[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I just beat Assassins Creed 2. It's a huge step up from the first game that's for sure. The gameplay has been improved, it seems a lot less repetitive than the first game and the story is a lot more in depth. There is also a bit of optional stuff which is actually quite fun to complete. The environment is designed very well, I particularly enjoyed Venice during Carnival, I would've liked to have been able to explore Rome a little more though.

I did find a few negative things about the game though. The cut-scenes seemed to be lacking something. They had little impact on me the sound effects didn't do them any justice. Also despite the fact that I enjoyed the game, I can see little replay value in it. I completed most of the optional stuff in my first playthrough and there isn't much about the game which is drawing me back to it.

All in all I really liked the game but with that said I still think it was lacking in a few areas. It was everything the first game should have been, but the series still needs a few improvements in my opinion.
Assassin's Creed II.

Same as above really, though I've yet to finish it so I can't really comment on the negatives. But as for the positives it's a HUGE step up from the first, the story is far superior, even when out of Ezio's shoes and into Desmond's it's amazingly better. The voice acting is superior. Gameplay is much, much better and regarding the missions I like the way they're pretty much all different and you don't have to go through the same ones every time like in AC >.>
Dragon Age: Origins and Tekken 6 (both for Xbox 360).

I have been playing both pretty equally, so I've got to mention both of 'em, and they are both awesome games. :awesome:

Tekken 6 is one of the best fighting games I've ever played, probably the best one on one fighting game, but Super Smash Bros. Brawl is my favourite game. :P My main character is King.

And Dragon Age: Origins has a great deal of depth, I like how you can get your party members' approval ratings up so they get to like you more, and if that is high enough, I reckon things could start to get more interesting, if you know what I mean. xD
im playing ijji Gunz Atm and watching forum also,

^.^ FunFun.

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Currently playing Fallout 3 (PS3) and KOTOR2.

Fallout 3: Great game, but I keep screwing myself over by running out of ammo too fast in key situations. Loads of extras makes it a game that could take a LONG time to complete if you wanted to do everything.

KOTOR2: Can't complain about it yet, only because I've had it for 2 weeks and haven't found anything wrong with it.
Tekken 6.

Must say I am very pleased with this entry of the series as Tekken 4 sucked complete toenails and Tekken 5 was subpar. I think Tekken 6 must be the best thing since Tekken 3 so I'm pleased. Working on getting all the trophies since I want my first platinum trophy come from that game. And it will keep my interest until BlazBlue Continuum Shift and Super Street Fighter 4.
gotta finish my Crisis Core replay on hard mode. Got to some place and then Dissidia came out, xD. But I should be back at it when I have time. Oh, and I gotta replay Dissidia, save file got corrupted the very day I defeated the Ultimate Chaos... D=

And I'm not playing much more than that, xD But I recently completed FFIV. What a wonderful game, :D

Oh well, there's a lot more gaming to be done, haha, xD
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I am currently playing Alot xD. Lost Odyssey trying to get the remaining acheivements but Fu is pissing me off. I almost beat him before but his servants revived him -__- Eternal Sonata. Im in the Andante cemetery right now trying to figure out what the hell to do with the torches xD. Tekken 6 on ps3. Very awesome game and lots of characters. Im lookin forward to the tournament here! Im gonna get Bayonetta maybe in 2 hours so ill be playing that too. FF IV the after years. Im still progressing in that but keep dying. Thats it for the moment. I wonder if iull have time for all this. Back to college tommorow :gasp:
At the moment i'm currently playing ff8, tekken 6, metal slug 1-6, def jam, and megaman maverick hunter. I plan on going back to ff8 after completing the other games first. I beat def jam and megaman so all i need to do now is complete tekken and the metal slug anthology.
This time of year requires more updates, since recently getting new games on Christmas Day. I also got two new games yesterday that didn't cost very much, to replace the one video game I got for Christmas that I already had. xD

But it is neither of those games that I am playing (Final Fantasy and some Chronicles of Narnia game, not sure if and what subtitle there is to it, but it is for the Xbox 360, while the other game; Final Fantasy, is for the PSP), it is actually a game I have had for a while, with a little fresh fun brought to life in it. :awesome:

I've beaten the game four times, and I got a PSP Action Replay for Christmas (asked for it), so I have been playing it with some of the different codes on, the combination of the following few codes makes for an awesome battling experience:

Insane Speed (everything that happens in the game sped up greatly (except maybe summon cut scenes, the Phoenix one looked normal speed))

Zack is much faster (an in battle only code)

Enemies are much slower (another in battle only code)

With these codes all on, you can practically slash opponents as fast as you can press the X button, it is like an endless Omnislash, especially against a large group of enemies, you'll run from one to another almost instantly after killing one of them. :D

So yeah, very cool stuff to revive a game I have already played to death legitimately, I'm not ashamed of using a cheat device with this game because I already did stuff myself without it...well, I never was able to defeat Minerva before I got PSP AR, Judgment Arrow gets me. :ness:
Currently playing this classic Mac game called Glider. I doubt any of ya'll have heard of it, but it was one of the most popular casual games out there in it's day and a flash version of it was made a few years ago.

Bayonetta (Xbox 360) - Currently on Chapter 2...I've managed to get Gold medals overall thus far, which isn't too bad I guess, considering its my first run through and I'm on normal. I have a fairly fast trigger finger, but its occasionally premature, meaning I still get hit. Eh, I'll get better with improvement. Its a hell of a lot better than the demo...I feel more in control now than what I did...its not so random and mindless. Which is good~<3

Dragon Age Origins (PS3) - Just done Shale's personal quest, am now aiding the elves in getting rid of the werewolves, the last of my immediate storyline quests. I guess I'm not too far off finishing it...then I'll start it again as a Warrior, only playing it casually this time. XD;

Zelda: The Wind Waker (Gamecube) - Spirit Tracks and the Zelda Re-orchestrated album has given me a craving for this game...only done Dragon Roost Island so far. Dunno how much attention this is going to get, all things considering...

Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS) - Just cleared the Fire Dungeon. Doing some side quests before heading back to the Tower of Spirits...I should pick up the pace a little on this...and go back to Luminous Arc 2...

Darksiders (PS3) - Aahahaha, I am LOVING this! I'm just about to go after Tiamat, with Souleater in one hand, Harvester in the other, and a nice new pair of wings. Voice acting, soundtrack, the entire feel of this game is awesome~<3
I purchased Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition and Ive started my game over again. Im enjoying it. I didnt really get into it the first time I played it, but this is defo the game Im sticking with.
I was playing Tekken 6 with Steve the last few nights.

It was fun.

For the few short times I came in and played with him I kicked his ass every single time. XD

I'm pretty decent at those sorta games. >.<

Think I might buy it for him as a surprise. ^.^
Well, I'm only playing 2 games as of now, but I'm playing them almost 5-7 hours daily (between the two of 'em) The games are:

Warcraft III: Simply an amazing RTS, plus I seem to have lost all my save data. Oh well, it's just replaying the whole story mode, :)

Final Fantasy VI: I just completed IV a few days ago, now I had to follow up with either V or VI, but VI was much more at hand.
Right now I'm playing Killzone just because its so fun and awesome. I'm currently on the last level, and its super fun (actually the first level was b/c of the running away). I keep nading myself cuz I always see a Helghast and just like throw it randomly. The sniper keeps making me pissed of cuz I'm more used to PC controls.
Im playing FF6 on the GBA at the moment.

Other than that, I havent had time to start any games due to work and getting my room all set up, plus classes starting up again sadly.
I decided to go back to Resident Evil games, I downloaded RE 3 on Playstation Network and I am currently playing Resident Evil 5.

I have always been a huge fan of the Resident Evil series, specially of the concept surrounding the Progenitor Virus, the one which gave birth to the other related viruses such as the Tyrant, the T-Veronica, the Tyrant/Gene Virus, and so on. The series itself gave me a lot to think, how science can be used to push the wildest dreams of human kind beyond the threshold of right and wrong.
Lunar 2 finally came in the mail yesterday and I started playing that game. I like it so far. Don't know how much time I will get to spend on it considering that I start school tomorrow :(
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS), Nostalgia, and Soma Bringer.

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