[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. I had a bit of a break a while back, because I got stuck on something. But now, I'm getting back into it.

I actually just started playing a few of the older chapters, and am trying to get some treasures that I missed. I also watched a few of the cutscenes to get back into the storyline.

The place I left off at originally was after Tenzin's village was
attacked by Lazarevic's group/when the dagger was stolen
and you've got to climb ahead car by car.

I'm also playing Valkyria Chronicles on and off. I never could really get into it though, so I think I left off near the beginning somewhere.
I'm right into Tales of the Abyss for the PS2, probably close to beating it at 46 hours so far. Although I'm miffed about paying 60 bucks for it off of eBay, so far it seems to be worth the price. I'm enjoying the characters, story and over-all gameplay and design ^^

And I'm playing Chrono Trigger for the DS during commute. It's been a while since I played the PS1 port packaged in FF chronicles, but I think there's been some script changes, along with new features, so I'm really enjoying it.
Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360) - I managed to plough through the first game in about four hours yesterday (from Virmire to the end) and started this this morning. Thus far I've managed to successfully piss off both my new team-mates (hurray for being a jerk in the name of a high Renegade score!) and I also recruited
to my team. Hoping I'll chance across Tali at some point to get the old team back together again. I can't say I'm keen on weapons having ammo, but I'll whine about it if I run out constantly - I haven't run out once thus far. Am an Engineer, since having portable turrets appealed to me, and any "Incinerate" move is always fun.
Its a shame I'll never get to play the DLC =/

Luminous Arc (DS) - Started the first one again after finishing the second. Am currently on Chapter 10...it feels so clunky after the second one.

Not playing much else, since I'll get FFVIII on PSP on Thursday and Dante's Inferno on PS3 on Friday...no point starting anything else. XD
I'm now playing Bayonetta.

Started off pretty good. I'm enjoying these characters a lot, so far at least. Gameplay is exciting and the story is enough to keep me quite interested. I've definitely seen a lot of similarities to Devil May Cry, which is great, since it's one of my favorite games.

I've pretty much quit the other two games I mentioned yesterday, since I've moved onto this game.
I am currently playing Bayonetta on hard mode and then I will play on Infinite climax difficulty and all that. Get all the acheivements is the main priority. Im also gonna play most of my rpgs that I did not pass yet such as Magnacarta II and Infinite Undiscovery. Maybe even the last remnant but its not working atm.
I'm right into Tales of the Abyss for the PS2, probably close to beating it at 46 hours so far. Although I'm miffed about paying 60 bucks for it off of eBay, so far it seems to be worth the price. I'm enjoying the characters, story and over-all gameplay and design ^^

really? I paid like 30 for mine :monster:

Wouldnt say it's worth 60 bucks, but it's definitely a good game that deserves a chance from any RPG player, despite how annoying some of the characters are.

I'm thinkin of playing Tales of Symphonia again, it's a pretty awesome game.

But besides that, I'm still playing Warcraft. It's kinda annoying leaving a high-end raiding guild to find a top-end raiding guild.
Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360) - I am LOVING this game. I've just done a ton of character sidequests, making them loyal to me and unlocking more abilities for them. My Shepard's eyes have started glowing red because my Renegade score is almost maxxed out, and I think I'm close to getting Miranda to sleep with me.
She and Jack had a catfight in her quarters - well, Jack threw a chair at her - and I comforted her afterwards. I'm not keen on Jack.
Am currently on Ilium...just recruited two more characters. After I've done the loyalty quest for one of them, I'm going to go rescue
and then I'll probably carry on with the mission at hand.

Final Fantasy VIII (PSP) - Am outside the Fire Cavern, just training a bit...mostly to get the Card ability for one of my GFs, so I can start playing Triple Triad for hours on end. I should probably get Ifrit and stuff first, but I can't be bothered at the moment. MUST. PLAY. TRIPLE. TRIAD.
...but need decent cards to do so. Or a lot of fodder so it doesn't matter too much if I lose. XD

Dante's Inferno (PS3) - Its not quite as epic as I had imagined, but its still immense fun, and the visuals are spectacular. The creativity put into the scenery so far...its absolutely incredible. Definetely a medieval vision of hell if ever there was one. Its not particularly terrifying, though...just disturbing. Unbaptized babies with sickes where their arms should be, demon-women with some sort of tentacle-thing that sprouts from the front...etc etc. Traditional demon enemies, and all manner of inventive freaks to take down.
I'm going with the Holy Cross this playthrough...it was close, but at the moment I feel like firing beams of holy justice and making enemies explode. Holy is almost level 5, and I'm only at Greed. Although I have been grabbing and absolving every enemy I can...and thus far I've only found two types of enemies I can't grab. If its possible to max out both Cross and Scythe in one playthrough, that'd be awesome. Still, we'll see.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010

It's a bit of a weird game, it's technically nowhere near as good as FIFA10 but it's somewhat more fun. It has a toned down version of the Be A Pro in FIFA but it's more fun because you aren't practically forced to play every minute of every game and the game lengths can be shorter too. Can't wait to play the Master League though, thta's what PES has always been about :ryan:
Final Fantasy IX.

Really enjoying too. Didn't think I'd get so into the game as I have been.

Not a real fan of Zidane though. He's too much of a manwhore so far and it's really putting me off sometimes. >.<

Other than that I love it and I love Vivi. <3 He's so cute. >.<
Now playing A mix of Bayonetta and Halo 3. Bayonetta because I only have inf climax difficulty to do left and a few other acheives and Halo 3 just to get the rank of Brig General which is 4000 Exp and Im currently at 3731 I think. XD one exp per game is a pain but double exp weekends help xD. So yeah I plan on finishing Bayonetta on inf climax today or another day.
Kandy-Sugar said:
Not a real fan of Zidane though. He's too much of a manwhore so far and it's really putting me off sometimes. >.<

Rofl. :wacky:

Final Fantasy XII.

Still playing this one atm. I haven't touched it for a week I think. I have these horrible habits where I pick up and tell myself I'm going to finish a game, play straight for a few days, then it gets less and less and I get bored with it. =/

I'm not even sure where I'm at xD! I think I have to go to the Salika wood, where I'm stuck on what to do. I'm not sure, I think I was just leveling up, tbh. :hmmm:
Ugh I'm so bad.

I should be playing FFIX but I always get distracted by my favourite... FFX.

Doesn't matter how many times I play it I will never tire of it.

So at the moment I'm up to Macalania Woods, but I think I'm going to start the game over again. I was playing off a previous save file that I started a few months ago, but I want to start the journey again. >.<
SO4 the last hope.

90 hours in and i don't even have 30% of the battle trophies yet (not that i've actually tried to collect any yet either). It's just frustrating cuz i always feel the need to max out my characters levels in any rpg, and you have to get 50 BT's to do so >.<

Beat Gabriel on my 1st try after hearing he was such a badass, i was level 200 at that point though so he was pretty much a walk in the park. Haven't gotten around to fighting the Queenie yet, i got bored and left at about the 7th floor. That and i don't think im strong enough yet >.<

The past week I've been juggling Brutal Legend, WET and Uncharted 2 at different times.

Brutal Legend and WET I got for my birthday so I've been playing them for the first time, and getting to grips with the games.

Uncharted 2 I started to play again, and this time decided to go through the game in hard mode, and to get all the treasures as I go through, and as many of the weapons trophies as I can. I aim to actually get platinum for this game.

I say II/IV because it's the American SNES version, so it's hella easy. I've got to say though, Leviathan (although he was optional) was a REALLY fun boss. Just enough challenge to have no frustration, yet a great feeling of accomplishment afterwards. Meanwhile, Rubicante was really easy, even though he was supposed to be somewhat hard apparently.

Great game though. The story has more twists than an M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie. But they're actually good twists.
I am currently playing Dante's Inferno. It is a awesome game with tons of challenging bosses and monsters. I bought it yesterday which was it's release date and I'm very glad that I did. This game is one of the best game of 2010, no question ask.
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Radiata Stories I just started playing this game again and I really have to say the game has started to really hold my interest now.


I just chose the non-human path and so far haven't made much progress yet. I just recruited Gawain to my party. I really have to say that the storyline split is something I wasn't expecting to happen in this game. Too bad I didn't keep my last save before the split.
BioShock 2 (Xbox 360) - Just entered Fontaine Futuristics...being assailed by "Alex the Great" and his invincible turret. He's this game's equivalent of Sander Cohen, I'm assuming...his Frank Fontaine song was highly amusing, at least. Haven't played this for a couple of days - ploughed through two areas in one day - but I'll be going back to it either tonight or tomorrow...

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (PS3) - Am on Lemuris. Just killed the Dragon Newt in Alanaire Citadel. With ease. Its awesome playing this game again, but its just too easy on Galaxy mode. I'm more or less adjusted to the PS3 controls - just need to work on rush combos, although I don't really need to worry about that this early in the game. Going for everything this time around, meaning I've spent hours and hours fighting the same enemies repeatedly to rack up their completion rate. Still need to do Triom's delivery orders, as well...

However, from what I gather, they've swapped the food effects and whatnot around, which is going to make things later on a lot more time consuming. No exp or fol tricks...not yet, anyway. I expect someone will find a new way of synthesising for godly items.

FFVIII (PSP) - Going VERY slowly - just met Irvine. I'm not playing this all that much...too much else to do. XD
Infinite Undiscovery- a great RPG. Storyline, characters, everything is great. I'm around Level 40, so I just need to level up and beat the game, so that I can start playing Lost Odyssey.
FFVIII--just got it a few days ago so I'm only a little ways in, but I like it so far. It's an unusual magic system but I think it's really interesting how you can siphon magic from enemies in seemingly unlimited amounts--I feel like it allows you to use a lot more magic on random enemies, which is great because I'm someone who always saves it until the last minute, and ends up with about 45 Ethers by the time I get to the final battle, not having used even the first one I found because I was so worried about running out. :rolleyes: This system seems a lot more flexible--even if you spam Osmose in other games, it still doesn't always work, and Draw seems to have a 100% effectiveness rate so far; even though the amounts vary, you still never end up with 0. Very cool :)

I am slightly perplexed, though, at the shape of some of the fountains in Balamb Garden. I know they're supposed to be fish, but from certain angles, they look strangely...phallic. :hmmm: Is it just me?
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