[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Dynasty Warriors 3.

Even though I have completed everything in the game. One of the best game for its genre.
Tomb Raider:Anniversary.I've always liked the Tomb Raider series but I couldn't beat the games.Now I decided to complete everything in the TR:Anniversary.
I've just finished KHII, so I'll probably keep going through FFVIII now.
FFX-2, trying to get 100% completion even though ive seen the perfect ending on youtube. I got half way through the game on my first attempt and forgot to talk to the damn moogle ":,,:"
Im on my second run through of Crisis Core and hoping to get 100% The guide is extremely naff though :ffs:
Im Playing alot of games right now:D! Im Playing Final Fantasy 12,Final Fantasy Revenant wings,FF3DS,FFCC,FF6,FF8:D! Slowly making Progress to beat these games:D!
Disgaea 2 Cursed Memories, FF6 and FF Crisis Core im still trying to pass all the missions and beat the game crisis core has a lot of missions and i still play guitar hero 3
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Pokemon Leaf Green and Valkyrie Profile 2 reaaaaally. =)
I plan to finish some games this summer if I can! (I've finished Fire Red before, but my friend had Leaf Green for over 2 years and has only just given me it back!)
Well just got Double Agent (about time I know) So I'm playing through that again to get the different endings, though I will always destroy that cruise ship, I can't even stand the thought of the only bad guy I like being shot!.. Not many people will get that.

Anyway, Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Splinter Cell Double Agent and Splinter Cell Essentials.. :D

PS: Can't wait for CONVICTION!!!
Crisis Core on hard mode after completing the game once, though I've now set that aside recently in order to test out Smash Bros and Tactics A2. The latter has more of my attention at the moment.
I'm currently playing: FF Tactics A2, FFX Int. (again) Suikoden 2 (again) and guitar hero 3 on the PS2
Playing nothing particularly new atm, need to finish Mario Galaxy soon and go onto No More Heroes but so far I'm playing the following.

Team Fortress 2 - 317.2 hours now spent on this game since last October. I love this game but Jesus Christ I need to get away from it for a while. Unlocked all the Medic's weapons but not too sure about going for the Pyro ones, never been one of my fave classes and most servers are already flooded with them.

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike - Decided to change my character after getting my Ryu hammered by Ken whores a few weeks ago. Was thinking of Makoto but can't get the basics of her right and my Yang isn't as good as I would like. So I'm sticking two fingers up to the tier lists and going with Hugo possibly Q.

Super Smash Bros Brawl - We unlocked all the characters (and possibly stages) so just been playing this online, mostly with a mate against his mates. Last night we had a solid 2 hour or so session which me and my flatmate dominated with our Ike and Ganondorf combo.

Mario Kart Wii - Playing the odd game and looking into getting the Star Rankings for the 150cc cups but not getting in as much play before.
FF XII Revenant Wings - 80 %... heading for 100 ^^
FF IV - only played 4 hours yet
And if I like to: SingStar ^^
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