[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I've been messing around with Super Smash Bros. Brawl (FC: 1977-0154-0040), both online and off. In fact, it's the only thing I've been played for the past week, and except for breaks to watch a bit of tv or surf the internet, I haven't done much else.

>_>; I feel like a damn nerd now.
I completed Revnant Wings so now Im on Kingdom Hearts AT LAST!

I'm up to Hollow Bastion (sp) and Im stuck -_- I cant believe how annoyingly addictive this game is o_O
I'm currently playing FFT: War of the Lions on the PSP. Just power leveling my characters, so I can pwn everything in my path
I finally started Legends of Heroes III last night. I haven't gotten too far into the game, but it kinda reminds me of Grandia in a way. I can sense adventure lurking around the corner just by an hour's worth of gameplay. I'm really enjoying it.
Devil may cry 4, need for speed pro street, and final fantasy VII, are all i have been playin for the past 2 weeks although i only got DMC4 a couple of days ago... oh yea I'm also playing Final fantasy for PSP when the mood takes me.
Crisis Core on the PSP. To be honest, i was expecting a below average game this time.

I was amazed when the game turned to be really good.
Still playing Brawl, although I'm also playing some Jump Ultimate Stars (Imported it, and I have to say it's a damn good game.), Kirby's Adventure, and Pokemon Emerald (Yes, I liek teh Pokemans :monster:).
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Now currently playing Crisis Core, but still switching between CC and Legends of Heroes III. Crisis Core is amazzzzinnnggg! The graphics are kick-ass, but can't really say much about storyline yet since I haven't gotten that far into the game.
Playing again FFXII and switching it with Crisis Core.

However, i download today the beta from MGS4 Online. So i think i wouldn't play both FF in a while.
Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings. Nearly finished both of them! But then I'll be sad.... because well, they're finished.... Which is why I tend to postpone their conclusion. Somewhat pathetic I guess...
Crisis Core on the PSP. To be honest, i was expecting a below average game this time.

I was amazed when the game turned to be really good.
Same as him.

Crisis Core is pretty much all I'm playing right now. I'm pretty hooked. In fact, I'm playing it right now as I type this post.
Crisis Core and God of War: Chains of Olympus.

I'm playing through GoW a 2nd time in God Mode. Its unbelievably hard O.O

I still have not beaten CC. Right now I'm
in Nibelheim, inside the Shinra mansion trying to find the code to the safe (>_> bad memories)
Crisis Core and God of War: Chains of Olympus.
I still have not beaten CC. Right now I'm
in Nibelheim, inside the Shinra mansion trying to find the code to the safe (>_> bad memories)

Code? which code?? I'm almost at the final battle but i couldn't remember anything like a code.

Anyway; the part of Nibelheim it's just awesome!
The second part of the battle against Sephirot, it's without doubt the best on the game yet!
I'm playing Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy III. I'm trying to get through all three MGS games before Guns of the Patriots comes out. I don't know if I can really say I'm playing FF3, as it's just sitting in my DS watching me play MGS. I get distracted from that game easily.
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