[V1] What are you currently playing?

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It's spring break, so I bought a bunch of games at Gamestop the other day to play during otherwise boring hours during the week. :hmmm:

1. FFXIII - Finished. I still need to the extra stuff post game however.

2. Metro 2033 - I'd give this an A even though I'm scared shitless as I advance through the levels :wacky:

3. Assassin's Creed 2 - definitely an improvement, I think, from the first game. I might actually finish this in 2 weeks. :hmmm:

4. Bioshock - got it for sale for $15. :jess: Never played it before and I've heard great things about it, so I'll give it a go.
Mainly Battlefront Bad Company 2...Compared to the first, the online trophies in this game seem a synch (I am Bad Company anyone?) so I'm actually working towards getting that. The only one I can actually see being difficult is Demolition Man, which is where I have to kill 20 other players inside a crumbling house I destroyed. :hmmm: Most people are smart enough to move, so it'll be challenging.

Also, God of War 2 on and off. I've beat it nearlly twice now. Pretty awesome game xD Just wish some of the bugs weren't there :sad2:
at the moment i'm playing star ocean, the last hope on the xbox

one i'm down the canavan, it gonna be dissidia spammage

at the moment i'm playing heartgold (that's the new pokemon game) on the ds

and when i'm in the mood i play dissidia (either last thing at night, first thing in the morning, or before classes at college) great game to play quickly if you are bored
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - Mindless, thoroughly boring grinding to max out the Crystarium...or get Vanille to learn Death so I can go and start decimating Adamantoise...but there just isn't anywhere convenient to do it. The Cactuar in the Faultwarrens run off, the most I can kill before the battle ends is two. Its getting boring, and I'm probably going to quit and do something else soon.

Dragon Age Origins: Awakening (PS3) - Just done the second of the three main quests, now I just need to recruit Sigrun. Using Justice, Anders and Oghren at the moment, will probably swap Oghren out for Sigrun when I get her, although I find Rogues to be generally useless in the game...

Pokemon SoulSilver (DS) - Approaching Victory Road. Team is Lugia (Lv55), Pupitar (Lv51), Typhlosion (Lv45), Feraligatr (Lv48), Ampharos (Lv50) and Meganium (Lv45). Getting them all to Level 55, then going to trash the Elite Four.

Also got a Resonance of Fate (PS3) file going, but I won't touch it again until get the guide; it was a disaster...
Final Fantasy Tactics: I just found ouut the Cardinal or whatever he was called
is after some Zodiac thing and killed a guy.

Metriod Prime: Man this game is confusing. I'm walking around looking for upgrades. I just got the Gravity Suit.

Final Fantasy 10: I started a game again and I'm about to get to the Blitzball tournament. ( I lost last time.)

Mega Man X:I finished about 3 or 4 levels. First time I played the original :D

Final Fantasy 9: Good Memories. :) Got to the Village of Dali AGAIN.

Final Fantasy 6: Started over again. I got through the Imperial Capitol again and learned the secret about TERRA. Again.
I'm playing a few games at the same time (not literally, and not as I type this).

Brutal Legend - I finally started playing this properly. It's ok and enjoyable. It's very much an RTS when it gets to the important battles, and only a few parts resemble the begining of the game which was seen in the demo. It's still good though and I like the design of the world, characters and creatures as they are all well thought out to fit certain rock stereotypes. I find the whole concept interesting.

Uncharted 2 - Still playing this at any opportunity that I can spare as it is essentially my favourite game to play online... And the only game I can play online with people I actually know at the moment (other than Little Big Planet, which I rarely get to play with people on).

Batman: Arkham Asylum - I've been finishing this game off as I didn't manage to complete it back in the Christmas period when I got it. I'm towards the end I think, but I still have just under half of the Riddler challenges to collect so I figure that I still have a lot to do.

WET - Every now and then I'm giving this a go. I'd like to complete it and it is a fun game at certain points... It's just a pain to die on it though as it is incredibly easy to die via falling and the loading screen takes longer than most games these days.
Final Fantasy XIII - I'm in chapter 11, where I have the perfect opportunity to do some CP farming. I'm just spam-killing a Behemoth King continuously to get CP, though this is a slow process. I'll probably carry on as it's become monotonous.

Final Fantasy VIII - I've downloaded it a few days ago and I've started it yesterday at last. I am now up to the SeeD exam mission in Dollet. It's been a while since I've played the game and the feeling of nostalgia I have had made me start a new slot even though FFXIII is incompleted.

Just Cause 2 - I haven't been doing much of the missions. I'm simply doing what everyone usually does when they get a sandbox game: explore. Panau is huge and the sights are just breathtaking. I'm getting better at the gunfights though even though it's still irritating when I want to flee from the law.

Uncharted 2 - I haven't had much time to play it. I've only started it last night and I only briefly played it. I'm done with the Turkish museum section on Normal difficulty. I'll probably continue once I get more of FFXIII done.

God of War III - I downloaded the demo today and I'm basically giving it a go. Too bad it's in black and white though. I need a better TV to play it on. So far I'm enjoying it considerably, despite the fact that I could hardly see what I was doing in that demo with my crappy SDTV.
Tales of Vesperia.

now that I have conquered the coliseum and labyrinth of memories... I plan on running a new game + so I can get all the skills I wanted before while I get two achievements that are not possible to obtain without starting a new game.

Thanks to Barbatos' ring, I won't forget that I can't use items in battle if I want the item hater achievement. :{D

After that, I will probably play Tales of Symphonia again since my friend recently lent his gamecube to me.
Currently playing Final Fantasy XIII. I had finally got back into playing it after sometime of putting it off. Am now on chapter three, but had to stop because my stepmum wanted to watch TV on the big HD screen. I got really into it as well. Guess I'll be playing some more of it later on.
Final Fantasy XIII. I have been playing nothig But FF XIII to be honest. I cp grind to hell I only have 2 mark missions left and then im gonna start 5 staring them. If I can kill Verc -__- So now I have 720/1000 G in FF XIII. Im quite proud of myself :D Oh and I beat most of all the hard marks 5 star like Attacus, Neochu and its little plants, Gigantuar etc etc. 5 stared the 3 Tonberrys first time also. I guess Im just good xD Superstar was easy with Death. Lightning gamerpicture FTW!!
Started on Heavy Rain tonight after Steve asked about it.

He didn't really do anything but watch me play it. >.<

Wasn't anything like I expected to be honest. It's very involved with character interaction.

Liking the game. Only reason I shut it off was because I was getting tired.
I had Final Fantasy Origins,so I thouht of giving it a try.I was playing the first game until I got killed,many times...and gave up.
Started the second and I'm still stuck.But I like it way better than the first.Maybe cause it has some kind of storyline and characters.
Ive gone back to Fable 2 and started afresh. Need to get this finished before Fable 3 comes out in December lol.
I'm currently playing Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition and somewhat off and on Star Ocean: Last Hope, however I found out spoilers about SC: Last Hope so I'm reluctant to play anymore of it. :smartass:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

It's not even funny how much I play this these days. It's only one of 3 games I have at the moment so that's probably why. But maaaaan, I'm going to burn myself out. I've hardly done any work this holiday. My tutor isn't going to be impressed when he asks "What work have you done?" and I reply "Well... I prestiged.".

I'm thinking of getting FF13. :hmmm: There aren't really many other games I want right now.
Mimana: Iyar Chronicles (PSP) - Only just started this...I like it. Battle system is real-time and very similar to Tales of Eternia's, only with 3 "columns" for movement as such, instead of just one. Voice acting is superb - Johnny Yong Bosch voices the main character, unsurprisingly - and its very pretty. Anyways, just got the first gem. Not sure where I'm going from here. Back to town, then onward! Might explore a bit first though...no FAQs are up for it yet, and I HATE missing things.

Pokemon HeartGold (DS) - Started this up...SoulSilver went by too quickly. Not sure why, I just felt like it. Team is Cyndaquil, Geodude (nicknamed "Gollum" after mother's mispronunciation of "Golem". XD) and Gastly. Going to take my time and fill in as much of my dex as possible this time around as I go along. I might even EV train my Gastly a bit...

Dragon Age: Origins (PS3) - On my fourth file, as a City Elf Rogue. I am soooo close to the Platinum trophy - I need to do the ending sequence three more times for every possible ending, set foot in every area in the game, and do the dwarf origin stories. But anyways, am currently chasing the Urn of Sacred Ashes. Killed the High Dragon, am just about to run the gauntlet. Then its on to Orzammar, my final main quest before the Landsmeet.

Resonance of Fate (PS3) - Am on Chapter 2, although this has gotten a backseat due to Dragon Age...the sooner I get that out the way, the sooner I pick this up again. XD;
Basel is currently experiencing a blackout...and, after a rather cheesy and unsurprising peeping tom scene with Zephyr and Leanne, I'm off to investigate. After I plough through the arena ranks eleven times apiece to get a star, of course.

Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - Still aiming to max out the Crystarium for everyone...I see no point in going after a five-star rank in the marks until I've done so. Getting around 200,000 CP each run through the Faultwarrens, doing it once or twice a day...I might be done by August at this rate. This is very, very low on my to-do list at the moment. XD
Final Fantasy XIII:: I'm currently re-doing it, since I completed not so long ago. I am stuck in the same place I was last time.. but I'll do it soon, I did last time. It's a good game. Most of us have it by now and we all think it's good. I hope. Love the CGI.

Pokemon Pearl:: Replaying Pearl, but my DS is shockingly broke. If you touch the DS too hard, it crashes. Need a new DS. The DSiXL looks promising. Cheapish too. But the game is good and I really miss Pokemon! I want Soul Silver for Lugia, not that Hoho bird. Good game!
Currently playing Final Fantasy XIII. It's on pause at the moment because we had dinner and then I thought I'd quickly jump on here for a bit.

I finally got past Chapter 4 after putting it off for ages.

The first week I got it I played it heaps and then left it for a couple of weeks. >.< Hopefully I continue playing all this week and get further into the game.
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