[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Call Of Duty Mordern Warfare 2

Lvl 61, 9 more levels until i can prestige (lvl 60-70 is hard :( )
I'm doing reasonably well on it compared to my friends, who always get high kill streaks, i kinda get annoyed by the foreign people with mics shouting at random people in their room.

Hopefully i'm getting Borderlands, which will put me off MW2 for a while, and maybe Dragon Age: Origins.
Cross Edge
Fun game. Picked it up a while ago and never really got around to playing it until just now.

Dead Space
Borrowed from a friend. I didn't think I'd like it, but it proved to be fun and far less horrific than expected.

Prince of Persia
Never got around to beating it. Still trying. Its one hell of a stress inducing game.
World of Warcraft.

Patch 3.3 just came out, and I've been having a lot of fun with the new Dungeon Finder tool.

Wii Sports and Super Mario Bros Wii.

My girlfriend just bought herself a Wii, so we've been having a lot of fun playing these 2 games lately. Super Mario Bros Wii is excellent. Especially in co-op mode (even though it can be a little confusing at times).
Final Fantasy X, zipped through most of it but now I'm stuck on yunalesca.

Dark Cloud, started it up on the recommendation of a friend, I'm not too into it actually. Something about the way the main character moves, plus the lack of detail in the environments or something puts me off. The intro was like 15 minutes long before I actually even got to move the character, and even longer before I got to fight anything, that annoyed me a lot.

My roomate and I found this old Star Wars fighting game for PS1 that we've been playing, really really funny how bad it is, so bad that it's good.
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Tales of Vesperia (360) - Just a quick run-through, no sidequests or anything, asides maybe the Fel Arms if I'm in the mood. Second playthrough, so hopefully my GRADE at the end of the game will be sufficient to buy a little more...the GRADE-grinding Rita trick is seriously dull, and after a while you start to shut down. Currently I'm on the haunted ship.

Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP) - Only just started this, haven't had much time to play it thus far. Going with Rena's storyline this time instead of Claude's. Going to try Ashton and Dias this time, as well. I'll miss Opera's godly Healing Star, but...eh, it'll be interesting. Celine will make up my fourth party member...I NEED an offensive spellcaster. Its a matter of principal. XD;

Divinity II: Ego Draconis (360) - Found Lord Lovis in his tower, after several aggravating encounters with skeletons. Turns out you do a lot more damage if you dual-wield, so I am now dual-wielding two axes and wreaking absolute mayhem and destruction on almost everything that crosses my path...goblin chiefs still give me hell. I swear, I've never died so many times in a game, not even when I was a kid...
Well, I just finished play The Legend Of Dragoons. Finishing up FFVII and Now going on to FFVIII. =]. Then, I want to play Chrono Cross. Hmm, got a lot on my list :D. But it's okay I quite enjoy videogames XD.
Castlevania (GBA)
Seriously got addicted to this game, just got past the zombie dragon boss (coolest boss ever? you be the judge) and I rarely stop playing the game...except when the batteries need re-charging

Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
Found an old CD case with all my PS1 games and memory cards in and have just been playing through ever since. Just got my first box of the game. Boxes ftw!!!

Super Mario Bros. 3 (SNES version aka-super mario all stars)
I found the power adapter for my wireless hot point works for the SNES so I've been re-playing mario on the SNES for a while now. Unfortunately that means I can use the internet and the SNES at the same time =/
I've just started up FFIX, and I mean just started. I'm just now getting into Vivi's bit at the beginning, with the sneaking into the play and all. I'm holding the controller on my lap as I type, I'm in the ticket booth 8F

I've got a game of FFX that I recently started as well... but I think I'm going to abandon it in favor of FFIX >.> I was just after the Via Purifico in FFX <.<

I'm probably going to start Resident Evil Zero tonight, if I can drag myself away from FFIX and my grandpa away from billiards on Wii Play >.> I know the whole story of it, but it's always better to play yourself.. I hope xD
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Dragon Age: Origins (PS3) - Just got Morrigan to join my party...I'm loving this game so far. The storyline isn't really interesting me all that much, but the dialogue is absolutely brilliant. Alistair's sense of humour is great...although he doesn't like me very much at the moment. Mostly because I keep killing people...but I just HAVE to take the option when its presented to me, its too much fun to pass up!
Morrigan doesn't like me much either; she berated me for asking a stupid question. I do want her around, I just wish she'd not dress like a tavern wench...
...well, at least my Mabari hound likes me. I nicknamed him/her "Griever" because it was the first thing that popped into my head that wasn't the name of a character I dislike.

Luminous Arc 2 (DS) - Searching for Luna, the Tide Witch...taking it easy and training a bit via Guild Quests before I carry on. Rina surprises me in that she's incredibly useful...wheras Rasche is absolutely useless because he never gets anywhere on time...

Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS) - Just done the Blizzard temple, which was a serious pain. I freakin' HATE sliding puzzles. I'm glad to see the Boomerang in this one, though - it was one of the better features of Phantom Hourglass. Going to do some bunny hunting before I go back to the Tower of Spirits...although it'd be nice if the little buggers would stay still long enough for me to catch them...

In light of Christmas, my Xbox 360 is being completely neglected once more, and will probably remain so until I get Bayonetta...IF I get Bayonetta, anyway. I wasn't particularly impressed with the PS3 demo, for some reason...
I started a LAN game of Dungeon Siege 2 with some friends, and because I know they'll probably be playing at home too, I've walked around a bit through act 1 and killed a lot of stuff to find some nice gear and upgrade my pet scorpion to be around the same level as they are.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

The conclusion of the story, at least it seems that way i obtained the game as a Christmas gift and i can honestly say it's good, the story, the war economy, the action it all comes down to the perfect game.

And lol at old snake.
I'm switching between Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time and Dragon Age: Origins. Both of them are fantastically good games, R&C has that good ol' feeling to it, fantastic range and uniqueness of weapons, brilliant combat system and storyline. Awesome game. I haven't progressed through the storyline of DA:O much yet apart from the prologue of the Human Warrior. At least I think it's the prologue. It's brilliant so far, could be one of my favourite games ever. :ryan:
I've been playing some Dragon Age: Origins, basically all day.
I've done three origin openings so far, and they're pretty fun to play, especially the Mage one. I love that one so much for some reason.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

The conclusion of the story, at least it seems that way i obtained the game as a Christmas gift and i can honestly say it's good, the story, the war economy, the action it all comes down to the perfect game.

And lol at old snake.

Leave him alone! :yell:

Although, they could do some pretty hilarious things playing on Snake's age. Ability to change the in-game model for your Metal Gear sidekick to a wheelchair, standing by; a camo set with a hospital gown and a portable IV . . . :P

Currently working through Devil May Cry 3. I continue to have unpredictable bowel movements over the travesty that is DMC2, but, gameplay-wise, the experience has made DMC3 all the more impressive. The plot isn't necessarily "much" yet, and I don't expect it to improve, but at least the cutscenes have a frigging pulse. The game has a definite style, which, while over the top, is more than DMC2 can say about its reused levels and cinematics. -_-

In summation . . . Agni and Rudra reign supreme. :kinky:
I just got a PSP for Christmas So im playing me some:
Dissidia FF i was quite dissapointed when i diddnt get this for christmas so i went out ASAP on boxing day to go get it and it is awesome

Replaying though Final fantasy VII for shits and giggles

Erm MW2 though i suck at that

And lol at old snake.
I Agree:awesome:
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I have so many games going right now it's ridiculous. :wacky:

I've been obsessed with Left 4 Dead 2 lately though and that's what I spend the most time playing. I'm still completing campaigns and just wreaking havoc online with friends.

I'm also playing through Tales of Symphonia again and I'm about to start Fallout 3 :awesome:
I've been playing Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, and Batman: Arkham Asylum recently.

I've completed UC2 and CoJ the other day, found them amazing, but still need to go through them to get all the extras and also for online play which is pretty good on both games.

As for AC2 and Batman they're both pretty awesome games, especialy AC2 which has blown me away. I've not experienced an atmosphere like AC2 has created on its streets, and to think they've recreated major towns of renaissance Italy with the most impressive buildings and architecture all there. :) It's truly stunning.
Just finished FFXIII,

I guess I should go back to FFX or FFXII or even my current run through of FFVIII or FFVII or even FFIX lol. And I got Chrono Cross on the go on my psp.

Too many games on the go. Also spending time playing Forza 3 while I wait for Gran Turismo 5 to come out.
I just finished Final Fantasy VII again.
Now, I'm playing Kingdom Hearts I for the first time. It's really odd, I'm not used to the battle system... and hearing Squall talk was kind of odd too. I'm used to him being silent!
I have far too much on the go at the moment...

Still chugging away *coughs* on Zelda: Spirit Tracks on DS - just beaten the Ocean Realm, I'm taking it fairly slowly - and I'm about halfway through Luminous Arc 2. Still playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky as well...although that is more recruitment than anything else.

Started a new file on Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City on the Wii yesterday...going to see if I can keep that going all year. Decided to name my town "Galbadia" for some reason...also playing Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, which I'm a bit disappointed in...I was hoping for more cutscenes and voice acting, and less crappy visuals. Ah well. If it works for the handheld games, it works for the console ones.

Most of my time (read: life) has been spent on Dragon Age Origins. Currently questing for the Urn of Sacred Ashes...am currently exploring Denerim. Found a wonderful house filled with blood mages, mercenaries and thugs. Rrrgh.
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