[V1] What are you currently playing?

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let's see
GTA San andreas
pokemon emerald (just because)
and I think that's it at the moment.
Tales of the World - Radiant Mythology

I've heard the 'hardcore' fans of the 'Tales of' series say that it doesn't play like a normal 'Tales of' game but I doesn't really bother me considering it's the first 'Tales of' game I've played, and I love it sooooo much. :)

I mean how can anyone not love the opening? :gasp:
Fifa 08 for me currently, damn that game has given me some serious mileage since I bought it.
Pokémon XD : Gale of Darkness.

I have nothing else I feel like playing to be honest, it's a simple game that I'm having a load of fun playing. So what if it's Pokémon? It's still fun! ^_^
Lately I've been playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but I might get into playing Final Fantasy X soon and getting Bahamut's HP even more outrageously high. :lol:
Tales of the World - Radiant Mythology

I've heard the 'hardcore' fans of the 'Tales of' series say that it doesn't play like a normal 'Tales of' game but I doesn't really bother me considering it's the first 'Tales of' game I've played, and I love it sooooo much. :)

I mean how can anyone not love the opening? :gasp:

The game is more like a "Tactis" where you get a mission and complete it, instead of the way other "Tales" are. However, i recommend you playing other Tales before continue, 'cause most of the charm of the game is see again charecters like Stan, Chester, Cless, Leon/Judas, Luke, Tear, Rutee etc, etc and have them joining on your party =)

And yes, Hikari to Kage is great *3*!!!
To continue Cess' list of 'Tales of...' characters: Lloyd, Genis, and Kratos. Senel is in there too, but I don't like him...

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. I've fallen in love with this game sooo much, I love the new cinematics they've added. It is just breath-taking.

I am also playing Lost Odyssey. I highly recommend this game to RPG lovers who have an XBox 360. The graphics are just plain beautiful, the story is great and the battle system is exciting imo.
To continue Cess' list of 'Tales of...' characters: Lloyd, Genis, and Kratos. Senel is in there too, but I don't like him...


I am also playing Lost Odyssey. I highly recommend this game to RPG lovers who have an XBox 360. The graphics are just plain beautiful, the story is great and the battle system is exciting imo.

Not to mention that you understand better some behaviors of the characters (Chester's over-protective behavior as example); but you can enjoy 'Radiant Mythology' without problems :3 the battle gameplay is as good as the one in Symphonia

And talking about Lost Odyssey, is it worth? I've just bought a 360, and i was thinking about buying it, but i've heard different opinions from pals and friends ;)
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Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess ( this games so dam long, ive finally just stopped trying to gain all the heart pieces and poes cause its not worth it and to time consuming, plus the games really easy anyways)
And talking about Lost Odyssey, is it worth? I've just bought a 360, and i was thinking about buying it, but i've heard different opinions from pals and friends ;)

If you played and enjoyed FFX you might like it. The gameplay is pretty cool, and often the battles require actual strategy, which is a plus to me. And I like the characters, Kaim being my favorite so far.

Oh, and I'm also playing FFX right now, too...
Shadow of the Colossus...

I was just scouring my PS2 collection today when I found it and for some unknown reason I don't know how I didn't finish it. I was only half way through the game...but now it will be completed because it's an absolutely amazing game!
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Front Mission 4.. as good as it's predecessors...

Somehow the battle system and robots are really appealing to me...
FFXII Revenant wings and Folklore,
both cool games!

try to lengthen up your posts a bit, or they'll be deleted. :P

Tell us a little bit about what you're enjoying about the games instead of just saying they're great :neomon:

Playing Guitar Hero III right now. I'd been enjoying it when I first got it, but eh... not so much now. All it's doing for me now is annoying the piss out of me. Knights of Cydonia solo is seriously pissing me off D:
Need for Speed pro street, Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP Version), Final Fantasy (PSP Version) and Finally trying to complete Final Fantasy X-2 again after accitdently deleting my gamesave for it.
No job and insomnia means much more gaming time!

Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations - Mowed down cases 2 - 4, just the last one to go, this game is easily better than the second one by a country mile.

Dynasty Warriors 6 - Grinded a few more characters to level 50, got to love the He Fei castle trick.

Onimusha: Dawn Of Dreams - It had been lying in my games collection untouched for over a year, so I popped it in the other day...and I'm lovin' it! Great cast of characters and a good combat system, top it off with an excellent soundtrack and I'm feeling vindicated at picking it up after all. Especially now I can use the Oni guage, chibbin' time!
I'm playing Guitar Hero III still. :neomon:

I'm stuck on "Raining Blood" on Expert difficulty.

Any tips? :wacky:
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