[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Ugh I'm so bad.

I should be playing FFIX but I always get distracted by my favourite... FFX.

-_- Amen to that.

I should be playing XII, but I got distracted, once again, by my all time favourite... VII.

I liked XII, but after not having played it for about a week, I came to the conclusion I lost interest. ...Again.

So now, I started a new game on FFVII, just now. Telling myself that I WILL finish this before I start playing anything else, I really want to, but... I lost all faith in myself with those words. :wacky:

Let's see for how long I can stay interested. :ryan:

Loving VII again though.
Right now im currently playing Magnacarta II. Im almost done the game and omg the story got so much more interesting! Im loving it :ryan: Im at the last part of the middle and then im headed towards the end :awesome: Also 1000/1000G ed Bayonetta for those of you who don't know xD
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

I just started case 4 last night, the game has been more enjoyable than I thought it would be since the game is a spin-off of the Ace Attorney series. I hope Capcom decides to make all of the investigation phases similar to the ones in this game. .
I'm currently hooked on Disgaea : Afternoon of Darkness for PSP, it's got such a fun battle system and the dialogue is hilarious. It's a little repetitive, but unlike other tactical games, it manages to stay fresh. I'm really interested in the story too, I've been flying few the game the last few days, it's brilliant.
Playing Resident Evil 5 again, prepping for the new scenario i'm getting later. That and practicing for mercenaries again, since i'm going to be playing alot more of it what with Barry and Rebecca being added to it now.
I started playing Braid the other day.

It's a really bizzare puzzle-based platforming game where you take control of time, and have to collect jigsaw pieces as you go through the levels.

You have to solve puzzles by rewinding time, and certain enemies or objects are immune to time, and so you have to figure out the best use of your time rewinding powers, and work out the path of these creatures, etc.

It's quite fun, and very addictive.

A serious side-effect though... Since you're constantly rewinding every 5 seconds it leaves you with the false belief that you have the ability to do this in real life. I had to stop myself from thinking that I could rewind the SB when I came on here after playing last night. :honk:
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Heavy Rain. I bought this and Uncharted 2 tonight, as there was a badass sale at Gamestop, plus I had a fawesome coupon the emailed me. So in result, I traded in Arkham Asylum and Fallout GOTY, and got both the new games for about $15. :moose:

Anyways, Heavy Rain is pretty effin' compelling story wise, and maybe I'm just a softy at this sort of thing, but I feel really horrible for the dad in the story :sad2: REALLY bad....Maybe it's because I can imagine that happening to me through some careless mistake. :hmmm:

The characters aren't two dimensional, they all seem to have quite some debt, and things either switched around between the demo and the main game, or I just missed a bunch of things, because I'm noticing things I didn't before... (like when you play as the FBI agent on the crime scene, looking around). However, them cutting out the tutorial level that they had in the demo feels like if I didn't already know, I would just have to guess he has asthma untill he pulls out his inhaler. I hope there aren't any other oversites like that. =/

I've found that gameplay, although slow at first, seems to pick up more and more as you go into it. So if you buy the game, and are getting fidgety at how boring it is by the time you get to chapter two or three, don't worry. Also, the depth at your choices is really kind of surprising (even your morning leak is optional :gonk:).

I've already recorded the first three levels, and are running them through my maker now. I should have some gameplay footage on my YouTube soon for those of you on the fence about buying it, and I suggest you do! :moose:
I'm playing Persona 4 right now. I actually bought it the day it came out but I never got around to beating it, so I'm trying to rectify that now.

So far I'm really enjoying it. The story and characters are great and it improved loads on the P3 battle system. I think I'm 3/4 of the way through given the major climax in the story and the amount of time left in the game calendar. I highly doubt I'll be able to start all the S.Links by the time I'm done the game, but the game is so epic I'll enjoy consecutive run throughs with the same excitement in the New Game+ ^^

It's funny. I was so psyched about FFXIII that I went and bought a PS3, but in the end I'm biding my time with my PS2 games instead xD
At the moment I've been playing the devil out of Dragon Age Origins. I've always enjoyed it, but after having purchased it recently and with the expansion around the corner I really need to get crackin on beating it. I have like three different files so that I could get all the romances and what not, but its proving distracting because I've only just gotten towards the end of the game.. even though it came out a while ago and I rented it twice when it first came out. >__<;; I procrastinate too much.

I finally beat Resistance 2 the other day, so I'm thinking about playing Killzone 2 again.
Pokemon Ranger (DS) - I bought this on Monday, and it has completely consumed me. Almost all of my spare time has been spent on it...its shockingly addicting, like most Pokemon spinoffs are. Needless to say, I've finished the main story, so now I only have the Mew and Manaphy special missions to do, as well as capturing Arcanine, Gloom and Snorlax to complete my ranger browser. Then its on to Shadows of Almia, which I traded in some games for on Friday. XD

Star Ocean The Last Hope International (PS3) - Slow going...on Roak, heading to Astral Castle. I adore Sarah so much, she's such a ditz! Planning on spending considerably more time on this next week...

White Knight Chronicles (PS3) - Eh, progressing in this at a "normal" rate, I guess. Just delivered a message to a giant frog in a lake...that entire sidequest was confusing, disturbing and slightly embarrassing to watch...and found the princess in the desert...my opinion of the cast has gone down by several notches after that little fiasco. How STUPID do they have to be to
rescue the princess, then move away from her to allow the villain to kidnap her AGAIN!

BioShock 2 (360) - Started this up again, am now killing everything and everyone as opposed to saving them. I drilled
Grace Holloway's
face in - to be fair, she DID tell me to - and now all the Little Sisters cower in my presence whenever I set them down to harvest ADAM for me. I feel so mean when they start whimpering...although I've never liked whiny children. Or just children at all, for that matter. Ehehehehe.
i have just went back to MW2 i have been playing uncharted 2 and assassins creed but have platinumed them both, i think i will be going back to ffx for a bit untill ffxiii is released then goodbye social life :D
I decided to give my 360 a little rest as Ill be gaming like crazy next week with FF13's release, this thread is going to be funny XD So my game is Chrono Trigger. Got it before I went on hols and luckly I found a 5 year old saved game 3 hours into the game!!! So major happy there and loving it!
I stopped playing modern warfare 2 at full time,i might only play with my friends from school,now someone on my friend list procedes to train me in street fighter IV.Also,my darksiders got busted and i wanna 1000 it so badly!
I am currently playing Mw2 probably for the last time now because I am level 69 and then later I will get level 70 or maybe tommorow. Screw prestige! Final Fantasy XIII is coming in 7 DAYS!
Reno14 said:
I'm playing Bioshock 2 and soon FF 13

Reno, I believe you have been asked a few times now to please stop with the one-liner posting. On this forum we request at least two lines in your post in the post count section. Further consequences will result if you do not start following the rules. Thank you.
At the moment I'm playing the new Ace Attorney game, I'm a sucker for whodunnit's XD

But ever since watching Phoenix Wright's "boot to the head", I've played most of the games in the series, mainly because my boyfriend bought them for me XD

I can't wait until FFXIII comes out next week, although I'm gonna have to get my xbox back from my brother to play it. :sad3:
  • Hmmm i'm playing MW2(urgh) i'm going to sell it soon to get BlazBlue
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories(><) card games ftw
  • i might try to replay Blue Dragon before XIII because i'm cool and i liek to speedrun
my minds gone blank atm i cant think of what im playing ><
White Knight Chronicles (PS3) - Eh, progressing in this at a "normal" rate, I guess. Just delivered a message to a giant frog in a lake...that entire sidequest was confusing, disturbing and slightly embarrassing to watch...and found the princess in the desert...my opinion of the cast has gone down by several notches after that little fiasco. How STUPID do they have to be to
rescue the princess, then move away from her to allow the villain to kidnap her AGAIN!

I actually just got past that part (oddly enough, it's the only part I've recorced and put up on YouTube of this game. That being said, I think it's fairly obvious what I'm playing! :moose: I find the story pretty lackluster, but I would be lying if I said I didn't find myself being somewhat compelled by it as it goes on.

After a bit of a lurning curve I think I've got this game down pretty well, and combat runs pretty smoothly for me now. I've tried a few of the online missions, which seem pretty simple, yet can be extensive and can required you to scour the entire area for one item/moster/NPC.

While I don't think it is worth the price of a new game, that opinion may change when they release the second. I know they won't do it, but wouldn't it be awesome if they did something like the .Hack game series with WKC? :moose:
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