[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Just spent pretty much most of the last 13 hours completing Half-Life 2 and HL2: Episodes 1+2 and enjoyed almost all of it, excellent stuff.
Geez, I really should get myself a 3rd gen console. -.-

Currently playing Blitzkrieg: Total War. Love this strategy game and since the subject is WWII I play it almost daily.
Sonic Adventure Rush, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Blue Dragon, and im finishing up the forest of pain in .hack//g.u vol 3.
Final Fantasy XII, Zelda: (Twilight Princess, Phanthom Hourglass, Ocarnia Of Time and Link To The Past) , Halo 3, Orange Box, Metroid Prime 3, Endless Ocean, Bioshock, Okami, Blue Dragon, Oblivion.

There just what i've been playing lately, I took a break from other games and got back to some of these. :lol:

Not gonna start Eternal Sonata until I've finished Twilight Princess. :D
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Valkyrie Profile. :) Reminds me. I need to charge my D.S. and find my PSP charger...
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Halo 3, Gears of War, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

That's about it.
Assassin's Creed. I could really go into detail what I feel about this game but lets just say that it isn't as good as it was originally made out to be.
Assassin's Creed. I could really go into detail what I feel about this game but lets just say that it isn't as good as it was originally made out to be.
going to have to disagree with you here. Im playing it atm and its amazing! i love it so far! im also playing Madden 08' xD
I am currently playing Assassins Creed (just got it today), and Guitar Hero III (trying to get a 100% on the Halo Theme).
I am about to start with AC :D and I just gonne through intro level and I like what I see so far :D

but actually playing:

FFVIII....almost donne with it...think I will be donne by the end of this week, it is ok...not my favourite FF at all....

Silent Hill - a bit stuck there at the moment and takes time to get used to crapy controls but other then that it is good...and interesting

Okami: loving this one...absolutelly gorgeous game :)
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