[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I'm playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Twilight Princess atm...and I was in the middle of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. before I got those, I need to stop ignoring it. Thank god I finally got the FF12 AIDS out of my system and stopped playing that -__-
Currently playing Mobsters. :wacky: It's an app that's also on myspace, and I'm completely addicted to it. I've got like almost 400,000 on my bank account...and oh, just to own that much money and real life or make it THAT easy to earn money. xD

But yes, it's a good game and quite entertaining. Of course, it's not like you play hours after hours sitting in front of your computer. You have to let your energy, stamina and health recover (which may take about close to an hour to completely regenerate - it really depends) before you can do some actions. So you basically just have to check from time to time and see how you're fending in the mobsters world.
I am currently playing Wordjong for DS. I am working on the daily puzzles and this is a very addictive game.
Metal Gear Online and Okami.
I'm also trying to beat Tales of Symphonia for the GC before the Symphonia 2 is released.
Pikmin 1.
I've fallen in love with this game... again. I never beat it with all 30 parts but I haven't played it in forever... I have and I'm gonna beat Emperor Bulblax tonight :P
I'm currently re-playing Tales of Symphonia. I want to try and see some of the extra stuff you get for earning affection points with some of the characters.
I decided to give Resident Evil 4 a whirl, since it's been lying in my collection untouched for quite some time, and all I have to say is - oh lord! I forgot how much I suck at Resi games. I was amazed I managed to get to the second typewriter without dying.

Finished the Bouncer in one sitting pretty much. NIce enough game but it has some huge flaws.

The cutscene to gameplay ratio is appalling, it's meant to be a beat 'em up for crying out loud! The game timer at the end read 1:10 roughly, add another hour or two onto that in reality.

I found the collision detection to be questionable on a fairly regular basis, and the allies are very poor when it comes to helping you out - great at getting in the way and stopping you landing a hit mind!

I don't think I'll rush back to play through and get the secret characters just yet.

Afterwards I started another game that's been lying gathering dust - Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge. I'd always loved the look of this game, and it plays quite nice, the structure reminds me a bit of the PSX Toy Story 2 game. But for supposedly being stupid, those bear enemies have a mean shot! I found it nigh on impossible to evade them without taking cover.

Of course, it might just be that I'm beggining to get worse at games.....
Since I got a Wii yesterday, I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and No More Heroes.
CoD 4. gave it a break when i realised i was half way through with in 2 hours O___o. then i decided to finish StarCraft Brood War when i finished it at 4am. got a nasty headache in the morning for that -__-
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

I can't really say all that much about it since I've only just started playing it after finally finishing Crisis Core, but from what I have played of it (first 20mins or so) it seems great; the soundtrack is amazing so far, the cutscenes are unreal and the battle system from what I have played is great. ^_^
I been currently playing Destruction Derby Arena for PS2. I have been causing destruction in the Destruction Bowl, crushing cars into each other for 200.000+ points!
Final Fantasy IV (DS). Just bought it yesterday and I'm certainly impressed with it. My bro and I are actually taking turns playing it, so I haven't gotten that far yet (maybe 20 minutes into it). Voice-acting is a bonus plus!
Valkyrie Profile 2
I was a little disapointed at first. But after Lezard joins the party, the game really starts to pick up.
It is a bit weird only being able to move sideways, it tokk me a little while to get used to.
The battles are sexy although they don't require much strategy atm
I am replaying Kingdom Hearts tbh.

NCAA Football 09, it's improved so much.

Let's try to lengthen up those posts a little bit. :P

Tales of the Abyss. It's just one of my favourite games of all time with a great combat system and I like playing it. This is my sixth playthrough, I think.

I was also playing through again this time so I could actually get the titles that gave your characters power-ranger-esque clothes.
Final Fantasy IX. I have had it for a while, bu haven't played it, but once i got down to the beach, i beat FF12 like 100% so i decided to give IX a whirl and I'm hooked.

right this second I'm about to go in and kick my dad and my 2 uncle's asses in Halo 2.
I've just started playing call of duty 4 and warhawk online i just finished final fantasy 7: crisis core, so i really have nothing to do until i get the money for metal gear solid 4.
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