D

Thank you in advance. And I know it's not even nearly close to 2 months yet, but hey, you decided on an ill-conceived plan to change my already good username to a minor FFIX character! xD

So thar. :monster:
Yeah, I highly doubt the guy will post anytime soon, so why not. ^_^
And yes Warbsy, you can have that name since it was changed against your will...xD

Requests done ^_^
Well well well!!!!

I want a name change, but it's one of the "awkward" name changes that youll probably hate me for!

I loveeee Sephiroth, and I noticed that one of your members is named Sephiroth, and he is extremely inactive, with no posts, so I'm wondering, maye, or even possibly...

would there be any way for me to steal his name!!
Username 'Sephiroth' has been taken. There is also no theme underway.